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#1 Parent Honest Truetruth - 2014-12-02
Re Vietnam

Good Morning,

no, no. You got it all wrong. Those 3 are 2 real persons. Please: I have seen photographic evidence on this very board, you can google TT and find that he has thousands of friends and grateful followers, you will find that he has compiled, formatted, and published many a text for the internet community and even shared it on this board. He frankly talked about his renowned German publication on TCM and that he is using aliasses on this board is for the protection of your privacy. He is real, like Santa.


#2 Parent Robert - 2014-12-02
Re Vietnam

I know what you mean.

I don't take these guy's seriously but I was thinking that, these 3 are the same ppl. TT, SB and J O lol.

Multiple personalities maybe?, ha ha ha.

Sad really, oh well, to each his own. They mustn't have a life other than to come on this board and spew there nonsense,
because we hold different opinions, than they do.

#3 Parent yu2fa3 - 2014-12-01
Re Vietnam

I am sorry to disappoint you but it's not.

Give your online friend SB, some advice, he needs help, he's lost it.

Well if you're me you'll also be Nicholas Van Hoogstraten, a British property millionaire, also a crony of President Mugabe. And a poster called Woodbine Willie, to name just a couple hahaha. As if they don't have a multitude of aliases themselves like O'Shei, a cut&paste westerner ft made up of all the words of all the posts ever posted. I have to admit that one is a masterpiece put together by an Eastern European poster with usually diabolical English- must take him hours to do each post-credit where it's due. Then of course we have the most infamous of all their aliases, Dr [edited]. Don't take any notice, when they are losing the words' game they accuse you of being some-one else. Take Beth, she was mincing them up so much they had to insist she was a bloke for a very long time; and did everything intrusively disgusting to discredit her.

#4 Parent Robert - 2014-12-01
Re Vietnam

I am sorry to disappoint you but it's not.

Give your online friend SB, some advice, he needs help, he's lost it.

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