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#1 Parent Sludge - 2015-01-15
Re: Re Changing careers

Regardless, the good old days are most certainly over. Something big is on the horizon, but there's mixed reports about.

I would agree here. Read a book called the great deception or something similar. A former soviet politburo predicted that China will introduce a pseudo-democracy in 2016 to make the west believe they have reformed, but it will actually be similar to Russia where one party and one president maintains power, or similar to that of Kazakhstan where the same leader stays in power for a long time and crushes dissent.So not the CPC but not western style democracy either.

#2 Parent John O'Shei - 2015-01-14
Re: Re Changing careers

The smarter ones will either be in the process of gradually planning to move elsewhere, whether that be back home or to new places with more potential; some may still find some business opportunities in China and their time spent there will have benefited them greatly. Regardless, the good old days are most certainly over. Something big is on the horizon, but there's mixed reports about.

Most old China heads that I know seem to be either tied down in China permanently or are on their way out, even though that is more complicated for them than simply flying back home, because they have got married, had kids and maybe even set things up here.

There's a lot of silly young naive GW's and silly old loser GW's coming over these days and there's no need for most decent teachers/other expats to even want to have to anything to do with those guys, never mind feel a need to ever compete with them.

#3 Parent Sludge - 2015-01-14
Re: Re Changing careers

Yes the days of the good and easy jobs seem to be gone in China. Inflation, a tougher visa process, and a whole slew of GW's content to take it up the a##e have ruined it all.

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