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#1 Parent Taffy - 2018-03-29
Re: Re We lost 15% of our Taffy

Your knowledge of historical facts is very basic, to put it mildly. The African slave traders you were mentioning kidnapped Dr Dolittle, Conan Doyle, Jack the Ripper and the English Queen to eat them up. They were not interested in ordinary villagers from the English coast because they did not taste too well as they had too much of the stinky fish and chips odour on them. These African slave traders came all from highly civilised nations where cannibalism remained just as a relic of their less civilised past. Why ignoring or denying these hard historical facts? You know them, and everybody does. You should also teach your Chinese students these points of glorious English history.

You sound familiar. Is that Turnoi? I bet it is! hahaha- How's it going?

#2 Parent Observer - 2018-03-29
Re: Re We lost 15% of our Taffy

Your knowledge of historical facts is very basic, to put it mildly. The African slave traders you were mentioning kidnapped Dr Dolittle, Conan Doyle, Jack the Ripper and the English Queen to eat them up. They were not interested in ordinary villagers from the English coast because they did not taste too well as they had too much of the stinky fish and chips odour on them. These African slave traders came all from highly civilised nations where cannibalism remained just as a relic of their less civilised past. Why ignoring or denying these hard historical facts? You know them, and everybody does. You should also teach your Chinese students these points of glorious English history.

#3 Parent Observer - 2018-03-29
Re: Re We lost 15% of our Taffy

Indeed. There are Polars bears in the Sahara now. He knows that too. Good teacher! :D

At least try to act like you have a bit of an education. This is, after all, a forum for teachers.
#4 Parent Taffy - 2018-03-29
Re: Re We lost 15% of our Taffy

f you want to worry about something and provide meaningful statistics, you could focus in on the here and now and the despicable truth and horrific numbers of women as sex slaves in Great Britain. If you need help in your research, find some middle school students who have better reading skills than yourself and who won't be inclined to blame it all on Muslims and other immigrants.

Sex slaves in Britain are all operated by filthy immigrants. The sooner they are gone the better and you are right to be concerned.

#5 Parent heretosay - 2018-03-29
Re: Re We lost 15% of our Taffy

I bring facts to the table, Curious, main-course facts, oft-times discordant facts like the
white slave trade which plucked over a million white women from British coastal villages
and deposited them in Africa as slaves to Muslims.

Care to cite your sources of that information? Indeed, many people were enslaved. But they weren't all women. In fact women weren't even the majority of those enslaved during those years. Not that it matters, but you shouldn't throw numbers around just because you heard them from someone trying to support an unsupportable argument.

If you want to worry about something and provide meaningful statistics, you could focus in on the here and now and the despicable truth and horrific numbers of women as sex slaves in Great Britain. If you need help in your research, find some middle school students who have better reading skills than yourself and who won't be inclined to blame it all on Muslims and other immigrants.

There's usually a reason why your "facts" are found to be, as you say, "discordant discourse."

I don't know why heretosay is ranting on about how diabolical UK was.

Perhaps you should also check out the definition of ranting. At least try to act like you have a bit of an education. This is, after all, a forum for teachers.

#6 Parent Taffy - 2018-03-29
Re: Re We lost 15% of our Taffy

But I will say that England has moved beyond its past barbarism. Like creating a prison colony in a remote part of the world populated by all sorts of mean and nasty stuff where they could relocate all the rif raff and undesirables - you know, the ones who were a burden on the taxpayers. I suppose, too, that Aussies have forgiven all that, though it was the not so distant past. I mean, after all, they're all white, right? And of course, white is right.

Tell a Friend R

We do have to forget. One of the most barbaric events in history was the white slave trade where over a million whites were taken from British coastal villages by Africans. The slaves were mostly white women of which half died on the way back to Africa and half of the journey survivors died of shock after landing in Africa. But we can't keep blaming the Africans for that now can we? This is how humans have treated each other and none of us were alive at the time.

#7 Parent Taffy - 2018-03-29
Re: Re We lost 15% of our Taffy

Thank you for bringing those facts to the discourse

I bring facts to the table, Curious, main-course facts, oft-times discordant facts like the white slave trade which plucked over a million white women from British coastal villages and deposited them in Africa as slaves to Muslims. However, my facts are found to be discordant discourse and promptly ignored by the likes of your good self.

I don't know why heretosay is ranting on about how diabolical UK was. We can bring her up to date- The UK is a real cesspit at this point in time- a bloody awful place.

#8 Parent Curious - 2018-03-29
Re: Re We lost 15% of our Taffy

Thank you for bringing those facts to the discourse

#9 Parent heretosay - 2018-03-29
Re: Re We lost 15% of our Taffy

A brilliant con tribution to world culture indeed.

Con tribution. Love it. Yeah, "glorious history." Like having the East Indians grow and process the opium that they then took to China and did their best to destroy Chinese culture with by creating dependency. Drug dealing on a massive scale, backed up by advanced weaponry in the face of a weakening dynasty, with the ultimate goal being the total control of China.

But I will say that England has moved beyond its past barbarism. Like creating a prison colony in a remote part of the world populated by all sorts of mean and nasty stuff where they could relocate all the rif raff and undesirables - you know, the ones who were a burden on the taxpayers. I suppose, too, that Aussies have forgiven all that, though it was the not so distant past. I mean, after all, they're all white, right? And of course, white is right.

#10 Parent Observer - 2018-03-29
Re: Re We lost 15% of our Taffy

That must then include fish and chips, brokers who ruin the world's productive economy by speculation, the rule of India and parts of China, blocking Napoleon's economy by warships and Scotsmen smoking pot. A brilliant con tribution to world culture indeed.

You and I are two of the few people on this forum who believe in the preservation of Anglo traditions, institutions and culture.

One of the "most glorious" events and in England's history is the Jack the Ripper and the vampires that invaded England from the continent and have remained there to this day.

England is an incredible place with a glorious history and fabulous traditions and culture.
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