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#1 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29
Re: Re MGTOW HORROR STORY, Chinese Girls

That's true, if you really care about your country you need to have a long term perspective.

True, I hope in the long term both the UK and Australia can become great again.

I think if a true nationalist were to arise they could improve things substantially over a 5 to 8 year time span ( if they were re-elected after
a first term )

#2 Parent John O'Shei - 2018-03-29

Koreans can actually take Western things, localise them, make them cuter, sexier or whatever.

They are so good at it that, whatever they put out will be soon copied by the Chinese. Although that THAAD thing might change all that now.

#3 Parent John O'Shei - 2018-03-29
Re: Re MGTOW HORROR STORY, Chinese Girls

I stated 50 years, but it could very well be a hundred. Hopefully not.

Either way, 50 years is a long period of time as far as our individual lifespans are concerned, but minute in terms of the history of a nation.

That vote was a vote upon the future of my nation, which I hope will outlive me by a very long stretch. The nation is more important that my own individual needs. Therefore I am fully prepared to accept the temporary negative consequences of Brexit for the sake of preserving sovereignty and hopefully ensuring future prosperity; even if I can't live long enough to see it.

#4 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29
Re: Re MGTOW HORROR STORY, Chinese Girls

Yes, adapt to change like suicide bombers blowing up kids at an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester or running over pedestrians with vans and stabbing them to death in central London.

Yep, let's have more "change" like that. Let's have more "change" in parts of cities like Sydney and London where in some suburbs hardly anyone can speak English or they don't want to.

You libtards will never learn!

#5 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29
Re: Re MGTOW HORROR STORY, Chinese Girls

Well, I sort of agree with him. I'd also be prepared to put up with a few years of economic pain ( not 50! ) if
it means that both the UK and Australia are restored to their former glory.

We need to take back what's rightfully ours. Placing severe restrictions on immigration and foreign investment and
ownership would be a good start.

#6 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29

A great post. It is sad indeed what has happened to the UK. The Manchester bombing is a prime example of what happens when stupid politicians lay out the red carpet for all and sundry.

Manchester was just one example, I 'm sure you can come up with hundreds of other incidents. It's not just terrorism obviously, the dilution of British culture, this "multi-culturalism" rubbish ( the Koreans and Japanese know that multi-culturalism is a failure so they don't practice it, they are smart )

I've said to my friends and former work colleagues many times that today's Western politicians should be charged with treason and hanged, or put before a firing squad. What they have done is an act of treason.

You are correct, the once great UK is finished. Australia is not far behind, give it a few more years.

#7 Parent Brock The Badger - 2018-03-29
Re: Re MGTOW HORROR STORY, Chinese Girls

Opportunities can be found no matter what the situation. I'll accept 50 years of economic pain for the UK as a whole, if it secures the future of our nation centuries from now. I will still find my own ways to make the best of it. Besides, if you've been a teacher in China, you'll have most likely travelled to a fair few poorer nations than a post-Brexit Britain and will have noticed that not everybody is permanently miserable.

Splendid post, not just the above.

#8 Parent John O'Shei - 2018-03-29
Re: Re MGTOW HORROR STORY, Chinese Girls

[edited] I'll acknowledge what is wrong and stay aware of it.

When one realises that the negative aspects of such change was not entirely accidental, but planned by people that do not have our best interests at heart; one has to wonder whether it is better to speak out about it or to stay silent for your own benefit. I think it is better to say 'bollocks to political correctness' as if we were to stay silent right now, as things currently are; we may soon find that staying silent is the only choice that we will have.

Opportunities can be found no matter what the situation. I'll accept 50 years of economic pain for the UK as a whole, if it secures the future of our nation centuries from now. I will still find my own ways to make the best of it. Besides, if you've been a teacher in China, you'll have most likely travelled to a fair few poorer nations than a post-Brexit Britain and will have noticed that not everybody is permanently miserable.

Brexit and Trump are just small steps. We are no longer thinking in terms of 'can't adapt to change.' We're making the changes that we want to see. That's why those of us in the not so cucked countries are actually winning some of those elections now!

#9 Parent Curious - 2018-03-29
Re: Re MGTOW HORROR STORY, Chinese Girls

Obviously, you can't adapt to changing times.
And you sound exactly like another poster on this board called Taffy (I am not saying you are Taffy, just that you think exactly like him).
so, you two, how is your Brexit doing these days?

#10 Parent John O'Shei - 2018-03-29

The UK has fucked itself due to various factors over a prolonged period of time.

The post-colonial guilt trip, the crippling British social class system and all the identity politics attached with it, socialism etc...

America has always had a real conservative core that has preserved its national values from threats posed by liberals and their cultural Marxism. Despite having a party named 'The Conservative party,' Britain doesn't have a mainstream party with truly conservative values and those fringe parties tend to be nothing but a joke.

Meanwhile, we've not just had our culture diluted, we've pretty much laid out the red carpet for it to happen.

But it's not just the Pakistani rape gangs and the like that have taken over our neighbourhoods. Liberals pretty much control our universities, the media etc. When they have control of these areas, the result of a poll like that of the Brexit vote, are relatively insignificant. What has really destroyed us is not the foreign invaders; for they were merely just the obedient pets. It was ourselves, who were stupid enough to be led astray.

We deliberately targeted working class heartlands for economic and social destruction. We pushed liberal agendas such as LGBT, drug use etc to the point where what was previously considered deviant behaviour; is now considered normal. We allowed our country to be ruled by the types of people that we once fought two world wars against. The UK really is now fucked beyond belief.

#11 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29

You are correct, but you see the libtards on this board and others never accept the evidence even when it's thrown in their face.

They like to call those in the know "racist" and "uneducated" for telling the truth. That video I posted the link to ( it said "video unavailable" when
I checked later) is spot on. The 40 year old Chinese "woman" with with a PhD who had been married twice before in China who gets angry when
her white boyfriend asks her to share the household expenses and says "a Chinese man would never make a "disgusting" suggestion like that.
There are thousands, MILLIONS with such attitudes, then there's the whole crazy "buy me a house, buy me a car" nonsense.

Proves two things:

1) Chinese women, especially the young one's ( but a lot of those in 30's and 40's also ) are lazy, greedy, entitled, and want rewards without any personal

2) Like you said, even a poor and not so attractive farmer girl/peasant from the countryside will move to the city and think she is top notch
and expects to be treated as a princess ( princess mentality which leads to entitlement ) Or the woman is older and "educated" ( by crappy Chinese standards )
and thinks she is God's gift to Western men like the case in MGTOW Horror Story.

If the Chinese are such a "noble" (LOL ) race of people then why are they hated wherever they go? Even other Chinese in Hong Kong and Taiwan have had it with them.
You observe their behavior in places like Pattaya, Thailand, Italy, Greece, South Korea, Japan, there are so many negative stories about them you could fill an encyclopedia.

Chinese climbing up on cherry blossom trees in Japan ( adults, not kids ), Chinese cleaning out buffets at hotels in Chiang Mai and other guests get nothing. Kicking bells and yelling out loudly at temples in Bangkok.
One Chinese guy stabbing a Korean woman to death because she looked like his ex-wife! Chinese in Pattaya urinating and defecating in the streets, and blocking busy places like Soi 7 or Soi 8 with their stupid group tours. Holding up their stupid selfie sticks wherever they go. Chinese tourists throwing rocks at kangaroos in a wildlife park in Australia ( three arrested for this )

Anyone see a pattern here? Cities like Sydney are being ruined by these uncivilized pigs. I watched two videos yesterday on Sydney in the late 60's and mid 70's, what a great place it was then. A good environment, a sustainable population ( 2.8 million then ) clean air, not many traffic problems, no PC and little feminist crap.

Now, well over 5 million, the place is full of Asians ( too many Chinese ) and some of the worst people from Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Iran, Turkey, and the worst parts of Africa. The infrastructure is groaning thanks to overpopulation, traffic is terrible, the trains are packed like sardines every day. There is all sort of crime that was unheard of back in the good ol ( mostly Anglo ) days.

Us Westerners are having our culture diluted and our once great way of life is being destroyed. These new immigrants are from alien cultures and want to change countries like Australia to suit themselves.

These are the FACTS and people better wake up soon. I fear it is too late for the UK.

#12 Parent SuperKupo - 2018-03-29

Not a MGTOW myself but I do agree that Chinese women are the absolute bottom of the barrel in Asia.

The ones I have met have never missed to prove themselves entitled, lazy (including in bed), narrow minded, ignorant, immature, and a ton of similar adjectives. And it gets progressively worse the younger you go, 20-ish girls in China make Western millennials humble in comparison, gender imbalance not helping in making them less entitled.

I have literally worked with farmgirls freshly arrived in the city in China and acting like they are top notch material, said girls usually work at desk jobs and they are extremely average looking, yet think of themselves as hot stuff, and I say it again, EXTREMELY immature for their age, think of giggling for no reason, go back to secondary school lady.

Anywhere else in Asia has better women, with Japanese women standing as the most sophisticated, easiest game is in Thailand.

Silverboy - 2018-03-29

If anybody thinks what I say is crap then watch this video. As for the UK guy who paid for this blokes advice, the best 40 dollars he ever spent. Might have saved him 4 million dollars.



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