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#1 Parent Michael Joseph Beauchot - 2004-06-06
Re: the M word

I think the key thing is going to your embassy and finding out from them what to do. If your country also has consulates in China, they will also do as information places. The whole process should not be too difficult if you just take it a step at a time - and keep smiling and remember always why you are doing this.

My wife and I will celebrate our first anniversary on August 15th.

DoS - 2004-06-05
the M word

I have seen a few posts from (guys) about getting married to a Chinese girl. Could I ask what hoops you had to jump though? I am talking about paperwork etc here.

Bear in mind I am from the UK. I know it is different for different places. A Canadian is doing the deed here soon, and it doesn't sound hard for him.

I don't plan on tying the knot just yet, but a year or so down the line...

All (helpful) comments welcome!

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