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#1 Parent John O'Shei - 2018-03-29
Re Degree notarized and background check

Many a shitty club manager will throw free drinks in the direction of anybody who looks foreign; especially if white or better yet female.

If the manager won't give you booze, there's always some Chinese guy that wants that token laowai friend drinking at their table.

That's why these clubs often attract lower class foreigners who are usually either international students or English teachers. Usually the latter, the students still have some self respect.

#2 Parent Fleck - 2018-03-29
Re Degree notarized and background check

I don't really like going to Chinese clubs, but there's a lot of tight-arse teachers that go to those clubs for the sole purpose of scoring free drinks; which are usually fake if provided by the management.

Never heard of any Chinese club offering free drinks to English teachers, and I've been almost seven years.

Are you sure you live in China, "John O'Shei"?

#3 Parent John O'Shei - 2018-03-29
Re Degree notarized and background check

A lot of supposed Aussie/imported steak in China has never even seen an Aussie/foreigner. It's very rare that I'll risk splashing on steak unless it's at a very trustworthy place. Next time I'm flying out of Shanghai, I may pay a visit to Morton's but otherwise, I avoid most steaks in China unless I'm the one cooking it.

I don't really like going to Chinese clubs, but there's a lot of tight-arse teachers that go to those clubs for the sole purpose of scoring free drinks; which are usually fake if provided by the management. I'm sure that's not your style at all though.

#4 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29
Re Degree notarized and background check

Correct again. These laowai fools who marry Chinese women will never learn.

#5 Parent John O'Shei - 2018-03-29
Re Degree notarized and background check

Back in the 80's in HK, as an expat he probably was fairly wealthy. But I'd still argue that Shanghai is THE place for bullshitting architects that are ten a penny; many lower ranked ones are apparently paid less than English teachers, but they're probably interns or fresh grads.

As for the Chinese, at least they can usually admit that they do a lot to show face.

#6 Parent John O'Shei - 2018-03-29
Re Degree notarized and background check

More like a once a month handjob with a bored expression on her face, lol.

That sort never learn anything from Chinese men that always have to bang KTV hookers because as soon as they marry, they aren't getting much sex at home.

#7 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29
Re Degree notarized and background check

A lot of people get really drunk in major cities on NYE. Sydney, London, Hong Kong, New York, Tokyo, Los Angeles, Bangkok.

I for one can put up with it as long as people don't become violent and start assaulting each other. It's only one night a year after all.
If Chinese in Shanghai harass and annoy foreigners on New Year's Eve I understand your concern. I know the "Songkran" featival in Thailand ( early April ) pisses off a lot of foreigners living in Bangkok and Pattaya as they get buckets of water violently thrown in their face when going along on their motorcycles and bicycles. People have crashed and been seriously injured because of this. It's not just Thai's, drunk farangs also do stupid things at Songkran time.

As for me I don't go out on NYE anymore. If I was in Pattaya on NYE for example I'd probably stay home. It's gets fucking crazy there!

#8 Parent Taffy - 2018-03-29
Re Degree notarized and background check

Taffy, there was a time when the frequent contributors to this site shared a common experience of living and teaching in China. It appears now that most have abandoned the Middle Kingdom.

I have retired from teaching but chose to continue to live in China. Relieved from negotiating the annual work permit process, I volunteer at a couple of universities where I taught in the past, do much reading and too little writing. I have a 10 year tourist visa that requires me to travel every 60 days to nearby countries, a task I am happy to perform.

China's current army of Foreign Teachers seem to be split between young college grads from NES countries that are escaping the damaged economies at home and Asian/African teachers working illegally who are escaping politically volatile homelands. I wish both groups well, but they do not seem to post on this forum. The ragtag platoon of NES FT misfits that landed on these shores with me a decade ago are mostly gone and are not lamented by our employers.

I continue to enjoy my time in China, communicating often with some of the 6000 college students that I have taught, observing their challenging lives in a country that is evolving at a historic pace.

Happy/Merry Christmas to you and yours.

Oh, you've taken me by surprise. I hope you are living somewhere nice (house-wise) and are now benefiting by doing things in China you didn't have time to do before.

You'll will probably recognise me in a one in a million circumstance if you ever spot me in China, so don't hesitate to to approach and say hello.

I hope you have good friends to cook you dumplings- home-cooked ones are twice as nice.

Have a good Christmas period.

#9 Parent Mister McRoberts - 2018-03-29
Re Degree notarized and background check

I respect the fact you are pretty clued up and post a lot of stuff, including the article im quoting you from which is good but i will quote this for a valid reason

They need to live their lives the way THEY want, not how the bullshit general Chinese society
wants them to live.

New Year's Eve in downtown Shanghai is hijacked by unruly young-ish Chinese idiots who think that getting drunk, acting like selfish pigs and being obnoxious (if you dont like it leave, etc.) is how to do it, when it is not.

From what I have seen in China the LGBT society are far too immature when socialising - acting like posers or cretins most of the time - but I agree with you that it is good that for them that they can and LGBT discrimination does not 'seem' to be a major issue in China, but why can't they be cool because of that and stop acting like immature little bastards.

Reason for posting and quoting: If they (Chinese) really wanna live the lives THEY want - ok, cool but do not kick the arse out of it and act like it should be tolerated by other non-Chinese people - especially on New Year's Eve.

#10 Parent Another Willie - 2018-03-29
Re Degree notarized and background check

You are living in the past, mate. Things and situations have changed for many of the former regular contibutors. Some of them are done with China, others hve dropped out of work and don't care anymore, and also this board's policies hve changed somewhat and allowed rule of feminists in censoring contributor input. There is also favoritism towards special contributors. Live goes on, so forget about the old days.

I arrived safely in Nepal. I am typing this message in my Kathmandu hotel, and I had a first meeting today with the Vice Chancellor of Nepal's new Open University. They have requsted my support and assistance in course development. Some days later., they will fix a date and time for a guest lecture they have requested. Tomorrow I will have a meeting with my PhD student and go through his work with him, witb both of us and our laptops. So, I will be busy the next days and do some good and interesting stuff. I am happy to forget about Christmas and all that.

My PhD student insisted of paying the hotel fee for me for the first five days. So I cannot do anything but to follow him in this. I will be able to post some pics within the next days if the internet remains stable and if we donot have any eletricity cuts. Next week my graduate student and I will travel to his home village taking a bus, and the it will take 10 hours to arrive. Roads are very bad here, or better: sometimes there are no roads at all. Travel can be quite an adventure here.

Happy Christmas from Nepal!

Taffy, there was a time when the frequent contributors to this site shared a common experience of living and teaching in China. It appears now that most have abandoned the Middle Kingdom.
#11 Parent FTinPRC - 2018-03-29
Re Degree notarized and background check

What subjects shall we anguish over for Christmas.

Taffy, there was a time when the frequent contributors to this site shared a common experience of living and teaching in China. It appears now that most have abandoned the Middle Kingdom.

I have retired from teaching but chose to continue to live in China. Relieved from negotiating the annual work permit process, I volunteer at a couple of universities where I taught in the past, do much reading and too little writing. I have a 10 year tourist visa that requires me to travel every 60 days to nearby countries, a task I am happy to perform.

China's current army of Foreign Teachers seem to be split between young college grads from NES countries that are escaping the damaged economies at home and Asian/African teachers working illegally who are escaping politically volatile homelands. I wish both groups well, but they do not seem to post on this forum. The ragtag platoon of NES FT misfits that landed on these shores with me a decade ago are mostly gone and are not lamented by our employers.

I continue to enjoy my time in China, communicating often with some of the 6000 college students that I have taught, observing their challenging lives in a country that is evolving at a historic pace.

Happy/Merry Christmas to you and yours.

#12 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29
Re Degree notarized and background check

A lot of BS. I'll bet his Jaguar was leased and he didn't own it. Architects are mostly full of shit and know fuck all about construction methods. A lot of braggarts and pretenders in HK, make no mistake about that, but mainland Chinese are the biggest liars, show offs and pretenders ever to walk on this Earth.

#13 Parent Dragonized - 2018-03-29
Re Degree notarized and background check

That's because they've already chopped their own balls off before they landed in that country :D

#14 Parent Dragonized - 2018-03-29
Re Degree notarized and background check

I have a dream..that one day everyone who dreams about teaching esl in china wakes up with a wet willie every morning.

#15 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29
Re Degree notarized and background check

I've actually heard foreigners in China say "it's good to be married here because you can get some sex". Seriously! The only way they can get any sex in China is to marry? WTF!

#16 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29
Re Degree notarized and background check

Well a serious MGTOW actually puts making money and enriching themselves financially above women, sex, and everything else. Whores are for smart men who realize that marriage and serious relationships are a waste of time and money. The power of the pussy has greatly diminished over the last ten years or so and women are really starting to realize that. If you are a woman who wants to seriously attract a man you need to have a lot more than just a pretty face and a cunt.

#17 Parent FT - 2018-03-29
Re Degree notarized and background check

It's mainly about a man's genes and his testosterone levels! There are men who have never kissed a woman nor dated one. They tremble when they have to dance with a woman during a social gathering as that is expected of them. My first wife thought that my best fishing buddy was gay. No way, I told her - he was not interested in any kind of intimate contact with men nor women. And he wasn't a pedo nor a ladyboy. I doubt he's ever chugged himself off! However, he did come across as somewhat effeminate, though. There must be similar traits to be observed re women and hormone levels. So many posters on this board come across as very naive re a lot of wot I have said above. Or else they are trying to deceive us by feigning their ignorance. Probably the latter. Pathetic, really!

PS, I thought that guy's bro was effeminate too, but he had a wife and kids. He happened to work in HK. I met him in Scotland once during one festive season in the mid 80s. His wife was Chinese, I saw her photo, she was average-looking, as was he. He was an architect in HK. He drove a Jaguar at the time. He was VERY RICH compared to the braggarts and pretenders on this forum.

#18 Parent FT - 2018-03-29
Re Degree notarized and background check

Loot, I take it u mean plunder!

Carpenters are daylight robbers, if you let them. Most of them are wide men.

I've dealt with one when my late ma sent Harry to my semi-detached to build a small cupboard under the stairwell alcove at her expense, back in Scotland years ago. The bill was excessive, ma paid it, in my first wife's view. He even charged for 20 nails. Ma had told me to give him a carton of McEwan's Export 440 ml cans as a tip. He told me he would rather have had whisky, damned cheek. Ma was too easy to rip off.

Brewery employees received a carton = 24 cans a month as a perk, hardly generous in my view. About the only perk you got!

#19 Parent Taffy - 2018-03-29
Re Degree notarized and background check

Ha, whatever money you may have now you inherited.

Admit it.

You yourself claim you couldn't have got it from teaching in China.

Carpentry is not a big money-maker, nor is male-modelling.

So admit it. You inherited whatever money you may have.

Carpenters can earn a lot of loot in the UK I know that. I rather think that SB earned his money by the sweat of his brow- he measures up to the self made man, Van Hoogstraten type of arrogance sometimes- I mean that in a nice way. He's not old money like me- but old money often don't have much like me.

#20 Parent Taffy - 2018-03-29
Re Degree notarized and background check

Judging by how marriage serves to enslave men these days, and the loss of femininity in modern times; you're often better off enjoying the freedom and a new flavour of pussy every week, few days for a small fee than signing your life away. Better yet, find sluts and avoid paying indirectly as much as you can.

I've no judgment to make regarding blokes who visit professional ladies but I can't understand why men just can't go without sex and channel their efforts in another direction. Now, I have been married three times but I've never actually been in a position of wanting a girlfriend let alone a wife. In fact in between marriages I have often just gone without sex for a year or two at a time and never given it a thought. What's the big deal chaps?

#21 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29
Re Degree notarized and background check

Anyone with a trade qualification can make big money in Australia if they are good at their job and work hard. I 've never inherited any money. My parents are both still alive. If they die I will get about 700, 000 dollars, my sister will get the other 700,000. I 've always had to work but I just invest in silver bullion, Sterling Silver, and Tanzanite now. Male models can also make good money, but women make more.

#22 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29
Re Degree notarized and background check

Sluts are best Become an MGTOW and use sluts on a regular basis.
I 've fucked so many sluts in Asia Ive lost count. It's just a blur now, LOL! Asian women are just playthings for the smusement of Western men, nothing more!

#23 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29
Re Degree notarized and background check

You are just pissed off because you are stuck in China teaching English. I bet it's cold there now. I heard it was only 6 c degrees maximum in Nanning last Monday. What a shit hole!

#24 Parent FT - 2018-03-29
Re Degree notarized and background check

Check out episode 1. Many of those 'young ladies' are US college grads!


#25 Parent Me - 2018-03-29
Re Degree notarized and background check

Ha, whatever money you may have now you inherited.

Admit it.

You yourself claim you couldn't have got it from teaching in China.

Carpentry is not a big money-maker, nor is male-modelling.

So admit it. You inherited whatever money you may have.

#26 Parent FT - 2018-03-29
Re Degree notarized and background check

He needn't live on the streets in the UK. He will be put in rent-free public housing. The south coast of England is best coz the weather is mild in winter there, relatively speaking, meaning lower heating bills.

I disagree with what you call a good salary in China. Of course, you are used to spending your money to make the rich richer. I don't care for your lifestyle. I look down on you for pursuing it.

I know all about the negative aspects of Chinese culture, including the greed of most young Chinese women. I can live here regardless of it all as my preferred style of living isn't affected by any of it.

China offers me more positives than negatives - that's why I'm here!

#27 Parent FT - 2018-03-29
Re Degree notarized and background check

I don't need sluts, never have!

#28 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29
Re Degree notarized and background check

I've seen a bit of light at the end of the tunnel in regard to the Chinese recently. I still watch that nauseating Chinese TV dating show "If You Are The One" twice a week. I've waited to see if men and women on the show will change their backward, out of date and "traditional" attitudes to love, relationships and marriage.

Well, lately there have been a few contestants on the show who appear to shun the ludicrous Chinese ideals of marrying and having a kid. One guy openly stated that younger Chinese should not give into family and societal pressure and do their own thing. He had travelled a lot in Asia and was a real free spirit. He pointed out that marrying young in China, being stuck with a mortgage and kid was a "waste of your life".

He said someone can have a serious relationship without marriage, and even if a Chinese marries they don't need to have a kid and a mortgage. This is modern first world thinking and I was glad to see it.

A 28 year old woman also said that she thought "marriage is not that important these days" and that women "don't have to marry". Another woman 27 said that Chinese often just use each other for financial gain and she she was used by a man for her money. She said, "I m not interested in money motivated relationships". Several other women also hinted that they had been with foreign men before and had pre-marital sex with them. Most Chinese women would not do that live on TV.

So there is some hope. Gays and lesbians in China are also really starting to stand up for themselves. I applaud these individuals at least.

They are starting to realize that marriage and having a kid is NOT the only purpose in life. For most of them however the brainwashing and propaganda is a problem for them.

They need to live their lives the way THEY want, not how the bullshit general Chinese society wants them to live. I hope those enlightened Chinese can have sexual and social freedom like American's, Aussies, Thai's, and Philippines people have.

Anyway, I thought I'd post something positive about mainland Chinese for a change.

#29 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29
Re Degree notarized and background check

Going to Western bars and restaurants is OK if you can afford it. Trying to do it just on a teaching salary is a bit stupid though.

Even I'll admit that spending 190-270 rmb on a steak in China ( some places they are 350-400 rmb ) is a waste of money. It would be ok sometimes if it was real sirloin from Australia or NZ but that's hard to get at a sensible price in China. I ain't gonna pay Western prices for buffalo meat. Buying drinks at nightclubs in China is also a waste of money. Better to get Chinese to buy alcohol for you for free in Chinese nightclubs if possible.

#30 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29
Re Degree notarized and background check

Yep, get a different woman every week. Not this "marriage, house ,car" bullshit. In Pattaya the three day rule applies:
You only stay with any woman for only three days MAXIMUM. After that there might be some sort of intense feeling or emotional
attachment, that is a danger zone which could lead to something more serious.

As marriage is a dead loss for men these days it can't be considered. It has been conclusively proven by MGTOW that
marriage is a wealth hazard and health hazard for men.

Any experienced accountant can easily prove that marriage is a financial black hole for men.

This whole "marriage and family" concept needs to be abolished unless we want to destroy our

#31 Parent Taffy - 2018-03-29
Re Degree notarized and background check

Reading this thread is beginning to feel like a career.

We're looking to you to get us off these treadmills, Trumpsey. We accept you as having, along with foxy of hothot, the best education for English. I am afraid that all comes with responsibility. What subjects shall we anguish over for Christmas. Not geeing you up at all by the way.

Haifen refused to pay Clarks £4 for waterproofer and £4 for cleaner, so I will run with my rucksack as is my wont after she returns from work and see what Poundland can sell me in shoe cleaner and waterproofer. I am a comparative spendthrift so would have given them the extra £8. Easy to spend when you don't bring back the bacon though, isn't it?

#32 Parent John O'Shei - 2018-03-29
Re Degree notarized and background check

Judging by how marriage serves to enslave men these days, and the loss of femininity in modern times; you're often better off enjoying the freedom and a new flavour of pussy every week, few days for a small fee than signing your life away. Better yet, find sluts and avoid paying indirectly as much as you can.

#33 Parent John O'Shei - 2018-03-29
Re Degree notarized and background check

Because quite frankly, a lot of teachers really are!

You may be one of the smarter ones who does not waste money trying to live a Western lifestyle at triple the price and is also willing to take the risk of doing part-time side jobs or better yet, has a second income from rental property etc back home.

However, many foreigners insist upon going to bars and restaurants with in some cases, higher than Western prices whilst earning less than they would back home.

Life in tier 88 isn't so bad most of the time if you aren't a pussy and can at least keep your own living quarters in shape. I'd also advise that you find some money making opportunities in your 'semi-retirement' phase of life, which Silverboy appears to do in some way or another.

#34 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29
Re Degree notarized and background check

The retire someplace nice and warm in SE-Asia bit is the way to go.

China should always be just a stepping stone to some better place, nothing more.

I recommend Bali or Pattaya. Ain't nothing like em anywhere in the world.

China will never have a Pattaya. They could though as there are plenty of pretty girls in China
who's English could be brought up to scratch enough to start a bar girl industry in south China.

A lost opportunity for the Chinese.

#35 Parent BeenThere - 2018-03-29
Re: Re Degree notarized and background check

Ha ha ha

#36 Parent FTinPRC - 2018-03-29
Re Degree notarized and background check

Reading this thread is beginning to feel like a career.

#37 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29
Re Degree notarized and background check

He can return but he will be living on the ( very cold ) streets of London or Manchester.

I will not "mind my own business" as your kind give people a false impression of what China, it's women, and culture are really like. People need to know the truth.

7000-12000 rmb a month is not good money and that is the range of most FT salaries in China outside of Shanghai or Beijing.

12,000 rmb a month did not even cover my booze, restaurant bill, and taxi bill when I was in China.

#38 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29
Re Degree notarized and background check

You had to go to China to find a wife because that all your type can attract. Women in high class Asian countries would not give you the time of day.

#39 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29
Re Degree notarized and background check

I am an "ESL Dream Killer" like Mr John O'Shei.

"I have a dream"........and it ain't teaching ESL in China.

#40 Parent FT - 2018-03-29
Re Degree notarized and background check

Never ever heard of any school offering "loyalty" payments.

You will get salary increases yearly to entice you to stay. But that's only if you are a good teacher and get along with everyone. However, you should avoid intimacy with students or Chinese co-workers, and refrain from talking politics.

Of course, China has top schools.

As for Chinese women, they don't deserve to be tarred with the same brush. Better with a wife than a succession of whores, most teachers will say.

#41 Parent Mike babsocks - 2018-03-29
Re Degree notarized and background check

Why is it perceived that everyone who teaches in China is a loser? I'm squirling away 3000 a month Canadian and I'm not even trying. I do not have a teaching diploma from my country of origin. That would be impossible for anyone in Canada unless you were making 100,000 plus a year. Am I a loser? I just go where the best money saving opportunities are and one day not too far from now I will retire someplace nice and warm in Southeast Asia. Of course life in a tier 88 city sucks sometimes but it's a sacrifice that will payoff eventually. Just playing the cards that were dealt to me. Merry Christmas everyone! :D

#42 Parent FT - 2018-03-29
Re Degree notarized and background check

Example - Not according to EF and its like!

We have a low turnover here at EF Taiyuan with teachers commonly signing up for a second, third or even fourth period. EF English First teachers are motivated, enthusiastic and open to new experiences. I am looking for candidates who are patient, flexible, energetic and personable. With 40 years’ experience in language education, we offer comprehensive teacher induction and career development and opportunities to transfer within its network of 200 English language schools operating in 16 countries.

Note the 'career development and opportunities' part of the introduction.


It's not a career, never has been and never will be.

It's a matter of opinion!

That said, I'd never work for EF or its like. However, horses for courses - some FTs will thrive on working for them!

#43 Parent FT - 2018-03-29
Re Degree notarized and background check

He has no property in England and also no savings so he can't return to the UK, probably not ever.

Wrong, he can return if he likes, even as a penniless deportee, as a last resort!

You should mind your own business, and stop talking BS.

Big money is a subjective concept. Someone like Trump would regard you as a pauper!

#44 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29
Re Degree notarized and background check

Some have the option of returning home, many don't.

There are many people who went to China when they were very young and had no savings or investments back home.

They are called the "stuck in China" teachers. They have to stay in China or they will be homeless when they go home. I don't know about you, but being stuck in China relying on teaching money for survival is not a good place to be. Nobody will employ them back in the USA, UK, or Australia as they don't have any work experience there.

I know a 54 year old Brit from Manchester in Nanning who has no parents back in the UK, his two siblings are also both deceased. He has no property in England and also no savings so he can't return to the UK, probably not ever.

As he only earns 7300 rmb a month at his private school teaching job no Chinese women are interested in him either. Basically life has sucked for him for years.

Nobody makes big money teaching English in China. You come across as being naive.

#45 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29
Re Degree notarized and background check

There is no such thing as a "top school" in China. Never ever heard of any school offering "loyalty" payments. Why the fuck would anyone want to be loyal to a Chinese anyway? As for whoring, yes, I know a lot about that. It is a lifestyle choice that is certainly much better than marriage to a Chinese woman.

Seems you are one of the last on the team to know.

#46 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29
Re Degree notarized and background check

It's not a career, never has been and never will be.

#47 Parent FT - 2018-03-29
Re Degree notarized and background check

I think if someone has no option in life apart from teaching English in China.....


Foreigners teaching English in China have the option of returning to their homelands. They have CHOSEN to make money by working in China in preference to living in their homelands.

You come across as a bit of a lummox.

#48 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29
Re Degree notarized and background check

I think if someone has no option in life apart from teaching English in China they need to take a good look at their life situation and how they ended up in such a position. I can't see any benefit from teaching English long term in China. You just have to look at some of the individuals who post on this forum and the utter mess their lives are in.

#49 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29
Re Degree notarized and background check

The money you make: yeah, right! I had a hearty old chuckle with that one. English teaching in China is nothing but peanut money.

#50 Parent Taffy - 2018-03-29
Re Degree notarized and background check

Teaching in China is not a "career". Please stop deluding yourself.

Our learned foxy is right and so are you, it's that you can't agree on the definition of 'career' which is the problem. Technically speaking I'm bound to say that foxy is right. Let's have a look at the verb part of career- to move, 'the car moved in a certain direction across the road and hit a training centre owner' If you move in a certain direction for most of your life(with unpredictable swerves) then that is your career. And whether we like it or not as esl teachers we could all aspire to become pretend teachers and in that way achieve promotion. Now, you could argue that teaching in China is a bad career move,and could result in a bad career. I have some sympathy with that one.

#51 Parent FT - 2018-03-29
Re Degree notarized and background check

You can get salary increases annually based on improvements in your teaching performance. So, it can be viewed as a career!

#52 Parent FT - 2018-03-29
Re Degree notarized and background check

Some Chinese employers at the top end of the education system offer contracts with loyalty payments to encourage you to stay with the same school year after year.

Of course, you wouldn't know about that as you've never applied for a job at a top school in China.

But you know all about whoring, don't you?

#53 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29
Re Degree notarized and background check

Yep, they are scared to insult. There was a former Australian special forces soldier living in Nanning a few years back who could speak fluent Mandarin. He was on the No 6 bus from Chao Yang going to Wan Xian Cheng ( Mix C ) Mall.

Two smart arse young Chinese guys were taking about how foreigners were like "cockroaches" and they thought no foreigner on the bus could understand. To the dismay and shock of the passengers ( lol ) the ex-soldier grabbed one of the young fuckers by the scruff of the neck and said "do you want to go to the hospital" ?

As usual the Chinese kid said "sorry, sorry" ( they are never sorry ) Aussie: "get the fuck off this bus and never come back around here again or it will be the end of you". "If you do come back bring along some of your friends, I'll take care of them also!".

#54 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29
Re Degree notarized and background check

Teaching in China is not a "career". Please stop deluding yourself.

#55 Parent FT - 2018-03-29
Re Degree notarized and background check

They will stop their ignorant behavior in your presence, but it will continue behind your back. Don't matter much anyway. I can understand Chinese too - but I don't let on!

When in China, and angered by BS talk among Chinese, calm yourself down by considering the good aspects of being in China, such as the job you're doing and the money you make. That's the reason most FTs are in China, to do a satisfying job with little stress for fair recompense.

#56 Parent Hoolahoop - 2018-03-29
Re Degree notarized and background check

There is no such thing as a teaching career in China, Foreigners are given no room for growth or promotion, only Chinese.

Even at so-called international schools, the entire management and administration is made of Chinese people.

#57 Parent FT - 2018-03-29
Re Degree notarized and background check

Totally correct, you're right. Mind you I have seen a situation of an FT cruising in to a new job and doing a sparkling clown teaching job which wasn't called for by the Chinese. All the same, they really enjoyed his teaching and he soon made himself indispensable, what with the students enjoying it also. Fortunately that new teacher was no threat to me as I needed to be serious with the older students I was teaching. It seems to me that this forum attracts FT's that have never bothered to watch how fellow teachers were teaching- and that's a shame.


The younger the students, the greater the need for the FT to act the goat before them. We should encourage all FTs in China to attend their fellow FTs' classes in order to improve everyone's performances as an FT.

The trouble is that some FTs are too distrustful of their colleagues to allow this to happen, especially if they are Africans or Eastern Europeans or Indians or Flipinos. I guess they will refuse because they fear negative feedback.

#58 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29
Re Degree notarized and background check

Is that guy in the pic the pale photoshopped ghost of Jimi Hendrix?

#59 Parent FT - 2018-03-29
Re Degree notarized and background check

The FTs who have to return home from China who have been fired won't divulge this. I've seen more than a dozen FTs let go of on account of so-called bad teaching during my teaching career in China.

Yes, there are also those who flee coz they don't want to be part of the education system here. Fair enough.

Can't see much change in the short term regarding higher pay or how the education systm operates.

Anyway, in the meantime China's still the best EFL country to teach in in the eyes of many EFL teachers.

Deechers or teachers, I care not - I am not a Chinese!

#60 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29
Re Degree notarized and background check

I'm not interested in toddlers of any race either: And generally speaking I hate kids, Chinese and Western women, and old people.

"push that noisy toddler into the street, turn it into minced meat" LOL!

#61 Parent FT - 2018-03-29
Re Degree notarized and background check
#62 Parent FT - 2018-03-29
Re Degree notarized and background check

No, I have no skill in handling toddlers, and I don't care. I am not interested in Chinese toddlers nor their stupid shit for brains parents anyway.

I am not interested in any toddlers, whatever their race!

Those fools who teach kids in China deserve neither respect or admiration, end of story!

But I'm sure those FTs who teach kids in China do not consider thrmselves to be fools. They are good at doing something I couln't do - hence I admire them. I'm not a dog in the manger, unlike you!

#63 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29
Re Degree notarized and background check

As far as I know a DUFUS is a person who pays inflated prices for houses and apartments. I've never done that. Or someone who spends a lot of money on something of little real value or worth.

#64 Parent Hoolahoop - 2018-03-29
Re Degree notarized and background check

Many laowai can speak fluent putonghua now also, much to the alarm of Chinese people.

They usually freak out when I use my HSK-5 skills to call them out on their nonsense, and I'm sure that others do it too because I have noticed that fewer Chinese now dare speaking rudely or insulting Foreigners out loud in Mando, so we should keep shaming them over it until they completely stop.

#65 Parent BeenThere - 2018-03-29
Re: Re Degree notarized and background check

" I am not interested in Chinese toddlers nor their stupid shit for brains parents anyway."
Just to remind you that one of our favorite posters has a Chinese wife and toddler. But I am sure you did not mean to insult him.

#66 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29
Re Degree notarized and background check

No, I have no skill in handling toddlers, and I don't care. I am not interested in Chinese toddlers nor their stupid shit for brains parents anyway.

Those fools who teach kids in China deserve neither respect or admiration, end of story!

#67 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29
Re Degree notarized and background check

Teaching in China was a novelty from about 2002 till 2010. A lot of people wanted to try it. Even I will admit that.

China was also seen as a mysterious place then. It certainly is not now and I'd even call it "Asia Lite".
Many laowai can speak fluent putonghua now also, much to the alarm of Chinese people.

China is an incredibly boring place compared to somewhere like Bali, Pattaya, or Cebu.

I've heard Nanning and Pattaya being compared to each other lately. Pattaya is cocaine and crystal meth,
Nanning is like taking valium and mogodon and any assortment of sleeping tablets.

Most of China is like this, even Shanghai is boring compared to Hong Kong or Bangkok.

Why even waste one's time hanging out in China? Guilin and surrounding areas don't count either as these are not real ex-pat destinations.

#68 Parent Hoolahoop - 2018-03-29
Re Degree notarized and background check

It's funny because, from my experience, the folks who return home are typically those with legitimate teaching certifications who, after a year or two in China, conclude that education here is complete bullsh*t and that they deserve far better.

The 'deechers' are happy to get enough money to drink and screw around, the legitimate teachers are looking for much better and they can't get it in China.

China isn't going to get better until they pay higher and respect the profession.

#69 Parent FT - 2018-03-29
Re Degree notarized and background check

I'll bet you have no skills when it comes to handling toddlers. Neither have I, incidentally.

We should ADMIRE those talented westerners who do have such skills. We should not attempt to dissuade them from working at Chinese kindergartens.

Do not be a DUFUS!

#70 Parent FT - 2018-03-29
Re Degree notarized and background check

Teaching is a noble profession wherever it is practiced.

Many of us initially went to China to teach for a living. It is not a bullshit job! Of course, you never having been a teacher in Oz aren't iqualified to make a comparison between teaching in China and teaching in Oz.

I'll bet that those who advised you not to take teaching seriously in China didn't last long before being forced to return home with their tails between their legs!

#71 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29
Re Degree notarized and background check

Only a fool would get a job working at a kindergarten in China. Your point is invalid and most.

#72 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29
Re Degree notarized and background check

When I first went to China I heard many FT's say "don't take teaching seriously here, it's just China". After a few months I fully understood what they were saying. Teaching in China is a bullshit job, ok if you just wanna fuck around, sleep with students and have a good time for a while. It"s not even good for that nowadays. So yeah, , you can either get a real online degree or use a fake one to teach in China.

#73 Parent Taffy - 2018-03-29
Re Degree notarized and background check

Wrong wot u say about anyone being able to make the clown and make money doing that job.

Don't take those kinda jobs unless you have a passion for teaching toddlers and are good at entertaining them. Be aware thst the turnover of FTs is exceptionally high at kindergartens and training centers in China. U will be dismissed summarily if the kiddies don't take to u! They are enerally badly spoiled little emperors who are very picky about their FTs. Not everyone can succeed being one. It's like being a professional kids' party clown in many ways. Not an easy job either.

Totally correct, you're right. Mind you I have seen a situation of an FT cruising in to a new job and doing a sparkling clown teaching job which wasn't called for by the Chinese. All the same, they really enjoyed his teaching and he soon made himself indispensable, what with the students enjoying it also. Fortunately that new teacher was no threat to me as I needed to be serious with the older students I was teaching. It seems to me that this forum attracts FT's that have never bothered to watch how fellow teachers were teaching- and that's a shame.

#74 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29
Re Degree notarized and background check

Yep, if Chinese use fake degrees and other fake documents I think foreigners should also. Must be a level playing field. The Chinese can't expect the waigouren to have real degrees if they don't.

#75 Parent Hoolahoop - 2018-03-29
Re Degree notarized and background check

You don't even have to buy a fake one, just have one of those online universities to give you a real one, they are registered educational companies and their degrees are 100% legit, you can literally buy them.

#76 Parent Hoolahoop - 2018-03-29
Re Degree notarized and background check

Yeah, same here, I have no guilt in using a fake or bought degree in China because locals forge documents on a normal basis.

#77 Parent FT - 2018-03-29
Re Degree notarized and background check

You don't need any degree at all for low-quality jobs at the bottom of the barrel like making the white dancing monkey in a shitty Chinese kindergarten or in any of the garbage training centers there. Anyone can make the clown and get paid for it.

Wrong wot u say about anyone being able to make the clown and make money doing that job.

Don't take those kinda jobs unless you have a passion for teaching toddlers and are good at entertaining them. Be aware thst the turnover of FTs is exceptionally high at kindergartens and training centers in China. U will be dismissed summarily if the kiddies don't take to u! They are enerally badly spoiled little emperors who are very picky about their FTs. Not everyone can succeed being one. It's like being a professional kids' party clown in many ways. Not an easy job either.

#78 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29
Re Degree notarized and background check

I'm sorry to say that I just don't trust mainland Chinese. They are not honest people.

No ethics, no morals, no original ideas or thought. Got zero time for them.

#79 Parent No fake degree - 2018-03-29
Re Degree notarized and background check

I wouldn't bother and never have. If they think my degree is not authentic or genuine enough, they should look for someone else. I wouldn't allow them to doubt the authenticity of my degrees for no good reason and certainly would not bother to get it notarized just because they ask for it.

You don't need any degree at all for low-quality jobs at the bottom of the barrel like making the white dancing monkey in a shitty Chinese kindergarten or in any of the garbage training centers there. Anyone can make the clown and get paid for it. There are more serious jobs to be had that require skills and knowledge and a degree.

These latter jobs cannot be found in shitty Chinese kindergartens and garbage training centers.

"The thing is, why would anyone even bother going to trouble of getting a degree notorized just to teach English in China?"

#80 Parent No fake degree - 2018-03-29
Re Degree notarized and background check

Regarding Chinese people with fake degrees - there are certainly some.

In the place where I currently live, several Chinese from Mainland China who graduated from uni here got their degrees revoked by the uni after it was found out that they plagiarized in their PhD thesis, which is considered to be a serious violation of good academic rules and practice.

I think their plagiarizing is much more common than buying fake degrees.

#81 Parent No fake degree - 2018-03-29
Re Degree notarized and background check

I hold several genuine degrees, and they were always (rightly) recognized and respective wherever I went in the world. Because I do hold genuine degrees and because I can afford to be picky with the teaching jobs that I will take, there is no need to subject myself to an employer insisting on the notarization of the same.
I will simply refuse to work for anyone insisting on notarized degrees since I have the freedom of choice regarding a teaching position (if I want one).
I have never used any fake degree, and I am strongly opposed to doing it. On the other hand, I won't allow any second-rate employer in China to cast a shade of doubt on the genuineness of my degrees and go through all the hassle to get it notarized. It is humiliating and would only show that they don't have any respect for a hard and honestly working foreign professor. Thus, they need to look for someone else to play their stupid game, I won't. I don't need them.

#82 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29
Re Degree notarized and background check

I think many legitimate Western universities would be unable or unwilling to provide notarization of a degree, especially if it is just for some mediocre and third rate teaching job.

If you have a real degree, sure, get it notarised but not to get a teaching job in China or anywhere in Asia.

A lot of time and effort and paperwork for nothing IMO. It's like spending years studying for a real PhD just to
get a clerical position.

For China teaching, fake degree, fake transcripts, fake notorizaton, it does not matter. For real jobs with big multi-nationals
however, no, don't use a fake degree.

#83 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29
Re Degree notarized and background check

The thing is, why would anyone even bother going to trouble of getting a degree notorized just to teach English in China?

If you have to jump through hoops just to get some shit English teaching position why even bother?

Better to stay home and stack shelves at Tesco in the UK or at Coles or Woolworths in Australia.
Or even to work at KFC or Maccas full time.

You will get a much higher hourly rate even when cost of living concerns are taken into account.

#84 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29
Re Degree notarized and background check

I should state that sometimes I write things on here just to wind people up. I've heard that some universities in China now really do require for a degree to be notarized.

Having said that however, their are plenty of Chinese with fake degrees, and that even includes fake PhD.

I used to hear other ex-pats in China talking about Chinese women with PhD's in China.

Basically, if a Chinese woman tells you she has a PhD take it with a grain of salt.
Also, John O'Shei's advice about only going after the wealthy Chinese women is good advice.
That applies to Taiwan and HK Chinese women also, not just mainlanders.

If they tell you they have their own house and car ask to go to their house and to see their car.
If they claim to be self made ( and you are serious about them ) ask to see bank statements in their own name.

A Chinese woman, or any woman who has does no event have her own apartment and can't provide for herself is not even worth considering, let alone have any sort of even mildly serious relationship with.

#85 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29
Re Degree notarized and background check

In most countries I would be against the use of fake degrees. A lot of Chinese people ( in China ) take advantage of the use of fake documents, and not just in education. If they do it then why shouldn't foreigners there be able to do it? The Chinese can't have the attitude "we can use fake degrees but foreigners can't ". That would be discrimination.

In Australia, the UK, USA, Japan, Korea, Thailand, Singapore, it's almost impossible to get away with using a fake degree and the penalties can be harsh in some instances. China is a different kettle of fish.

#86 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29
Re Degree notarized and background check

For real ex-pat jobs outside of teaching I'd also advise people not to use fake degrees. Anyone intending to work for a Fortune 500 company for example is likely to be found out, even if not straight away. Just for teaching English it makes no difference if a degree is real or fake.

Yes, any new law in China about notarization for English teaching will fail as the fake degree providers will have already worked out what to do: They will provide fake and very authentic looking transcripts and also fake notorisation.

#87 Parent John O'Shei - 2018-03-29
Re Degree notarized and background check

Fake degree = fake notarisation. The real thing simply won't get through; most degrees also have to be authenticated by the university these days for it to happen. You'd better hope that the Chinese don't work out what has been going on; especially with those from a third world country that can just provide a handwritten note as 'notarisation.'

#88 Parent No fake degree - 2018-03-29
Re Degree notarized and background check

There is no need for that and for teaching in China at all. If you want to make a living without working too hard, take a piece of toilette paper and print "Greek state loan" on it and sell it on the stock market. Greece has gone bankrupt now and needs to be supported by other nations of the Euro zone. And the stock market scum earns a lot of money with it...lol

#89 Parent No fake degree - 2018-03-29
Re Degree notarized and background check

Well, if there is a shortage of foreign teachers needed in China, you could tell them: "Here is my degree document - take or leave it! Do you really think I will take all the trouble on me that the notarization process entails for me just for the few bucks you pay for my work? There are better places like South Korea where you get paid much more and notarization of degrees is not required".

I also won't accept the authenticity of my degrees to be doubted; if they do, they are free to look for someone else to act as a white monkey in their stupid muppet show.

"If you're actually getting a real job (not teaching English), don't risk it at all. You'll probably get fucked for it a few years down the line."

#90 Parent Taffy - 2018-03-29
Re Degree notarized and background check

Just get a fake degree like the Chinese do. You will be fine.

I've listened in on conversations and I can tell you that it's possible for a Chinese to buy a real degree in China. Obviously much cooperation is needed to achieve that. I've no idea how widespread this fiddling of the books happens.

If John is right about fake degrees being notarised- well, it's nice to know that something is being done to redress the balance between the haves and have nots.

#91 Parent John O'Shei - 2018-03-29
Re Degree notarized and background check

The perverse thing about this new regulation - if you are getting a fake degree, you'll also get fake notarisation done. That process will be quicker and cheaper than notarising the real thing. If you don't have the real thing and you're only going to teach English anyway, you probably have little to lose.

If you have a real degree, just notarise it properly. You don't want to risk getting in trouble for the above when you've spent 4 years at a real university to get the real thing.

If you're actually getting a real job (not teaching English), don't risk it at all. You'll probably get fucked for it a few years down the line.

#92 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29
Re Degree notarized and background check

Just get a fake degree like the Chinese do. You will be fine.

#93 Parent Ant - 2018-03-29
Re Degree notarized and background check

Yes, if you want to work legally with a work permit.

Read the multiple postings on this topic which are posted all over the web.

PAUL - 2018-03-29
Degree notarized and background check

Do you seriously need a notarized degree before getting a visa to come and teach in China?

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