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#1 Parent An old friend. - 2015-01-02
Re Teaching in China, Chinese women.

It has been confirmed that the Great Firewall is attacking VPN service providers right now as we speak. Minor blips have happened before, but this is a definitely a well organised and planned attack. We'll see what happens.

This site does use some Google API's, which can slow down access considerably.

#2 Parent Beth - 2014-12-30
Re Teaching in China, Chinese women.

Aww, bless. Santa bought Turnoi a thesaurus for Christmas! About time! Maybe next year, if you're a really good boy, he'll bring you a dictionary so you can look up words like 'sexist', 'lazy' and going by this last post 'incisive' and 'distinction'!

You didn't know what an offshore site was. Either you have trouble with the English language or you don't understand much about the internet! Your own limitations are nothing to do with me, yet again you're just acting out because somebody has pulled you up on your posts!

#3 Parent martin hainan - 2014-12-29
Re Teaching in China, Chinese women.

The levels of IQ on this board are dipping dangerously low.

As an educator of children your affection for personal invective might be worthy of some self-examination, and perhaps from this forum's monitors.
Your distinction between my reference to Chinese government interference in access to this forum and your incisive terminology 'the great firewall' is certainly the work of a beautiful intellect. Any reader would recognize that my question regarding off-shore sites was not about their definition but in what manner a sites 'location' would make any difference to the Chinese government's ability to domestically limit access to them.
I wonder if its more difficult to recognize arrogance and self-aggrandizement in oneself when surrounded by a classroom full of children?
#4 Parent Beth - 2014-12-29
Re Teaching in China, Chinese women.

Yes, China are paying me to post that you lot are misogynistic, racist, Neanderthals, who are more concerned with getting their jollies than doing a good job in the classroom.

I've said repeatedly that ESL in China is rubbish and serious teachers should steer clear as it is predominantly dominated by tourist-teachers like yourselves. I've also said that the Chinese approach to education is appalling. But I maintain that a good teacher can teach well no matter where they are, as the quality of the lesson.is the sole responsibility of the teacher themselves. I wrote a scathing review of the state of EFDL when I left, which you all ignore as it doesn't fit with the 'GW' persona you have fallaciously created.

No, China would never pay me to post glowing things about the country or the schools there, as any fool with half a brain has seen from my posts I do not support China or it's education system. I just find "teachers" (although I use the term loosely) like you, SB and SM to have repugnant views on women, Asian people in general and your attitudes towards teaching. The two are not symbiotic; disagreeing with your views does not mean I love China. It just means I find you deplorable.

Yet again, you throw smokescreen insults instead of looking at the content of the post and therefore end up confusing my contempt for the troll troupe with support for China. You confuse my condemnation of your opinions with blanket support of Private schools. This is either due to a basic lack of reading ability on your parts, or your inability to distinguish between contempt for a person from contempt for a system.

And don't even get me started on the hypocrisy of the recent trend for calling people thick for suggesting you lot are using aliases to post, when that has been your favourite watery for the past god knows how long!

Or the frankly atrocious grammar you all come out with yet still have the audacity to claim you are English teachers!

No, China doesn't have to pay me to show you up for the racist, misogynistic, frauds you are, I do that quite happily for free!

#5 Parent Beth - 2014-12-29
Re Teaching in China, Chinese women.

Off shore sites meaning sites that are hosted outside of China. Even with a VPN access to non-censored sites (ie off shore sites) is slower thanks to the great firewall.

The levels of IQ on this board are dipping dangerously low.

#6 Parent Somebody - 2014-12-29
Re Teaching in China, Chinese women.

What does "off-shore sites" refer to?

Sites with servers outside of China.

And again, I've had little trouble accessing this one. A bit slow sometimes that is all.

And I don't use a VPN.

#7 Parent Somebody - 2014-12-29
Re Teaching in China, Chinese women.

Yes, we can all agree that there's also quite a few bad foreigners out there in China and I'm not just talking about the ones that post on this board.

We aren't racist when it comes to scumbags. We are aware that they come in all different shapes and colours and we despise of them all equally. With the exception of small bean regarders like yu2fa3, we hate them even more.

So much hate.

You see things in black and white.

Like a child.

#8 Parent martin hainan - 2014-12-29
Re Teaching in China, Chinese women.

especially for off-shore sites.

I specifically said "in China" and VPN. What does "off-shore sites" refer to?

#9 Parent John O'Shei - 2014-12-29
Re Teaching in China, Chinese women.

Yes, we can all agree that there's also quite a few bad foreigners out there in China and I'm not just talking about the ones that post on this board.

We aren't racist when it comes to scumbags. We are aware that they come in all different shapes and colours and we despise of them all equally. With the exception of small bean regarders like yu2fa3, we hate them even more.

#10 Parent A Chinese - 2014-12-29
Re Teaching in China, Chinese women.

I am sorry if there is anything I said in the last post that makes you feel uncomfortable. What I meant is to the post that has terrible comments to the Chinese women, I, in fact,am a chinese woman too who have seen, met and worked with lots of westerners, lots of them are my good friends too. I didn't mean to hurt the people who have the commen sense. As a adult, when you meet a woman or girl, no matter where are they from, if you are clear with your mind, you always should know what to do is right.If you met some women who always try to get the money from you and even cannot communicate in a common language, don't you know what they try to get? But it doesn't mean all the chinese women like that.All my written is particularly for the first post about chinese women when I just unluckily saw the post. I felt angry at the moment.
Just to all the people, in the world- there are always two sides: Good and Bad, no matter where are you from, Women and Men, always consists two kinds as well.
Before when I saw the post like that, my foreign friends always told me" just leave it, don't say anything, as if you say anything, there are always more"
I agreed with it and today I saw another post" Arguing with a fool proves there are two"
To all of you here. I agreed with it too and I start becoming a fool! :)
Cheers and Happy New Year

#11 Parent Somebody - 2014-12-29
Re Teaching in China, Chinese women.

Accessing this forum in China has become increasingly difficult, even with a VPN.

Really? I haven't had many problems.

Just sometimes a slow Internet, especially for off-shore sites.

#12 Parent martin hainan - 2014-12-28
Re Teaching in China, Chinese women.

Accessing this forum in China has become increasingly difficult, even with a VPN.
Criticism of schools in China, both public and private, is the likely cause of government censor interest.
It would be unfortunate if the personal diatribes resulted in the demise of the useful information on school employment conditions.

#13 Parent John O'Shei - 2014-12-28
Re Teaching in China, Chinese women.

五毛党 (from Chinasmack.com)

[wǔ máo dǎng / wu3 mao2 dang3]
People who are allegedly and secretly paid five mao (50 cents RMB) per post/comment that praises, supports, or defends from criticism/attack the country, government, or Communist Party. Netizens who are very nationalistic are often accused of being part of the “50 cent party” spreading propaganda or “guiding” public opinion.

As far as myself and many other posters can see, any attempt to criticize a shit school will be fought against viciously with posts written in various levels of Chinglish, using methods that can be described as being very similar to posters on Chinese message boards. They will attempt to discredit those that criticize the status quo and post messages that not only defend, but praise the offending establishment, thus swinging opinion in the manner of a 'wumao.'

We've seen the same pattern for years.

It is not clear whether most wumaos on this board are unofficial ones that merely imitate true wumao tactics that they have seen elsewhere on the behalf of a school or wumaos of a more official nature; people who have been asked by corrupt officials with interests in certain schools (especially public universities of a shittier nature). But there has been reported evidence albeit of a slightly questionable nature regarding the possible presence of wumaos on sites that are frequently visited by expats (I've posted about this before) - http://chinadailymail.com/2013/09/19/china-targets-foreigners-through-expat-websites-3/

Unfortunately, as much as the more honourable teachers on the site may wish to merely act in the best interests of fellow foreigners in China, they could be unintentionally damaging the reputation of China as a country (although I would argue that it is shit people from China that are actually responsible for damaging China's reputation, not those that tell their story afterwards).


#14 Parent Mike - 2014-12-28
Re Teaching in China, Chinese women.

Yes, I am very racist towards ignorant nationalists, wumaos and GW's who are probably far
more racist than I am.

You are so very right! You said it all.

#15 Parent Beth - 2014-12-27
Re Teaching in China, Chinese women.

And what, precisely, is a "wumao purpose" ?!

Because so far all your made up insults tend to be geared around people who are respectful of other cultures, take pride in their jobs and actually care about other people than themselves.

So not so much an insult but a testament to their superior character!

#16 Parent Dorking Demonologist - 2014-12-28
Re Teaching in China, Chinese women.

LOL @ these fools that think Chinese visas are gold-dust.

A very curious statement that I have never heard any FT in China make.Highly intriguing.I can assure you I have met more foreigners who have had trouble getting Chinese work visas through no fault of their own, than finding success. Certain provinces are best avoided, I will let you come to your own conclusions as to which ones.The actions of a few peadophiles and rogues have spoiled it for the many IMHO.In HK and Taiwan you DO NOT need a criminal record check, and the pay and living conditions are better....so the exodus goes!!!!

#17 Parent John O'Shei - 2014-12-26
Re Teaching in China, Chinese women.

Anybody who serves a wumao purpose deserves ridicule. [edited]

#18 Parent John O'Shei - 2014-12-27
Re Teaching in China, Chinese women.

That is usually not an issue for me :D . No dodgy agents and bribes required for me, I'm not that unemployable, lol.

LOL @ these fools that think Chinese visas are gold-dust. If you play by the admittedly ever-changing rules, you'll probably get one in 99% of cases. Get a degree, don't get a criminal record... that ain't exactly much to ask for!

Besides, if you don't get one, there's actually far nicer countries that you can teach in. If I didn't have other stuff going on in China, there would be many other countries that would seem far more tempting for me, whether their requirements be ridiculously strict or stupidly weak.

#19 Parent John O'Shei - 2014-12-27
Re Teaching in China, Chinese women.

Yes, I am very racist towards ignorant nationalists, wumaos and GW's who are probably far more racist than I am.

I don't need my 'non-racist/politically correct badge' for extra cool points to show off to some of the moronic types that post on this board, I say what I believe is right rather than keeping the status quo. I'll criticize people regardless of nationality, race etcetera if I feel that it is right. Some of the people that post on this board, have sold out to China, despite the fact that for the vast majority of Chinese people, these people are nothing but an unwanted gift to their country, lol.

Rather than merely adapting to the culture in terms of simply understanding it whilst maintaining your own values, like a honourable person should do; many people have completely sold out or are still in the tourist stage of life in China. If you are in front of Chinese people, avoid causing a loss of face by all means, by treading on eggshells and not being so direct when you speak, but if you are on this board which is hosted in a WESTERN country, you should be direct and say what you think.

As for those Western people that just love shouting out 'RACIST!' because it makes you feel good... The link below is for you.

#20 Parent Beth - 2014-12-27
Re Teaching in China, Chinese women.

There was nothing great about it. Nothing at all.

#21 Parent Dorking Demonologist - 2014-12-27
Re Teaching in China, Chinese women.

Many of us live in China

On the proviso you qualify for a visa, of course!!

#22 Parent Chazz - 2014-12-27
Re Teaching in China, Chinese women.

Great post man!

#23 Parent Mike - 2014-12-27
Re Teaching in China, Chinese women.

Some of these articles ... seem sexist and written by older men that seem a bit bitter

Yes. Here you are right. [/b]

You hypocritical bastards must be a right bunch of completely weak and utterly retarded people.

Utterly racist comment.

#24 Parent yu2fa3 - 2014-12-26
Re Teaching in China, Chinese women.

I happen to be with a Chinese woman, but I don't have no yellow fever fetish; she's just the woman that happens to be lucky/unlucky enough to end up with me, lol.

She doesn't seem to be getting in your hair on Boxing Day!? By the way, Mr T, not having 'no yellow fever fetish' means that you do...no? When I was in China with a girlfriend i certainly had no time to visit forums on Boxing Day. Or that much of Boxing Day left to me. 'A Chinese' was correct to be offended. But my message to him was , 'don't be offended' because you and SB are certainly not having Chinese girls on toast! Maybe a bit of scrag-end down them pink rooms from time to time.

#25 Parent Somebody - 2014-12-26
Re Teaching in China, Chinese women.

Did she hit a nerve, "O'shei"?

#26 Parent John O'Shei - 2014-12-26
Re Teaching in China, Chinese women.

Your wumaoesque post just proves how stupid and racist a small minority of Chinese people are.

Many of us live in China, hence we don't have much choice but to go for Chinese women as they make up 99.9% of the female population! Not to mention that being 'A Chinese' is nothing exclusive or special, you make up about 25% of the world's population and your women are by no means off limits to us!

I'm lucky enough to have dated women from quite a few different countries whilst living in China (due to working in many different larger cities), so my situation can get even more complicated. For me, Chinese women are fairly simple to deal with compared with women from ex-Soviet republics and Japan, lol (but that is only my personal opinion). I happen to be with a Chinese woman, but I don't have no yellow fever fetish; she's just the woman that happens to be lucky/unlucky enough to end up with me, lol.

For many of us, the dating game will be an ongoing process until we get married and it doesn't stop whilst living in China,so you can take your 'find one in your own country' bollocks and stick it your arse!

Besides, one essential difference between Western and Chinese culture is the fact that we don't go on a wife-hunting mission (like many pathetic 25 year old virgin Chinese men from the countryside) from the beginning as soon as we leave uni, we enjoy casual encounters and one night stands e.t.c, but if we one day find an exceptional woman that's worth keeping, then we can consider real relationships and marriage. It took me a few years to find a decent woman in this respect and there's cultural conflicts here and there between us, but we love each other enough to always work these little problems out.

Some of these articles (both on here and elsewhere) may seem sexist and written by older men that seem a bit bitter, but that doesn't remove the fact that there's often a lot of truth in them! Not to mention, that there's tonnes of articles on the Chinese websites warning Chinese women not to date foreigners and all that shite, yet your lot will cry your eyes out at the first sight of a foreigner criticizing Chinese women? You hypocritical bastards must be a right bunch of completely weak and utterly retarded people. I sincerely hope that the majority of other Chinese people aren't like your sort, otherwise you have royally f**ked up as a country and are truly deserving of the rest of the world laughing in your face!

#27 Parent yu2fa3 - 2014-12-25
Re Teaching in China, Chinese women.

Oh My God! The comments about Chinese Women are ridiculous ! Don't you have a brain to think about what is rignt and what is wrong? Why do you particularly focus on Chinese women? If you are looking for a girlfriend or wife, find one in your own country who could reach all of your expectation!

Hahaha. I believe he can't get a Chinese woman. Now ,that's really annoying if you really want one. As for Western women; men who can't get those to give them the time of day ,tend to start sniffing around Asian girls. If they pay by the hour for an Asian girl ,it's affordable, but their sister tradewomen come a bit expensive for your average Joe, so off they go to China.

#28 Parent A Chinese - 2014-12-25
Re Teaching in China, Chinese women.

Oh My God! The comments about Chinese Women are ridiculous ! Don't you have a brain to think about what is rignt and what is wrong? Why do you particularly focus on Chinese women? If you are looking for a girlfriend or wife, find one in your own country who could reach all of your expectation!

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