Return to Index › The Good Country Index
#1 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29
Re The Good Country Index

I'll bet there are no Asian countries on that list.

Curious - 2018-03-29
The Good Country Index

Based on 2014 data.
UK, you're in the top 10.

The list ranks countries based on the “good” they do for humanity.

The United States has slipped down the rankings of an index designed to rate countries on the effect they have on humanity and on the planet. It fell from 20th place in 2016 to the 25th position this year, out of 163 countries total.

Top 10 Scorers

1. Netherlands

2. Switzerland

3. Denmark

4. Finland

5. Germany

6. Sweden

7. Ireland

8. United Kingdom

9. Austria

10. Norway

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