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#1 Parent Simon - 2018-03-29
Re Is this Recruiting Company Legit


I applied to them and found a job in Thailand. They are legit and very professional. You can check their reviews on facebook or google.

Let me know if you have any questions. My email is listed.

I do see their address / number and names on their website though so I was wondering if you saw another website instead?

#2 Parent Gia - 2016-04-07
Re Is this Recruiting Company Legit

I wonder the same thing. They have no address, phone number, or names on their website. A Google search renders a page that lists their company name with an address to a house in Texas and a California land line phone number. Also, their Facebook page says they are based out of the Virgin Islands. Their website looks nice, and I am interested in what they have to offer for TEFL in Russia; they also have good reviews, but I do not know whether or not to trust them.

Doubleverb - 2013-09-08
Is this Recruiting Company Legit

Has anyone ever heard of or used "On The Mark TEFL"?


I have received a couple of emails from them...wondering if it is computer generated. I never contacted them. But I know my information was being passed around to schools from another agency...but they never mentioned "On The Mark".

Looked them up o Facebook. Their FB page Started September 2013. That may mean nothing or something. They look like they have real jobs listed on their site...just don't want to send out personal documentation to a fake recruiter.

Any suggestions???

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