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#1 Parent Another Willie - 2018-03-29
Re: Guangzhou Worlda Cultural & Educational Consulting Services CO.LTD

The crappy people running Worlda are business people without any business ethics and intellect. Nobody should have ever worked for them!

Mary and her lawyer failed to read the settlement which stated that I was not permitted to bring up any further labor issues, and thought they got away free and clear after paying the settlement. Ha! She did not realize that embezzling tax money from my salary was a criminal matter, which I then followed up on with the tax bureaus. Her and her criminal companions Neil [](USA), and Adam [](Australia) have fled China to avoid paying the Government and avoid prosecution.
#2 Parent Jason - 2018-03-29
Re: Guangzhou Worlda Cultural & Educational Consulting Services CO.LTD

I worked at Worlda until 2014. At that time was fired without cause took them to court and received an in court settlement. Mary and her lawyer failed to read the settlement which stated that I was not permitted to bring up any further labor issues, and thought they got away free and clear after paying the settlement. Ha! She did not realize that embezzling tax money from my salary was a criminal matter, which I then followed up on with the tax bureaus. Her and her criminal companions Neil [](USA), and Adam [](Australia) have fled China to avoid paying the Government and avoid prosecution. Two other front companies run by Mary Yue aka Casey &Yue Qiu You are Sky education, and SATI first human resourcing in Shenzhen. Do not work for these people, and if you do or have go to the tax bureau and squire your tax record. It will show that that the taxes withheld from you'd salery were not paid to the Government. Embezzlement & Fraud! Fuck you very much! Mary is the dragon lady of Guangzhou.

#3 Parent Guangzhou Worlda Scam - 2016-07-03
Re Good day to the kind teachers!!!

Once again, TankEngine, you are right on point. Worlda is the last organization that should be invoking the concept of virtuousness in its arguments! The only standard the company seems to follow is that any action that generates an RMB is justified.

#4 Parent TankEngine - 2016-07-02
Re Good day to the kind teachers!!!

Having a bad experience with a company doesn't make a teacher "less" professional or less virtuous. You can't assume that companies like Worlda are the do-all-say-all of who we are as teachers. I know plenty of FTs who are awesome, but then they come to Worlda and those rich, private, local schools make utter fools out of them. Don't think that your company "validates" teachers. Stop lying to yourself, most of these teachers are here because it's easy money. Let's stop acting like this isn't a thing. Let's stop acting like Worlda has a "eye for quality." Hell, most of these so-called challenges aren't even necessary in the teaching field. Like, when should a teacher ever have to deal with entire classes of students throwing things and yelling and acting like zoo animals the moment a teacher walks in? Exactly. And despite Worlda and other companies like it being a general shyt show, most stick around for the pocket change. "Experience difference" my ass.

#5 Parent Jerry L'épeire - 2016-06-27
Re Good day to the kind teachers!!!

I am a H.R. from South China.


1. Dr.Trunoi, john O'Shei, Jerry L'epeire, ScamKnight!!!

Who are they?

These are people who are trying to select bias but neglect the truth.

What bias am I selecting, and what truth am I neglecting? Unfortunately for our southern local HR, there's no abridged/simplified version of any of my experiences. Ask anyone or just read my posts regarding this company: when I tell it, I tell it all.

They are ones don't work at China but want to stir against it( in fact against most all the
schools or institutions in South China).

Umm, I don't know about Dr. Turnoi, O'Shei or Scamknight, but I'm still in China, by the way. Perhaps I've been mistaken for someone you worked with in your office? Speaking of experiences (notice I didn't say "opinions" but EXPERIENCES - if you knew Jerry, you'd know Jerry doesn't "do" opinions), all of mine were and are related to Worlda, not China. Let's not steer matters away from the topic, HR.

ScamKnight ... no school wants to take a risk to hire you once your name is "well knowned" in
the whole worlda!.

Right, because ScamKnight is the surname on all the legal docements and immigration records for that person.
P.S. I hope that last word was auto-corrected. That would be fantastic.

They love Chinese culture , they love Chinese people and always to be positive and brave to
solve problems.

No one can say everything is good in China. It is a developing country. And should be
imporved on all aspects.

But even USA has a lot of nagative comments, but fact is that it's still one of great
countries in the world.

Deflect. Deflect. Deflect. And not a single comment about Worlda... a company that one of many educational structures in China, a company that even local Chinese have issues with in terms of service, morals and ethics. A company with practices that even cause Chinese people to cringe and shake their heads. And for some odd reason, HR is having a hard time separating the two.

If you're assuming that Worlda is a fair representation of China, and that those who bash the company (Turnoi/O'Shei) or expose its corruption (ScamKnight. And how did you leave out TankEngine?) or reveal experiences that may turn people away from it (anyone who has said "I worked for Worlda and THIS happened!") are actually doing all of that to CHINA as if they're one in the same, that makes you the spinning opposite of DongK, one, and two, you may want to try different, more 练达的 areas in China's developing internationalised education scene and then come back because, buddy, this isn't it.

#6 Parent James B. - 2016-05-20
Good day to the kind teachers!!!

I am a H.R. from South China.

1. Dr.Trunoi, john O'Shei, Jerry L'epeire, ScamKnight!!!

Who are they?

These are people who are trying to select bias but neglect the truth.

Here are other teachers complaining them.


They are ones don't work at China but want to stir against it( in fact against most all the schools or institutions in South China).

Why they hate China?

Because of they can not find a job in their countries with such attitude and had been expelled by the Chinese Government as well.

Here is for the civilized argument instead of a place for lynch!

2. ScamKnight, or I should call you Mr. J .

Nevery think about that anyone will approve your working permit or visa by threating a company with some fake "Scam" websites.

Please focus on your job and career development in future, if you still want to teach in China.

Or no school wants to take a risk to hire you once your name is "well knowned" in the whole worlda!.

No teachers want to work with nagative persons, make lifes upset!

If you can not stop doing the illegal things, you will received the court summons once you are at the gate of Exit and Entry Frontier Inspection of China.

3. Foreign teachers

What I wrote here looks scared , but they are really the very small amount of foreign teachers in China.

Rather than acting like a crier, most of the foreign teachers I met were professional and virtuous.

They are focusing on their profession in teaching, focusing on bridging the gap of west and east culture, focusing on helping improve the Chinese Education, etc..

Every body knows it is not to start to work abroad,which is one of the reason that we choose to teach abroad, is to experience difference,is to chage,is to challenge,est..

They love Chinese culture , they love Chinese people and always to be positive and brave to solve problems.

No one can say everything is good in China. It is a developing country. And should be imporved on all aspects.

But even USA has a lot of nagative comments, but fact is that it's still one of great countries in the world.

4. Critics.

You are always welcome!

There are also very good suggestions on this forum helping us understand how we can improve.

I only beg and wish more details when you talk about an issue ,instead of just using some adjective or relative words.


Good day to the kind teachers!!!

#7 Parent OC - 2016-03-28
Re: Guangzhou Worlda Cultural & Educational Consulting Services CO.LTD

If anything, your posts sound more like an embittered ex-HR worker than a foreign teacher. In
conclusion: your posts both sound like this one:

Classic D[edited] trying to defend a corrupt company!!!!!!!

#8 Parent John O'Shei - 2016-03-23
Re: Guangzhou Worlda Cultural & Educational Consulting Services CO.LTD

If it is indeed the case that he's an ex-Worlda office/HR worker that realised that they were indeed up to no good and made a conscious decision to leave because of that (and not just merely jumping from a sinking ship); maybe we should give him a little break. But he had better own up to being a former non-teaching member of staff first.

So, DongK, here's your chance. Tell the board who you really are and tell everybody more about what Worlda get up to behind closed doors.

#9 Parent Jerry L'épeire - 2016-03-23
Re: Guangzhou Worlda Cultural & Educational Consulting Services CO.LTD

I see.

I think the entire roster should be ashamed of themselves for not warning the foreign teachers in advance about this company, they should have never been put in senior positions,they weren't capable of performing an honest role!

You're not a Chinese staff member? Maybe not ANYMORE; your sentence structure still points to the mechanics of the Chinese language. (i.e. separating clauses by commas irrespective of whether or not the clauses are dependent or independent, skimping on conjunctions and connective phrases in lieu of said commas, emphasising national labels, etc) Also, your posts still point to "corruption of [Chinese] companies," full of we-are-the-China rhetoric (i.e. having a "role") and nothing that would suggest the slightest experience of being a teacher working for Worlda.

Who would post about "illegal deals" unless they worked in HR, had a rough time with a manager and left? What Worlda teacher would even think twice about "reporting crimes to senior officials?"

What really gets to me is the fact that they are still in business and how they get away with doing all of the illegal stuff behind closed doors is beyond me.

^ You answered this in your previous post.
There is a huge amount of corruption at Worlda, not just Worlda, but with most Chinese agencies.

Right. Suppose it isn't AS far away, but fair try all the same.

And even if you WERE mentioning positive points, why wouldn't they be based on your own experiences rather than just copy-pasting from the website as though you were practically advertising the company?

If anything, your posts sound more like an embittered ex-HR worker than a foreign teacher. In conclusion: your posts both sound like this one:

But in refined Worldanglish.

(As a matter of fact, check that entire thread - you didn't have to post your "story," as other teachers were and have already been well "inspired.")

#10 Parent DongK - 2016-03-22
Re: Guangzhou Worlda Cultural & Educational Consulting Services CO.LTD

Hi Jerry,

Apologies for the late reply as I have been inactive for a few months. Let me begin by saying that working at Worlda was one of the worst decisions that I ever made in my life.I'm not a Chinese staff member like you assumed,I'm a former foreign teacher.Firstly, I wasn't trying to glorify the company,I was just trying to show some of their strengths, it would be rude not to include some good stuff to say and to point out some legal stuff that they do(not a lot) and the benefits attached with working for the company (hard to believe a lot exist)

Lets get to the dirty part, in my own estimate, one out of every three teachers get severely screwed over.I hated the company,it was extreme punishment,I soon found out that they were slimbags and one of the worst companies that I have ever worked for in my life, lying all the time and making illegal deals,again let me state this is my experience, I can't talk about many other foreign teacher because I didn't get to know many other foreign teachers,but those that I did had similar horror stories.What really gets to me is the fact that they are still in business and how they get away with doing all of the illegal stuff behind closed doors is beyond me. They neglected me and took full advantage, I think the entire roster should be ashamed of themselves for not warning the foreign teachers in advance about this company, they should have never been put in senior positions,they weren't capable of performing an honest role!It's hurtful looking back at what I went through and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy, I'd advise every new teacher to refrain from signing up, all you have to is read the older posts and you will see volumes of bad stories!I'd be all day writing my horrible story and someday when I'm over the struggle I'll file a detailed report and maybe my story will inspire more former teachers to share their experiences.I wish that I had gone to the police, or reported their crimes to senior officials when I was in China, but again I can draw a positive by giving you all a warning to avoid with extreme caution!!!!!!!!!!

I'm not the type of person that writes on blogs everyday or rambles on and on and on, and I'm not the type of person that looks for sympathy or attention,but I need to get stuff off my chest and it seems like this is the only blog that lets me expose the truth.Maybe you are reading this and thinking that I'm overreacting, this is not my intention, I'm trying to shine some light on a very bad company!

#11 Parent Worlduh - 2016-03-02
Re: Guangzhou Worlda Cultural & Educational Consulting Services CO.LTD

This is a great account of what it is like dealing with Guangzhou Worlda and it's only the tip of the iceberg. Before you sign the contract you can ask a lot of questions about the oddities and they will sweet talk you with blatant lies that will get you to put pen to paper. They may tell you they have a certain school in mind for you but once you sign the contract, they'll pull the bait and switch. The training seems to consist of how foolish you are willing to act so they can gauge how much self-respect you are willing to relinquish in their favor. Run like the wind and never look back!!!

#12 Parent Worlduh - 2016-02-04
Re: Guangzhou Worlda Cultural & Educational Consulting Services CO.LTD

Do yourself a favor and delete/tear-up the contract.

#13 Parent Jerry L'épeire - 2016-01-26
Re: Guangzhou Worlda Cultural & Educational Consulting Services CO.LTD

I am really wondering what Worlda will say (when they inevitably reappear in some form again)
to try to defend themselves this time [and] if they do actually fancy coming back for
more, like one of those beaten housewife types. Not that we'd have any sympathy for them
at all.

This made me chuckle. It's that time of year: end of the term and therefore time to do damage control. I've heard they gave a nice crowd out in Dongguan these days. I feel bad for that city mostly because of the routes it couldve gone with expanding international English studies, curricula and awareness, it picked the agency route.

Anywho I, too, am curious.

*sips chamomile*

#14 Parent John O'Shei - 2016-01-26
Re: Guangzhou Worlda Cultural & Educational Consulting Services CO.LTD

I am really wondering what Worlda will say (when they inevitably reappear in some form again) to try to defend themselves this time.

I'm guessing it will either be:

A.) As Jerry L'épeire said, the usual "We are the China. You are the Foreign" bullshit.

B.) A fake foreign teacher or real paid lackey loser making a post. Some foreigners do get something like Stockholm syndrome or something, I think and will therefore defend them, lol. They previously had some token foreign HR manager or whatever post something to defend the company, he got torn to shreds and later on, some Chinese person claimed he'd got fired and was now back to being 'good foreigner deecher' again or whatever.

Regardless of what happens, Worlda will inevitably delete those posts after this board destroys them once again. I really wonder if they do actually fancy coming back for more, like one of those beaten housewife types. Not that we'd have any sympathy for them at all.

#15 Parent John O'Shei - 2016-01-26
Re: Guangzhou Worlda Cultural & Educational Consulting Services CO.LTD

I've been informed by some people in GZ that they were setting something up in Australia. Which sounds a lot like getting a hell of a lot of dirty money out of China and in the case of some of the owners getting themselves out of the country, before their protective guanxi connections are executed as a result of Daddy Xi's crackdown.

#16 Parent TankEngine - 2016-01-25
Re: Guangzhou Worlda Cultural & Educational Consulting Services CO.LTD

I'll tell ya thus much:

If you've not been to the company's local office, there's a good chance that ain't the actual contract unless it's 15+ pages long.

Either way, if you sign it, get yourself ready for some mess. Unless you already know someone in GZ, you'll be in a hotel at your expense (cuz worlda won't pay for anything. They're afraid folk will take the accommodation and run.) with not even a hint of how long you'll be in there. They'll tell you "it depends on how your training goes" when really they're just stalling for time to find a school that won't have an issue with your appearance - most schools with worlda could give a rats ass about whether or not you can teach well or even speak English. Basically, if you're a picturesque white male with and don't look too "off," you're good to go. Otherwise, if youre either female (particularly non blond), black (according to China standards), larger than some or just look "aged" or any combination of these, bet your bottom dollar, basically they'll have you waiting for someone to quit so they can throw you in there.

"Training", if you're lucky, is you showing off how "foreign" you can be. If you can pull off Fraulein Maria from Sound of Music, you're in. Otherwise be prepared to be told "you should play more games" or "you should be more funny" from a bunch of uni grads who can barely spell TEFL...

Their website says you get winter and summer holiday, but that's not PAID winter and summer holiday, for example. So once you arrive, if you start at the beginning of the month, you'll be 50 days without pay. Holidays will have you going 80-90 days counting jiaos. Remember that hotel? You get reimbursed only AFTER you've pulled your hair out by the end of the contract. If you got an apartment with them, don't be fooled. There IS no "company apartment" as many may think. You come to china. The staff then has to scout about for an apartment on your behalf. There is no "home waiting for you to move right on in." Might be down the street from your school. Might be a 90min commute. You may not even know who your landlord is because they won't tell you, yet will expect you to handle everything when something goes wrong.

Once you end up in a school, unless you're in one of their top paying "clients", they leave you alone. You rarely hear from them unless it's to tell you what a bad job you're doing near the end of the semester. Or to relay school information at the very last minute. If you end up at the school that doesn't have TAs, unless you speak stellar Chinese, good luck to you. No curriculum. No materials. No resources. You'd have to pull an entire programme of teaching out your bum in record time.

If that sounds ok to you, by all means sign right up. All the best.

But if you have other options, take the other options and don't put yourself through unnecessary stress. If you don't have other options, FIND other options, as they are out there.

Worlda is a sanity gamble. It's one of those companies where if teachers didn't have a particularly bad experience, they no experience at all and were probably there to collect pocket change anyway. I've tons of other info from experience with them. "RUN! Run FAR! Run FAST!"

#17 Parent Jerry L'épeire - 2016-01-25
Re: Guangzhou Worlda Cultural & Educational Consulting Services CO.LTD

First of all, I'm surprised this company still exists.

Secondly, looks like Worldga's found some staff who may have actually left China and actually learned some English for a change. How do I know youre a staff member and not an actual teacher, you may ask?

Pull up a chair, DongK, old buddy old pal, and take notes.

The first half of your pros-n-con gag up was copy-pasted from worldas many online job ads. Ya didn't even think to change the "you" to "I" to make it sound like an actual personal review. Instead it sounds like an in-your-face "We are the China. You are the Foreign" spiel... cuz this is a forum, ya know... for reviews and whatnot.

The cons wasted no time in sweeping the attention away from Worlda, and instead resorted to the old fashioned, "it's bad... b-b-but EVERY company is bad, some even WORSE, so BLAH!" tactic. This screens of collectivist rhetoric. "It's corrupt." Ok? Why/How would that cross your mind unless you were a Chinese staff member practically an instrument of the corruption? How corrupt could it be that you at least get picked up from the airport? This one definitely gave you away.

But that's ok. You keep it at, DongK. One day, you'll be as fancy a scheisster as whoever the heck is running that place now.



#18 Parent US Owl - 2016-01-23
Re: Guangzhou Worlda Cultural & Educational Consulting Services CO.LTD

I received my contract today. Now I'm a bit worried if i should accept their offer....hmmmmmm


#19 Parent Mogui - 2015-02-07
Re: Guangzhou Worlda Cultural & Educational Consulting Services CO.LTD

So what you are saying is: "We'll treat you like shit and what's more, we'll try to justify it!"

#20 Parent DongK - 2015-02-04
Re: Guangzhou Worlda Cultural & Educational Consulting Services CO.LTD

There are lots of pros and cons with working at Worlda

Firstly, I'll start with the pros, you get picked up at the airport upon arrival,you are working on a Z Visa,you don't have to leave China every 30 days,the pay is really high in Guangzhou,I was working the same shifts as a teacher with a different agency,earning about 1500 RMB more than her every month, for the exact same work.Also you gain valuable experience along the way and you are always paid on time, no matter what.You even have the opportunity to attend Chinese lessons, once a week.Lastly,you gain experience across many different levels, experience that will help you in the future, regardless of whatever role you might take.

Now the cons, they are not an honest company. There is a huge amount of corruption at Worlda, not just Worlda, but with most Chinese agencies.They are very motivated, and you,a westerner,come with a huge price tag. You are gold in China, in full demand, and Chinese agents will do everything to exploit foreigners, no matter how damaging the consequences may be. This has been highlighted on more than one occasion.

I wouldn't go as far as saying that they are 100% bad,but just be very careful. I know teachers that did well at Worlda, and liked their role, and have worked with Worlda for years,while others were mistreated,collapsed and ran away as quickly as they possibly could.If you are careful and observant then you will be ok and you will succeed. I would recommend that you study Chinese law and know your rights before arriving in China. If not then they will find every possible way to take advantage of you.Do your research in advance, ask plenty of questions, read everything before signing, question the school,facilities, accomodation, flights, social events, before your trip, so you will have a clearer idea of what to expect upon arrival.

To conclude, there are positive and negative examples in every job. I have worked for better and for worse agencies over the years, and I can draw the line right down the middle.

#21 Parent John O’ Shei - 2014-12-02
Re: Guangzhou Worlda Cultural & Educational Consulting Services CO.LTD

The question is:Did admin remove those comments because they felt that it was all spam coming from the same IP address or did Worlda remove those comments of their own accord?

Some clarification from the admins would be nice here.

What's even more bizarre in that instead of merely posting fake positive reviews, even some of the negative comments appeared to be written in Chinglish and they too, also seem to have disappeared. Worlda may have tried to cover their tracks once again, but this time they have overcompensated and f**ked themselves with their own cock, so to speak. Their attempt at the removal of evidence has effectively provided this board with more evidence.

I've heard that this is a common wumao tactic on Chinese BBS sites, where the wumao will write comments representing both sides of an argument, even putting two alias into battle to create a false illusion of genuine discussion which is eventually swung in the way of the government propaganda department. For a private company to be imitating such wumao style tactics does seem very strange indeed.

Anyway, my question to all teachers is: Do you really want to work for a company that has to resort to those kinds of dirty tactics in order to promote itself?

#22 Parent MR T - 2014-11-30
Re: Guangzhou Worlda Cultural & Educational Consulting Services CO.LTD

Newest comments removed for some mysterious reason

Everyone has to warn people that this is not a real recruiting agency and they scam foreign teachers

#23 Parent John O'Shei - 2013-06-09
Re: Guangzhou Worlda Cultural & Educational Consulting Services CO.LTD

Every year or so, Worlda seem to write a post to try to beg forgiveness, excuse or dispute previous mistakes and make themselves look even worse. I'll laugh if this Dan fellow gets fired in an unfair and unjust manner soon for failing to recruit enough foreign teachers to pay off a whacking great loan that Worlda had taken out on a new centre.

Same time every year... End of semesters, ends of teachers' contracts at these places. Teachers don't renew, they fail to attract enough new teachers, schools fail to pay money to Worlda for their services... All too predictable. I love this time of year, when these kind of idiots come out to play and we are entertained by them for days on end as a result.

Can't wait for the Worlda Christmas special!

Actually, heard a story from a couple of guys in GZ that a school in the rural areas stopped paying for Worlda's services after the Hong Kong based owners discovered a fair bit of dodgy business going on and completely locked down the finances of the place. Apparently, the said teachers were asked to beg the school for payment on Worlda's behalf. The teachers, already annoyed at the fact that they were getting moved to new areas at very short notice, couldn't give a toss.

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