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#1 Parent Beth - 2015-01-02
Re academic discourse

Oh I've given up trying now. They don't want academic discourse... And while the owners and mods of this board are happy to allow it to continue this board will never be a teachers board, merely a place for like minded bigots to bemoan all things China whilst trying desperately to get themselves a Chinese girlfriend.

The only reason I continue to post here is to offer a some actual teaching knowledge to counter their warped view of the profession to make sure people reading this board for the first time know that they are certainly not indicative of real teachers in the ESL community, they are simply conversation teachers who wouldn't know real teaching if it slapped them in the face... It's why there can't be academic discourse here, not when their idea of a good classroom exercise is doings anagrams and their knowledge of the wider implications of teaching ESL could be written on the back of a very small stamp.

#2 Parent Beth - 2015-01-02
Re academic discourse

This is rather a hypocritical post given that you have posted on threads I have started (in an attempt to move discussions in to a more positive and academic realm) rubbishing the thread topic. Classroom management, for example. You cannot shake your head sadly at the state of contributions to the site when you yourself are guilty of the very thing you are bemoaning.

And why make the distinction that it's a focus only for EFL in China? This just shows your limitations; ESL is much wider than advanced English teaching in Chinese universities! I've taught English in England, Europe and Asia. Academic discourse is important everywhere and at every stage of the learning process!

And no, it's not the discourse of actual educators. There are maybe 3 people who regularly post on this board who would qualify as actual educators; unfortunately we are in the minority and as such how can you expect to have academic discourse with people whose sole reason for teaching is in order to get access to the women of the country they are living in?

#3 Parent Mike - 2015-01-01
Re academic discourse

Academic discourse
, now that's a good one to start the year on a light note. All attempts by posters like "Beth" to start an academic discourse on this board are ridiculed by people who prefer to discuss the services of hookers. Worse are the posters who justify misogynic or openly racist comments esp. about Chinese and Asian women. I would not introduce this forum to my students. Guilty by association.

An honest academic discourse would require honest academics and real names, not like ...

martin hainan - 2015-01-01
academic discourse

Academic discourse socialization is a primary focus for EFL teachers of advanced students in Chinese universities. I suspect that it is also a significant measurement rubric in the IELTS and Cambridge and other international ESL tests.
As I visit this site, I wonder about the ability of our profession to conduct our own academic discourse. I would be at a loss to explain the tenor of the communication on this forum to my students. I can merely hope that much of it is merely the product of internet provocateurs, personal or governmental, and not the discourse of actual educators.

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