Return to Index › Re English teachers in China, fucking losers!
#1 Parent Albano Rossi - 2018-03-29
Re English teachers in China, fucking losers!

It's not only that. SB is a champion in calling Chinese crap schools and their owners out for what they are!

But whatever your credentials are, you have to admit, judging by his photos, he cut a fine figure of a younger man as he does as a maturer one.
#2 Parent Albano Rossi - 2018-03-29
Re English teachers in China, fucking losers!

Yes, those beach monkeys are so adorable because they are so good at stealing drinks from SB..... :D

Besides, Thai beach monkeys are much more cute and adorable than dancing English teacher monkeys.
#3 Parent John O'Shei - 2018-03-29
Re English teachers in China, fucking losers!

Silverboy apparently did quite well elsewhere in the past, he kind of gets that free pass thanks to his relative financial security. Also known as retiring slightly early.

Besides, Thai beach monkeys are much more cute and adorable than dancing English teacher monkeys.

#4 Parent Chadderton Pride - 2018-03-29
Re English teachers in China, fucking losers!

A loser certainly is not a winner. Does sitting at a Pattaya beach with a drink in the left and embracing four girls with the right hand make you a winner while the monkeys at the beach are going to steal your sherry bottle because they got used to its taste?

Life of a winner can be much more different than yours, I dare say.

Loser or winner, good poster or bad poster, I suspect he's about just one out of three genuine posters remaining, and I am not just using 'genuine' as a belittlement.

But whatever your credentials are, you have to admit, judging by his photos, he cut a fine figure of a younger man as he does as a maturer one.

#5 Parent Albano Rossi - 2018-03-29
Re English teachers in China, fucking losers!

A loser certainly is not a winner. Does sitting at a Pattaya beach with a drink in the left and embracing four girls with the right hand make you a winner while the monkeys at the beach are going to steal your sherry bottle because they got used to its taste?

Life of a winner can be much more different than yours, I dare say.

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