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#1 Parent Sludge - 2014-12-04
Re Vietnam

Clearly you know very little about women.

A very groundless statement. and how you connect me with two previous unrelated posters and accuse a simple statement of being misogyny I will never know.

I did not mean all women live in their mother's spare rooms. I reiterate, that a man and woman must share the mortgage, but in some countries the men is expected to be the breadwinner, like East Asia, China and Korea and so on. That is all, no harming of womenfolk intended.

#2 Parent Beth - 2014-12-03
Re Vietnam

I am sorry, but yes men are the provider....sorry, but marriage is pragmatic, you can't get married and live in mums spare room now, can you?

So all women live in their mother's spare rooms until they get married?! What utter nonsense!

Clearly you know very little about women.

But then we've come to expect that level of uniformed misogyny from you SM/CT/Sludge. Do us all a favour and crawl back under your rock.

#3 Parent Sludge - 2014-12-03
Re Vietnam

Men are considered the breadwinners? What decade are you living in?!

What are you on about? How can that be construed as misogynistic?

Anyway, if it offended, I am sorry, but yes men are the provider....sorry, but marriage is pragmatic, you can't get married and live in mums spare room now, can you?

#4 Parent Beth - 2014-12-02
Re Vietnam

Ahhh a little light historic misogyny...

Men are considered the breadwinners? What decade are you living in?!

Isn't this what got you banned before?! Let's stop the women are inferior nonsense before it gets started, eh?

#5 Parent Sludge - 2014-12-02
Re Vietnam

However, many women, including Chinese women, want a man to buy them a house and pay for it in cash, they don't want to contribute anything toward it.

to be fair mate, I don't just think this is a "chinese women thing". Chinese do pay for properties in cash, but even in the UK, where status matters, my brothers wifes parents questioned his salary and future and whether or not he could be a provider. Now he and his wife have a mortgage together which they work to pay off, but I think the real meat of it is this, once you get past bf and gf stage in any relationship, the man is traditionally expected to be the breadwinner. Unless you are treehugging hippies and plan to join a commune in Wales or somewhere,(nothing wrong with that either-conserving the environment is a good thing) and even then you would need property or money for renting should things go south, materialistic demands are going to have to be met one way or another, even the wedding ceremony and honeymoon itself must be paid for. What is it they say in your teens, an idealist, in your 20s, a socialist, in your 30s, a realist. Money comes into everything-sad but very true.

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