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#1 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29
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I suppose false allegations against certain individuals have been around for a long time. There are obviously all sort of reasons why people make things up and spread malicious gossip and rumours.

Just seems to be a lot more of it lately since ultra-feminism reared it's ugly head again since about September 2016.

Women accusing men of rape and sexual assault, bullying and harassment with little or no no evidence. To be fair however, women have also been doing it to other women and men to other men.

I wonder if it is just a coincidence that it is usually wealthy individuals who are the target of these allegations? To me, money is the motivation for these "rape" claims.

In Australia like in the USA this is becoming a big problem. Trial be media, trial by Channel 7 and 9.

#2 Parent Another Willie - 2018-03-29
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I know how it feels when you earn a shit storm or get hate emails - for instance, on another forum years ago. These posts contained made-up stories and false allegations and were mainly started by a low-life whom I had outed to be a crook who did not pay his freelancers properly.

Eventually, some people will support you but in the end the question is whether you can rely on them in these hard times or whether they just pay a lip service that doesn't cost them anything.

The best thing to see you through such times of trouble is self-confidence that you have done nothing wrong and that what your enemies say has no basis at all.

#3 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29
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Correct. The haters on the forum are self-serving little twats and trolls who would never lift a finger to help anyone except themselves. Also pathetic little blue pill men who can't attract a woman unless they spend a million rmb. Just have to laugh at them I guess.

#4 Parent Dragonized - 2018-03-29
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No such thing as bad publicity as said by someone. The hate emails only show how little those haters have to offer the world.

Silverboy - 2018-03-29
thank you

I would like to again thank all the people who have sent me messages of support on We Chat and e-mails. It really proves to me that I am doing the right thing. Our cause is a just one. SB

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