Return to Index › *Which* university?!
#1 Parent Michael Joseph Beauchot - 2004-06-06
Re: *Which* university?!

Thank you for pointing that out. I am really upset with the fakers that cause extra paperwork for those of us who worked our butts off to get two real masters degrees.

Surfer - 2004-06-05
*Which* university?!

I recently came across a "teacher"'s resume on the board here claiming to have a degree from Harrington University. Who is he trying to kid? (Yes, hagwon/eikaiwa bosses, of course!) Well, I suppose any boss who doesn't bother to look up the "university" deserves that kind of "teacher".

A quick search found this:


Chris (and others of his ilk), I hope you get busted!

Happy surfing!

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