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#1 Parent Observer - 2018-03-29
Re: Re We lost 15% of our Taffy

Indeed. This board evidently is no longer a teachers' board. It should be renamed "crazyboard.com" for all the diatribe posted here. There is nothing helpful for teachers with perhaps the exception of the School Review section. What a shame!

A little better than your comprehension level, but still awfully low for one who scams their way around China while pretending to be a teacher of English.
#2 Parent Taffy - 2018-03-29
Re: Re We lost 15% of our Taffy

"When ignorance gets started, it knows no bounds."
Will Rogers

I know, you were peddling snake oil to the Red Indians but you did teach Will Rogers all the witty English he knew. Then he passed away before the yanks arrived 4 years late for the second world war. Did you know the reason why letters and stuff are missing from America type English? Cos all the old teachers were pretend ones who couldn't spell, Hahaha! True though. Of course you knew!!

#3 Parent heretosay - 2018-03-29
Re: Re We lost 15% of our Taffy

Whatever have you did to Observer, Heretosay, he's always bollocking you? But I'll let you
deal wiv him. That sentence above- see if you can turn it into a half-classy sentence
for him hahaha! Always the same with sarcastic peasants, they send you...let's say....
sentences which need working on.

The sentence in question needs no work. Again, the comprehension problem on your part. With tongue in cheek, Observer has shown his support for my observation.

And like most pretend teachers in China, your writing also needs some serious attention. I'll give you an ESL level 4 on that one. A little better than your comprehension level, but still awfully low for one who scams their way around China while pretending to be a teacher of English.

#4 Parent heretosay - 2018-03-29
Re: Re We lost 15% of our Taffy

Whether true or not, what sense does it make to talk about literacy or reading comprehension
to those who can't read and prefer to remain as ignorant as they actually are?

Your point is well taken, and thanks for the laugh, Observer; however, despite its uselessness, it's sometimes soothing to call it like it is.

"When ignorance gets started, it knows no bounds."
Will Rogers

There's plenty of evidence here in this forum to support that, as well as the quote below.

"The eye sees only what the mind is prepared to comprehend."
Robertson Davies

#5 Parent Taffy - 2018-03-29
Re: Re We lost 15% of our Taffy

Whether true or not, what sense does it make to talk about literacy or reading comprehension to those who can't read and prefer to remain as ignorant as they actually are?

Your reading comprehension is about Level Three.

Whatever have you did to Observer, Heretosay, he's always bollocking you? But I'll let you deal wiv him. That sentence above- see if you can turn it into a half-classy sentence for him hahaha! Always the same with sarcastic peasants, they send you...let's say.... sentences which need working on.

#6 Parent Observer - 2018-03-29
Re: Re We lost 15% of our Taffy

We should help and enlighten him. :D

#7 Parent Observer - 2018-03-29
Re: Re We lost 15% of our Taffy

Whether true or not, what sense does it make to talk about literacy or reading comprehension to those who can't read and prefer to remain as ignorant as they actually are?

Your reading comprehension is about Level Three.
#8 Parent heretosay - 2018-03-29
Re: Re We lost 15% of our Taffy

Heretosay seems to be confusing her student victims of Pol Pot with scrounging immigrants
entering the UK.

Didn't say I had students who were victims of Pol Pot.

Recently pointed out that I'm not a women.

Your reading comprehension is about Level Three.

"Scrounging immigrants." How very descriptive of you.

#9 Parent Taffy - 2018-03-29
Re: Re We lost 15% of our Taffy

He didn't think of that. I suppose you have paid plenty of tax in the UK over the years also.

It is the young immigrants coming in who are the problem. Those who have contributed nothing to British society but they get all the rewards straight away.

Yes, you have to get at least 30 years in if you want to qualify for a full state pension. But elderly immigrants who move to UK (and there's lots of them) can claim just as much in the way of 'income support' (think it's called that)

Heretosay seems to be confusing her student victims of Pol Pot with scrounging immigrants entering the UK.

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