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#1 Parent Great Online Teacher - 2018-03-29
Re: Re We have some broflakes on this board

all the broflakes are in China and the UK.

#2 Parent caring - 2018-03-29
Re: Re We have some broflakes on this board

Doctor T, welcome back! :)

#3 Parent FTinPRC - 2018-03-29
Re: Re We have some broflakes on this board

Some lovely academic Chinglish from a Chinese professor of English:

"Patriarchy" is a cultural and also a socio-historical phenomenon in nature
associated with certain mental attitudes on the part of men and women as well.

Aren't all "cultural phenomena" socio-historic in nature? Aren't all "mental attitudes" shared by some men and some women. Isn't everything shared identified "as well"?

I am not
so sure as to whether

Why would anyone finish reading a sentence that begins this way?

We don't need any feminism of the kind that you suggest but equal rights for men and women

"don't... but" Avoid double negatives.

equal rights for men and women
guaranteed by the constitution and their implementation in daily life.

"their" = feminism's? men's? women's? constitution's? Avoid pronouns; repeat your subject.

Historically, feminists are mere talkers - with a few of notable exceptions.

"Historically" is a throw away conjunction on a par with "Needless to say". "Notable exceptions" must be noted.

And in general,
they do not tend to change the world to the better.

For the better. Avoid prepositions.


#4 Parent Stranger - 2018-03-29
Re: Re We have some broflakes on this board

"Patriarchy" is a cultural and also a socio-historical phenomenon in nature associated with certain mental attitudes on the part of men and women as well. I am not so sure as to whether that picture that you paint of men in general is correct and not only a projection of your ideological bias towards men.

We don't need any feminism of the kind that you suggest but equal rights for men and women guaranteed by the constitution and their implementation in daily life.

Historically, feminists are mere talkers - with a few of notable exceptions. And in general, they do not tend to change the world to the better.

You must also have a perspective on how the continuance of patriarchy will benefit our world of the future.
#5 Parent och - 2018-03-29
Re: Re We have some broflakes on this board

Feminism is not "advancement", really, you take stupidity to a whole new level!

Well then, do enlighten me. What is feminism - really? Surely, you have a historical and social perspective on feminism that you'd care to share. You must also have a perspective on how the continuance of patriarchy will benefit our world of the future. Perhaps you'd also like to examine your own antiquated beliefs and question whether or not they are really beliefs or just some half assed notions that won't serve you well in the long run.

Stated simply; surely the word feminism conjures something up for you besides the desire to call people stupid for their beliefs. What would that be?

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