Return to Index › the black pill
#1 Parent Alias Taffy - 2018-03-29
Re the black pill

I warn men about the dangers of gynocentrism and hypergamy. Many men have woken up and they now understand both these things. It is not just Asian women. Hypergamy relates to ALL women. Yes, some women can resist the hypergamy urge, just like most men don't act on a rape urge, but most women are hypergamous. Women don't love men. They love what men can do for them.

Hahaha! he must think we're all born in a barn. Occasionally he feels he should make a point that it's "ALL" women he's preoccupied with downgrading but we know he has a fixation with CHINESE women- cos he couldn't manage to get a Chinese wife. look at the way he's spoken about poor old Caring's wife, O my God!

#2 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29
Re the black pill

I warn men about the dangers of gynocentrism and hypergamy. Many men have woken up and they now understand both these things. It is not just Asian women. Hypergamy relates to ALL women. Yes, some women can resist the hypergamy urge, just like most men don't act on a rape urge, but most women are hypergamous. Women don't love men. They love what men can do for them.

#3 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29
Re the black pill

I get no personal reward from giving money to poor Africans. I don't do any business over there. Nothing hedonistic about it in my case.

#4 Parent Another Willie - 2018-03-29
Re the black pill

A lot of international companies do that occasionally to only later brag about it. It' s also hedonistic in nature.

You can still be hedonistic and have some sort of "social responsibility". I've donated to World Vision a lot over the years. Mostly to their causes in Africa.
#5 Parent Another Willie - 2018-03-29
Re the black pill

In a way, we all do. You do the same - you are talking about your past experience with Asian women and wives to "warn" others. That's looking back without offering any perspective that may work for others, right?

You are living in the past.
#6 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29
Re the black pill

You can still be hedonistic and have some sort of "social responsibility". I've donated to World Vision a lot over the years. Mostly to their causes in Africa.

That does not mean I can't enjoy my gold, silver, luxury watches, gemstones, beaches, bar girls, beer, etc. I've earned it!

#7 Parent Silverboy - 2018-03-29
Re the black pill

You are living in the past. Like Jimi Hendrix said, "They're livin in the past, livin in the past" LOL!

#8 Parent Another Willie - 2018-03-29
Re the black pill

Each to their own and their chosen way of life. But: whatever way you chose to follow - hedonistic or not - society would fall apart if there weren't those who care with the opposite of a hedonistic mindset.

Now some black pillers are vehemently denying they are fatalistic or nihilistic and say they are survivalists.
Silverboy - 2018-03-29
the black pill

There has been a lot of discussion recently on You Tube about the "Black Pill". What is annoying to me is that the black pill is considered by some to be an offshoot of the rapidly expanding ( exploding ) MGTOW movement and philosophy. Black pillers generally believe in a total, "I don't give a fuck" attitude toward everything. To me that is a type of nihilism. MGTOW are certainly TRP ( The Red Pill ) in that they live life only for themselves, totally reject marriage and "family values" and are self sufficient and only see women as useful for casual sex, PAD ( pump and dump ) A Level 2 or 3 MGTOW like myself may also be very hedonistic ( in my case ) or very minimalist ( Level 4 or 5 MGTOW will try to totally drop out of mainstream "society" , not pay any tax at all, live off the land, subsistence lifestyle and become a total recluse )

Now some black pillers are vehemently denying they are fatalistic or nihilistic and say they are survivalists. They know that Western society and economy ( and many Asian societies ) will soon collapse and maybe they don't really care. They know however that they must prepare, so they are stockpiling gold and silver bullion and precious gemstones. Some MGTOW are also preparing for economic disaster They are also stockpiling large amounts of tinned food and bottled water in a bolthole in an isolated rural area or coastal area ( in my case I have done this in the city but are considering purchasing a remote rural property ) In the case of American black pills and some MGTOW in the USA it's likely they are also stockpiling semi-automatic and automatic weapons, for future defense purposes.

The coming collapse of the global economy and society/civilization is not in the very immediate future, it is not an immediate threat, but it is an imminent threat. Say 2023/2024. All the warning signs are there, the cracks are already appearing.

To me it's out with the old and in with the new. This current backward politically correct and gynocentric, politically and economically unstable and unsustainable global economy/society is going to collapse. A chance for re-birth and renewal.

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