Return to Index › Suggestions for Canadian lawyer for teaching ESL?
#1 Parent Paez - 2004-05-28
Re: Suggestions for Canadian lawyer for teaching ESL?

Hi Louise
You sound well qualified to teach in a good university in China. I suggest you look for a university that specializes in law. As for your family, most universities provide to families apts, for your infant, there are pleanty of English schools at very reasonable prices and safe. Try first to contact universities directly, after recruiters. I suggest that your goal be teaching law first, more money and better schedule than teaching esl with less educated teachers (majority of them).

If you need a list of universities, please let me know, I probably could suggest a few.

Regards, Paez

Louise - 2004-05-28
Suggestions for Canadian lawyer for teaching ESL?

Would anyone have any suggestions regarding any universities, colleges, business colleges, corporations, etc. that might be interested in hiring a lawyer from Canada to teach ESL or ? I have a husband and a 7 year old son, and we are interested in adventure...We are prepared to consider any location (keeping in mind a school for our son would have to be available). Thank you for any and all suggestions!!! Please feel free to respond to this board, or email davebarb@uniserve.com

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