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#1 Parent Beth - 2014-12-07

It is a private school, accredited by Cambridge ESOL to deliver ESOL exams... Exams that you will note are internationally recognized and required for entry to university for foreign speakers and required by employers for certain positions.

Only your wilful ignorance is keeping you blind to the validity of ESOL exams.

I teach English to foreign speakers, my first priority is their fluency and the second is preparing them for the exams that will permit them to get the job the want or the university placement they want.

So the students you had just magically acquired a second language at advanced level, did they? Do me a favour! You're delusional!

Stop delivering verdicts on teaching methodology for YL classes. It is obvious you have no idea what you're talking about! Your pitiful attempts to denigrate areas of teaching that you know nothing about, just makes you look foolish and archaic. It's certainly not a becoming attitude for somebody who claims to be an educator.

As I have stated repeatedly, teaching is a constant learning process... Which is why I regularly attend teaching seminars, the last one just last month in Valladolid. I also attend regular webinars with respected academics on different teaching methodology. Claiming I am the one who isn't interested in continued professional development is utterly hypocritical, given that you regularly defend/support the likes of SM/SB who advocate doing as little as possible for their students in order to maximize their own free time!

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