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#1 Parent Sludge - 2015-01-05
Re Changing careers

If you are in Spain, or Madrid, madrilenos are certainly not shy of a night on the tiles. I quite liked madrid when I was there, but I found it intolerable in terms of weather. Summer is too suffocating, winter is very cold. No wonder most spaniards like to get properties in the south and east, milder winters, and a sea breeze in summer.

#2 Parent Beth - 2015-01-03
Re Changing careers

I doubt my little students would ever come to this board! And on the off chance my adults did, it wouldn't be anything they didn't already know! I see most of them when I go out in the city!

#3 Parent Sludge - 2015-01-03
Re Changing careers

hope your students do not see that one, joking, lol

#4 Parent yu2fa3 - 2015-01-02
Re: Re Changing careers

It's good that "Every train ticket price included ticket price"

Yes, it comes to a bit more, an extra 10 dollars per person for something. Good to pay by paypal though. InfANTS go free of course.

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#5 Parent Fifi - 2015-01-02
Re: Re Changing careers

It's good that "Every train ticket price included ticket price"

#6 Parent yu2fa3 - 2015-01-02
Re Changing careers

Thank you :)

Great NYE had, it's taken a whole day to recover but it was worth it! Started off at 6pm on NYE with a bottle of prosecco as big as my head and continued on a similar theme until 1pm yesterday... Urrgh!

Christmas was amazing too!

Hope everything goes ok and there isn't any child snatching! All the best for 2015, give Esther a hug from me! :)

A lovely picture, thanks.

It seems like this Spring Festival is going to be busier than ever; our friend couldn't get rail tickets for us from Beijing for 15 Feb. However it seems they hold some back for foreign visitors so I was able to book up on the Internet- hard seats. Herein are contact detail, if any-one is interested.

Greetings from www.ChinaTrainTickets.Net ! Thank you for booking train tickets from us!
We have received your full payment for the following train tickets:
BOOKING No. **************
it is not stand we have issued or get your train tickets, we will send another final confirmation letter to you after we issued the train tickets.
Booking Details:
2015-02-15, Beijing West/Taiyuan T41, 14:22 - 19:13, 2 tickets, Hard Seat is USD 12.83/per person.

* Every train ticket price included ticket price, services cost.
We will send the train tickets Issue Number to you in our final confirmation letter.
For any change or further questions, please feel free to contact us in time ! Thank you for choosing CTT as your China Train Tickets and Tours dealler!
Kindly Regards,
CTT - China Train & Tours !
For China Train Tickets Sales: chinatraintickets.net@gmail.com
For China Train Tours Packages: tour.chinatraintickets.net@gmail.com
For Technical Support: It.chinatraintickets.net@gmail.com
Our Paypal Account Email: chinatraintickets.net@gmail.com Please DO NOT SEND ANY PAYMENT TO ANY OTHER PAYPAL ACCOUNT!
Emergency Contact Phone: +86-18992820979
Web: http://www.chinatraintickets.net

#7 Parent Beth - 2015-01-02
Re Changing careers

Thank you :)

Great NYE had, it's taken a whole day to recover but it was worth it! Started off at 6pm on NYE with a bottle of prosecco as big as my head and continued on a similar theme until 1pm yesterday... Urrgh!

Christmas was amazing too!

Hope everything goes ok and there isn't any child snatching! All the best for 2015, give Esther a hug from me! :)

#8 Parent yu2fa3 - 2015-01-01
Re Changing careers

Posts about Turnoi personally tend to be whimsically edited or even completely disappear.

The moderation on this site seems to have a personal relation with him.

I posted a link to a EFL job ad for a martial arts college by a certain Turnoi Turk..... (however it is spelled), Academic Coordinator, and it never made the light of day.

By the way, the pay was pathetically low for Switzerland.

The thing is, he hasn't stopped posting. I suppose that has to be borne in mind. Of course he hasn't stopped posting. What other addict can just quit after 7 or 8 years?

#9 Parent yu2fa3 - 2014-12-31
Re Changing careers

Why on earth was that edited?! I said nothing rude, vulgar or insulting!!

Their wonders to behold!?

Never mind, you've done a splendid job the last few months. Hope you have a happy new year, and having more fun at the moment that I am. My ex-wife and grown up daughter have gotten to me with alarming suggestions that Chinese family (wife's) could well snatch little Esther when we visit next month. I think they are being paranoid but have decided to get really fit before the trip just in case -fit enough to fight hahaha! hence no drinks for me tonight. haifen thinks my not celebrating tonight is very strange behaviour indeed-she don't know why hahaha!

#10 Parent Somebody - 2015-01-01
Re Changing careers

Posts about Turnoi personally tend to be whimsically edited or even completely disappear.

The moderation on this site seems to have a personal relation with him.

I posted a link to a EFL job ad for a martial arts college by a certain Turnoi Turk..... (however it is spelled), Academic Coordinator, and it never made the light of day.

By the way, the pay was pathetically low for Switzerland.

#11 Parent Beth - 2014-12-31
Re Changing careers

Why on earth was that edited?! I said nothing rude, vulgar or insulting!!

#12 Parent Beth - 2014-12-31
Re Changing careers

the internet doesn't forget

And nor should it.

If somebody who made the dreadful mistakes Turnoi did/does applied for a position teaching or assessing the English language I would want to be able to see his real self... [edited]

#13 Parent yu2fa3 - 2014-12-31
Re Changing careers

Well: If you earned a reputation like TT on this board, you would not publish serious work under that very name. If you started a new career under that name, you would like all ridiculous, even remotely racist, misogyn and embarassing evidence that would taint your new endevavour deleted and hidden from public view. Wouldn't you? Sad really, the internet doesn't forget.

I think he was just cross when he had his stuff deleted. He'll be back as Turnoi, in due course. He felt let down I imagine, and quite frankly I can understand why.

#14 Parent Mike - 2014-12-31
Re Changing careers

He doesn't have an academic position in Switzerland; nor does he have a book about to be
published, a little retirement cottage in rural China, or is the dean of a public
university at another undisclosed location in China. Turnoi is/was one lie after
another, and he asked for his posts to be deleted when it all caught up with him... And
now he lives on under aliases like you! Sad really!

Well: If you earned a reputation like TT on this board, you would not publish serious work under that very name. If you started a new career under that name, you would like all ridiculous, even remotely racist, misogyn and embarassing evidence that would taint your new endevavour deleted and hidden from public view. Wouldn't you? Sad really, the internet doesn't forget.

#15 Parent yu2fa3 - 2014-12-30
Re: Re Changing careers

I don't think Martin is Turnoi, Beth.

Hahaha! The post she responded to looks boring and copy&paste enough to me. I don't know what 'Martin' means but 'hainan' is almost certainly a beautiful spot in the South of China hai3 nan2. I did comment concerning the poster I believe but the mods seemed unimpressed with my post and it was binned hahaha!

#16 Parent Fifi - 2014-12-30
Re: Re Changing careers

I don't think Martin is Turnoi, Beth.

#17 Parent Beth - 2014-12-30
Re Changing careers

Private schools may make a small profit and that is done in order to remain.open, to continue providing education.

Your problem, Turnoi, is that you are unable or unwilling to make this simple distinction as all of your inflated opinions are predicated on sweeping, blanket generalisations.


#18 Parent martin hainan - 2014-12-30
Re Changing careers

Society has a moral obligation to provide food, clothing, housing, healthcare and education to its citizens. The constitution of all European countries and most other developed countries cites these national obligations. The United States constitution recognizes only three.

Capitalism acts to deliver these divergent services with varying degrees of efficiency. The market model for the delivery of healthcare and education is particularly problematic.

Private schools that do not make profits will eventually be closed. Private hospitals that do not make profits will be closed. Yet all poor and sick children are entitled to quality education and healthcare. The developed nation-state must enforce its mandates to education and healthcare, regardless of profit. Private schools and hospitals, if they are corporations, are by definition "committed" to making profits for shareholders. They may, and often do, perform a valuable function in providing excellent care to individuals who can pay, directly or indirectly, for their services. But corporations have no emotions or values: they are legal fiscal conceits. Ascribing any values to them is merely a marketing activity.

Teachers do have values. Schools poor in dollars and resources may be rich in teacher quality. Corporate schools, again by definition, must view labor as an expense, to be minimized in cost and maximized in efficiency. But they too may be fortunate enough to recruit teachers that have talent as well as being cost effective service providers.

#19 Parent Beth - 2014-12-29
Re Changing careers

Turnoi left the board and asked for his posts to be deleted because his claims to be a teacher of advanced English were thoroughly rubbished when his dreadful mistakes in quite basic English were highlighted by myself and others.

Nobody feels he was 'hounded' from the board; he had a tantrum at having his 'authority' shown up to be woefully undeserved and asked for his posts to be deleted so people couldn't see things like him not knowing TKT was a CESOL certification, that sexist doesn't mean to be sexually attractive, that his insistence that emphasis with inversion applied only to phrases and not to single words and a whole host of other nonsense that would make me look petty for bringing up.

Turnoi was used to having the whole board accept his every word as gospel and didn't like it when people pointed out it was far from it.

He doesn't have an academic position in Switzerland; nor does he have a book about to be published, a little retirement cottage in rural China, or is the dean of a public university at another undisclosed location in China. Turnoi is/was one lie after another, and he asked for his posts to be deleted when it all caught up with him... And now he lives on under aliases like you! Sad really!

#20 Parent Beth - 2014-12-29
Re Changing careers

No, I don't think it has become a profit industry. In some areas, yes, profits are important... But on the whole the vast majority of private schools do not make a lot of profit and exist in order to educate their students. The ones that are more concerned with profits are the type of school that attracts tourist-teachers like o'turnoi, sb and sm... Fake teachers for fake schools.

The schools I have worked for and currently work at in Europe put the education of the students first and would never, ever hire idiots like the trolls that populate this board.

#21 Parent John O'Shei - 2014-12-29
Re Changing careers

It is all well and good to make a profit when that is the desired objective of the business. In Education, it shouldn't really be like that; if that profit comes at the expense of the actual educational side of things. I don't mind educational institutions making a profit, but their product quality must be assured in the long term and some of that profit must be reinvested into the school to ensure that it stay up to date with the ever changing world.

What's more, if you've ever worked in a training centre, you'll notice that the staff that are supposed to be ensuring that the place makes a profit, don't really do a good job. They'll treat their customers shabbily for short-term gains and wonder why their sales figures are significantly lower a few months later.

Then there's the way that such places treat staff... If cheating teachers out of wages, flight and benefits is the way that you choose to make money, then your organisation obviously isn't doing a good job of hiring the right staff, providing the correct materials and resources, marketing the school etc.

#22 Parent John O'Shei - 2014-12-29
Re Changing careers

Turnoi left the board to focus upon his new academic position in Switzerland and he requested that all his previous posts be deleted. I'm sure that he has legitimate reasons for that, there's a goodbye post somewhere. Some feel that he was hounded from the board, I merely feel that he had more important things to do, many of us don't post here for long periods of time for similar reasons.maybe like yourself.

As for changing careers...

Most teachers end up wanting to leave eventually for different reasons and not just in China either. Some advise banking some cash to prepare yourself for an exit, the best way out for some is to take a job in a different industry at a lower salary and work their way up the career ladder.

However, what I can tell you is that some teaching jobs don't require you to work so hard or work so many hours. It gives you the chance to 'feel the waters' and dabble in other things, if you keep it low key ;) .

Sure education is becoming a profit making industry. So consider making profit of your own for the right reasons.

#23 Parent Somebody - 2014-12-29
Re Changing careers

it has become a profit making industry

Are you expecting to find anything different by changing careers?

zandy - 2014-12-29
Changing careers

Is it me or has anyone felt that they want to get out of teaching. It seems to me in all areas of education, it has become a profit making industry.

BTW..I have not been on this board in couple of years...What happened to Turnoi.

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