Return to Index › Re English teachers in China, fucking losers!
#1 Parent och - 2018-03-29
Re English teachers in China, fucking losers!

Maybe you should learn to be original instead of parroting quotes from others as you often

I'll take that under advisement, and your point is well taken. However, it begs the question as to why you would attack the messenger. You either like or in some way appreciate the quote or you don't. Quite simple, actually. But if you'd like, I'll think of a prosaic way to say the same thing and present it to you for your approval.

“There are three kinds of men. The one that learns by reading. The few who learn by observation. The rest of them have to pee on the electric fence for themselves.”
― Will Rogers

I like to think of myself as an observer; however, I've also learned that there are many wondrous ways that the observations of others can help us on such a path. But then, I've also peed on a few electric fences along the way as well. Anyway, good luck on sucking me into a worthless argument.

#2 Parent Gold Coast luxury watch lover - 2018-03-29
Re English teachers in China, fucking losers!

Maybe you should learn to be original instead of parroting quotes from others as you often do.

#3 Parent och2 - 2018-03-29
Re: Re English teachers in China, fucking losers!

Unfortunately, you are addressing the wrong person. I am not a doctor. What does "herr" mean?
You are a fool and can be fooled easily.

#4 Parent John O'Shei - 2018-03-29
Re English teachers in China, fucking losers!

It wouldn't surprise me if some of these people would be the sort that will side with those who run shit schools because they have vested interests. We've arguably been witness to that in the past, where those who dare to call out a crap school for what it was, would face the 'this is China' bullshit, which was quickly destroyed by people not caring for such sensitivities. Silverboy was the very best at doing this.

Being in a country that loves its Marxist thought in an economic sense, is not enough for such lunatics as those that may or may not have got Silverboy banned. They wish to silence ALL dissenters via the tool that is cultural Marxism.

Fortunately most communication amongst ESL teachers nowadays does not take place upon boards such as this, which are dying a slow and painful death. Most teachers often prefer to use WeChat groups instead.

Despite WeChat's recent implementation of certain censorship rules, they would not be able to silence people so easily there; especially on regional boards where online confrontations amongst rather small communities of foreigners may not only lead to a ban from the group, but a physical altercation. When you consider that many teachers these days are working illegally, hail from criminal backgrounds in rough areas/third world warzones and aren't necessarily the good decent teacher types, you can safely assume that these guys are not going to take shit lying down.

You may find that feminist or ethnic complaints have far less power in those groups than they do online on boards such as this one, because frankly, most normal people don't give a shit, especially when it comes to the more middle-aged, white American teachers who ironically probably enjoy more freedom of speech in China than they do in America these days.

#5 Parent BeenThere - 2018-03-29
Re: Re English teachers in China, fucking losers!

Yes, Herr doctor.
Could not live without your lectures.

#6 Parent och - 2018-03-29
Re English teachers in China, fucking losers!

"Learn to admire rightly; the great pleasure of life is that. Note what the great men admired; they admired great things: narrow spirits admire basely, and worship meanly."

#7 Parent Brock The Badger - 2018-03-29
Re English teachers in China, fucking losers!

I regularly state that I disagree with him on some things and he doesn't give me any shit.

It seems that a bunch of crybabies got him banned or something? That will make this board far less entertaining.

Well said. But why do these crybabies bother when they could have their nice civilised posts to each other going independent of Silverboy? They can just ignore him, there's ample room to have ten times the threads going that we do have; simply ignore the stuff of no interest. It's a power thing, is it not? Very unhealthy.

#8 Parent John O'Shei - 2018-03-29
Re English teachers in China, fucking losers!

I regularly state that I disagree with him on some things and he doesn't give me any shit.

It seems that a bunch of crybabies got him banned or something? That will make this board far less entertaining.

#9 Parent caring - 2018-03-29
Re English teachers in China, fucking losers!

The "poem" of how bitter the Silverb**** is demonstrates his hatred for anything that he can no longer have and for anyone who opposes him. You must be the saddest individual on Earth :(

I am going to re-post a poem I wrote last October.

A naive young Western fool........got a job at a Chinese training school.
He really thought his career would advance, instead the boss said "dance, white monkey dance".
Back home in London, all sad and forlorn, the locals treated him with derision and scorn.

A job interview on Friday at 3, the boss said "you've been teaching English in China I see".
"Sorry son, that don't impress me"
The boss of the company was laughing with glee.

A young man went all that way across the sea, he ended up teaching English for free,
as he never was paid his teaching fee".

Now to all the losers on here still teaching in China and who had to go all the way to China to find a woman:


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