Return to Index › Re Article: Moderate to heavy drinkers are more likely to live to 85 without developing dementia
#1 Parent Arthur - 2018-03-29
Re: Re Article: Moderate to heavy drinkers are more likely to live to 85 without developing dementia

Thanks, man. Already started reading it.

#2 Parent Asd - 2018-03-29
Re: Re Article: Moderate to heavy drinkers are more likely to live to 85 without developing dementia
#3 Parent Arthur - 2018-03-29
Re: Re Article: Moderate to heavy drinkers are more likely to live to 85 without developing dementia

Interesting! And I tend to believe you. Could you provide some sources?

#4 Parent Adam Browne - 2018-03-29
Re Article: Moderate to heavy drinkers are more likely to live to 85 without developing dementia

Sorry to burst your self deluded bubble guys but alcohol is not only highly addictive but is also a class 1 carcinogen that is directly responsible for cancers of the liver, mouth, oesophageal, breast and bowel and others as research progresses. Moderate drinking is a myth that the alcohol industry as a whole loves to perpetuate and large drinkers love to delude themselves with this self fulfilling prophecy.

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