Return to Index › Re: Beijing Royal School (BRS)
#1 Parent BRSS - 2018-07-30
Re Beijing Royal School Sucks BRSS

The place is run by Chinese mafia doing business as the Fazhang Group. Contact the North Carolina Bureau of Criminial Investigation in Chapel Hills, NC for more info. That same school owner owns a hospital near the school. Look into what else they do there. He is the King of Changping District.

#2 Parent meiguorin@communistparty.com - 2018-07-19
Re Beijing Royal School Sucks BRSS

Going through these posts, I came across this one from Francis Fellin.

He or she is not an outstanding rep of this school but rather part of the management of the school.

I also ran a background check on this person and indeed what others on this site have claimed is indeed quite true. Just pop her or his name into google and you will see for yourself.

I do not believe that the vitriolic is from just one teacher.

The school is an avoid.

#3 Parent ricky - 2018-07-13
Re Beijing Royal School Info

school sucks. they tried to frame me when a student broke his leg in the class room. was not even on campus when it happened. they also hired a convicted felon who was on probation at the time for numerous counts of fraud and terrorist threats. drugs are rampant, and of course most "teachers" are unqualified.management is good old corrupt management, chinese style.

#4 Parent Anonymous - 2017-06-28
Re Beijing Royal School Sucks BRSS

Ha, unfortunately nothing has changed here at BRS, and won't anytime soon. Why? The truth is, the principal is only using the school and its tuition fees to pool in money in order to build even more scam-schools. He revealed in January or February of this year that he plans to build a much bigger and better version of BRS elsewhere in Changping. When this new campus opens up, the current BRS will probably be scrapped. This is why the salaries are so low for foreign teachers compared to other international schools and why the school spends relatively little money on its students or improving the quality of facilities here. This is what happens when you mix education and business.

#5 Parent clovverhh - 2017-06-28
Re Beijing Royal School Sucks BRSS

Sadly this is all very true... wish I'd read this forum before getting a job here.

#6 Parent MikeK - 2017-06-26
Re Beijing Royal School Info

At least she didn't say "I'm sure many boys at our campus will like you "

#7 Parent EduLeader - 2017-06-25
Re Beijing Royal School Info

I interviewed for a Vice-Principal role in 2017. The HR director was pushy and bombarded me with WeChat voice messages. I didn't feel this behavior was legit, so I said rather than visiting the campus - I'd bring some questions to her attention via email - with the agreement that satisfactory answers could lead to progress in the appointment. My questions - (process, finance, product related) were unanswered. The HR director finally responded by saying the school doesn't meet my expectation. I was left confused and highly suspicious. The main point to share is that one voice message from the HR Director actually stated 'do you have a girlfriend, I'm sure many girls at our campus will like you...' I have never heard such an inappropriate comment in my career.

#8 Parent FTinPRC - 2017-05-22
Re Beijing Royal School Info

sad to see the
level of vitriol here (but not surprised, as it seems to be the norm on this type of

You are not sad. You are shilling for your employer.
If FTs read ALL of the posts regarding your school and they then choose to email you for advice, they deserve to work there.

#9 Parent Alex Gould - 2017-05-22
Beijing Royal School Info

I currently teach at Beijing Royal School, and have done so since 2014... sad to see the level of vitriol here (but not surprised, as it seems to be the norm on this type of forum)...

The work here is challenging (and whether you view that as a positive or a negative will most likely reflect how you view the profession of teaching), but personally I've found it rewarding, too, especially in terms of developing as a teacher.

Detailed information about our school, including recruitment, can be found on the school website: http://www.bjroyalschool.com/?lang=en

And, while anybody worth their salt knows not to take the claims of disgruntled ex-employees and candidates who didn't make the cut at face value, if you are interested in teaching here and have a specific question or concern you'd like answered, feel free to drop me an email: gould@brs.edu.cn.

Have a great Monday, all!

#10 Parent Beijiner - 2017-04-26
Re Beijing Royal School Sucks BRSS

It's 2017 now, has anything changed? or still all the same? :D

#11 Parent Dundee Man - 2017-01-19
Pretend Beijing Royal "School" Sucks BRSS

This "school" is crap, crap, crap!
Stay away!

#12 Parent Francis Felicelli - 2017-01-19
Re Beijing Royal School Sucks BRSS


Feel free to contact me to get a different perspective from, what appears to be, a former employee of BRS. As with many anonymous slams there are kernels of truth to most unfair attacks-- a few outright lies contained herein as well. I will give you a fair overview, as I see it, and not hide behind anonymity. I look forward to hearing from you.


#13 Parent Anonymous - 2016-12-02
Re Beijing Royal School Sucks BRSS

It's 2016 and everything still applies; students skip class, they smoke in the bathrooms, and all the grades are still forged. Except, the school wants to brush all that under the surface now by getting accredited by the WASC. They fired another foreign teacher supposedly for leaking the test questions to the midterm (something which MANY of the Chinese teachers, and some of the foreign teachers do) a month ago, but the truth is they did so to brag about how "honest" the school's grading policy is, and because the teacher "unfairly" asked for a pay raise. Also, the school principal, Wang Guangfa, threatened that any students who "got in the way" of BRS getting accredited by the WASC would be expelled (meaning, if they exposed the school for what it really is).

Those thinking about teaching here will be disappointed. The wifi is slow, apartments are broken down, you have to get permission for idiotic things like printing out class assignments, the canteens are overpriced and the food disgusting, if you don't agree with everything the administrators say you'll probably get fired, and you will probably never do labs or interactive activities with your classes and instead resort to reading from powerpoints while the students fall asleep or play on their iPads in class.

It's obvious that all the students here hate being here, and are coerced by their parents to attend. They're forced to take 8-10 classes per year, school hours go from 8am to 9pm, and are compelled to attend "educational assemblies" where basically the principal and his rich, corrupt corporate friends brag about their own accomplishments and themselves.

In all, BRS is just Wang Guangfa's vanity project and portion of his corporate empire. The guy doesn't care about education AT ALL, only about EARNING MONEY FOR HIMSELF. It is an absolute SCAM. If you want to teach in Beijing, try Keystone Academy or a legitimate international high school in Shunyi instead.

#14 Parent Tar Heel Yankee - 2015-12-28
Re Beijing Royal School Sucks BRSS

Hi Lucy,

If you could contact me I would like to discuss your impressions from a recent job fair-- was your experience in China or the States? Regarding your criticisms of our Ipad initiative-- at a loss for words on your opinion in that regard. But, am open to a constructive dialogue. I look forward to hearing from you. francis@brs.edu.cn


#15 Parent Sekinom - 2015-12-16
Re Beijing Royal School Sucks BRSS

Does anyone actually give a crap that the students have ipads? Why do you folks consistently respond to criticisms of the work environment and HR practices with "but we have ipads!"?

You know that makes you look like tone-deaf shills, right? (And most of the time, ipads would be the last thing I'd want in my classroom.)

Also, [citation needed] on the "named most innovative international school," because Google ain't finding it. You did make the top 10 most expensive, though.

I became interested in this school after meeting a representative at a job fair. He kept going on about the owner and how much juice he has, and how he's "probably going to be the next mayor of Beijing." That's not a good sign, in my opinion, that an institution is legit. That might dazzle a noob, but anyone who's lived in China is going to be naturally distrustful of an institution propelled by guanxi.

#16 Parent San Migs - 2015-03-20
Re Beijing Royal School Sucks BRSS

Worked in Oman for one year...and they never ever held my passport, work visa only took one day, but a bit of a wait at the cop shop in the afternoon.

I'd wager you are a phillipino or something.

#17 Parent San Migs - 2015-03-20
Re Beijing Royal School

Don't get work if all y'all there for is the p[edited], there's plenty of p[edited] that be found everywhere if you look hard enough, unless you be stuck up in the middle of f[edited] Nebraska or some [edited].

What is with all the american ghetto talk? Anyway, not just women that concern me, never been to the USA so would never know about nebraska?

But Macau is nice and it ain't that hard to get a visa; this Russian [edited] I met is teaching at a kindergarten right now, they pay her good, gave her this real nice [edited] apartment. Good work if you can get it?

Yes, Macau is nice, but there are a few flaws with your good work if you can get it argument.

1) Not everyone enjoys teaching kindergarten (I and a few other posters on this board do not!)
2) Not everyone is good at teaching kindergarten (I am not, but more power to those who are!)
3) I prefer working at a public high/secondary school or college. If your russian friend has the qualifications, she should consider teaching there. As it is, I suspect she does not (I may well be wrong) and the kindergarten gets a white face, albeit a non native english speaking one, and the kindergarten makes money overall, and the parents are duped. Nice apartment, but tiny, it is macau, remember. I was discussing teaching ESL, not Russian.

Thanks again for your reply.

#18 Parent Chrissy Gómez - 2015-03-19
Re Beijing Royal School Sucks BRSS

Not no more...[edited]

And in Qatar, Dubai and them places, they keep hold of your passport, can you imagine that [edited]?

#19 Parent Chrissy Gómez - 2015-03-19
Re Beijing Royal School

Don't get work if all y'all there for is the p[edited], there's plenty of p[edited] that be found everywhere if you look hard enough, unless you be stuck up in the middle of f[edited] Nebraska or some [edited].

But Macau is nice and it ain't that hard to get a visa; this Russian [edited] I met is teaching at a kindergarten right now, they pay her good, gave her this real nice [edited] apartment. Good work if you can get it?

#20 Parent : yu2fa3 - 2015-03-19
Re Beijing Royal School

The FT can be a welcome relief from lessons given by their proper teachers ,the Chinese ones. I think we csn get oversensitive if we get obsessed with being seen as 'professionals' teachers qualified to teach in their own countries state schools are perhaps were professionals and not msny of us can do that. Nothing wrong with performing the clown occasionally as long as you try snd be good clowns and impart some English.

#21 Parent San Migs - 2015-03-19
Re Beijing Royal School

Oral English teaching is only one option for foreign teachers in China and I agree it often is little more than being something between a clown ad a babysitter

I am 38 and am unqualified to do anything else, especially back in the UK without expensive and extensive further education/retraining which I can ill afford. I also like Chinese/Taiwanese girls (not HK girls!!!), so for me I'd consider a position in mainland china if it paid well, but the air quality is also an issue.I'm looking at Taiwan right now, HK/Macau is impossible as very expensive and materialistic, I'd choose macau out of the two, but teaching positions are few and far between there, and the visa process is a nightmare due to the portuguese legacy, as I found out to my detriment previously. So I'm looking to hear more about the esl scene in Taiwan, who is there, how is it, and so on?

#22 Parent Lucy Haagen - 2015-03-18
Re Beijing Royal School

I wasn't kidding. Oral English teaching is only one option for foreign teachers in China and I agree it often is little more than being something between a clown ad a babysitter

But with schools that \ want to prepare students for top western (US and UK mainly) universities, foreign teachers are doing a lot more than being talking white monkeys. They are being asked to teach Advanced Placement courses, teach the kind of critical reading skills tested on the SAT.

Typically training schools, primary schools, and universities want oral English teachers. Serious independent schools want teachers who can replicate U.S. style college prep courses - taught in English, but far more than ESL.

#23 Parent San Migs - 2015-03-19
Re Beijing Royal School Sucks BRSS

Teaching English in China is fun as long as you don't start thinking you id a proper teacher.

That is perhaps 100 percent right.

If you want to earn the real money teaching english, you go to Saudi Arabia, right now paying the highest salaries, but with all the boredom and loneliness that goes along with it, one or two years there will set you up far better than China ever will. Even a year working there would allow you to live for a year in China doing nothing, taking your time to find your ideal teaching job.

#24 Parent : yu2fa3 - 2015-03-18
Re Beijing Royal School Sucks BRSS

Hahaha! Wot the dickens does "entrepeneurial and career-enhancing have to do with oral English teaching in China. Sounds a tad like somebody wants to part poor ft from his savings. Teaching English in China is fun as long as you don't start thinking you id a proper teacher.

#25 Parent Lucy Haagen - 2015-03-18
Re Beijing Royal School Sucks BRSS

I've been working with BRS over the past 2 years on three really interesting projects - starting a mobile learning program - teachers and students really do use iPads, a distance learning English course to a rural school in Szechuan province and a partnership with a township high school in South Africa. BRS has also been named China's most innovative international school by China Daily News.

The school is not for wimps. But if you are entrepreneurial, you'll be given lots of opportunities for interesting and career-enhancing projects.

#26 Parent Beth - 2014-12-10
Re: Beijing Royal School Sucks BRSS

I knew it was just a temper tantrum at just being proven so horrendously wrong! Haha

#27 Parent yu2fa3 - 2014-12-10
Re: Beijing Royal School Sucks BRSS

Back so soon! :b

You're right actually- that was quick of you to have noticed. I suspected that a bit of haunting would go on.

#28 Parent Mike - 2014-12-10
Re: Beijing Royal School Sucks BRSS

Back so soon! :b

#29 Parent Ypern - 2014-12-10
Re: Beijing Royal School Sucks BRSS

People look for jobs, not for places to sacrifice themselves. Don't mix these two things.

We are strong enough to keep working through these hardships to keep building a school that will change the world and we are looking for a few individuals that share the same fortitude.
#30 Parent Peter Peters - 2014-12-10
Re: Beijing Royal School Sucks BRSS

What utter garbage! Typical GW wumao training centre propaganda! More cliched rubbish about cultural differences. [edited]

#31 Parent Grant Holley - 2014-12-09
Re: Beijing Royal School Sucks BRSS

Hi, my name is Grant Holley and I work for Beijing Royal School. We are very sorry that while these comments are incredibly exaggerated, there might be more truth in those comments than we would like to admit. There was a time in BRS history that some of the information found in the comments was true. We did have administrators that did not understand the differences in culture and created an environment that was not conducive to good teaching. In the same respect there was one or two teachers who were more interested in tearing down our institution rather than building it stronger. We have since made incredible changes. If you are interested in working with Beijing Royal School this is a vital key to both your and our success……you must realize that this school is a mix of two cultures that are only just learning how to work with one another. Management, teaching, and living conditions are all areas in which we all must learn and bend. Every year BRS is making great strides to strengthen these understandings. Our teaching and administrative staff is made up of very talented individuals from both cultures and decisions are being made accordingly. Schools like Beijing Royal are where Chinese/American cultural understanding will occur. This is where children from both cultures will come to ensure that they do not make the same mistakes countries of the past have made. Wanting the next generation to be better is where our two cultures meld beautifully and this is the point where Beijing Royal grows. We are pioneers and in every pioneer’s story there are lessons to be learned and sometimes hardship. We are strong enough to keep working through these hardships to keep building a school that will change the world and we are looking for a few individuals that share the same fortitude.

#32 Parent BRS Scam Victim - 2013-08-28
Re: Beijing Royal School Sucks BRSS

I wish that I had read these postings earlier. I am a new hire here at BRS and I can confirm that this school is a total joke and I know of at least 2 other teachers that already want to quit. Yesterday we were called in for a foreign teachers meeting and the school principal Charles Pei threatened us all about complaining about the corruption in the school. Apparently there are many investigations into the school for reasons I don't know everything about but, in fact I have already seen more than enough. I have heard from a few people here that most or all of the foreign teachers have consistently quit BRS after the last 4 semesters and that very few people remain working at BRS other than those that cannot find a job in China. There is no organization here at all. Schedules are not consistent, no one seems to be in charge to include the [edited] principal Charles Pei. As to how he was hired or as to where they dug the [edited] up from is beyond me. Human resources here is not human resources. They don't do anything for the teachers here and they do not care about their teachers. I met one guy that went deaf while working here. The owner of the school also owns Beijing Royal Hospital. Despite that, the school did nothing for that teacher. He was left to rot in his apartment. There are many photos on the school Web site but most or all of those teachers no longer work here. At the front of the school they have constructed a mock up of what is a poorly designed theme park style entrance. It looks like some kind of a Chinese restaurant entrance. They refer to the school as a palace. The insanity of this place is already obvious. Do not trust BRS. Do not apply for a job here. Do not believe anything on their school Web site. I can tell you first hand that you must avoid BRS.

Also a special warning for TFA teachers. This school tries to bring in Teach For America teachers. If you are contacted by anyone from BRS do not accept a position here.

Today I will be contacting SAFEA, the College Board, TFA, and my own state's education bureau to alert them to the threats and the many problems that are already obvious here.

There are many foreign teachers here that were not given proper visas and so I think a call to the police is also in order. We don't start teaching until next week and as they have nothing for us to do and I don't plan on staying here anyway I have ample time on my hands in which to report what I have seen. Other teachers were lured in here with promises of teaching AP subjects only to be given ESL classes instead.

#33 Parent KY - 2013-04-05
Beijing Royal School Sucks BRSS

BRS is an acronym for Bogus Rectal Scan. I applied for a position at BRS and I interviewed there. I also toured the campus. I did not take the position that was offered. I spent a good 1-hour or more walking all around the campus alone before my appointment. A few foreign faces assumed that I was a new teacher and asked what I was teaching. After a few minutes of Q&A it was clear to me that BRS needed to be avoided. I noticed that the senior students were not in any classes and I was told by two Chinese teachers that work there that the seniors never attend class and that the BRS administration forges the student records showing perfect attendance along with the grade books. The handful of students I spoke with hated BRS and they were eager to flee as were some of the teachers I met. It became clear to me that the woman in their English department was a psychopath and that their human resource director was a pathological liar. They would tell a teacher anything that they wanted to hear in an effort to try and recruit anyone with a pulse and a white face. I did see a few black faces there which was surprising to me and for that one must give credit since many schools do not hire black people. On the other hand they may have been forced to hire them since no one wants to work there and they were desperate for teachers. The bathrooms that I passed in the teaching buildings smelled like urine and cigarette smoke. Many of the students that I saw hanging around were burn out losers with a high degree of rebellion in them. Given the low standards that nearly anyone could see by simply wading around in the filth that BRS is, its no wonder that BRS takes in the low end of the spectrum somewhere near the rectum concerning students.

I did see their two food service halls and one looked pretty good actually while the other one looked like it was ready to be shut down by the health department.
They do have a great looking gym.

The library was above standard compared to other private schools but still a bit empty with regard to anything worth reading.

The teaching areas were run down and very typical for most schools in China whether private or public. Students attending BRS would clearly suffer as would teachers.
I was shown the housing that the teachers are expected to live in and again it needed to be closed down. BRS has some of the worst teacher housing I have ever seen in 3-years of teaching in China.

The hallways are littered with upright advertising banners of someone, I assume the school owner, shaking hands with everyone from Humpty Dumpty to Mayor McCheese which was a pathetic and visible sign of over kill in the hard sell department. I was also told that their admissions director quit and walked out and that they are having a hard time recruiting students. Given the way that the place looks and the way people hate working there none of that was too shocking.

I did manage to get a few cell phone numbers and a few email addresses of some people that are currently working there. As of a week ago I was told that many of their current teachers are leaving and have already secured positions elsewhere and that they were counting the days.

Teachers are spied on by their principal and his assistants with actual door-to-door office checks and classroom checks and if a teacher is found not to be at their desk at a given instant they are forced to call the school principal or face fines of 300 to 500 Yuan for each absence. That one issue right there would be enough for me to say no.

The owner of the school held a meeting recently at that school and actually told teachers that if they were unhappy at BRS that their being unhappy was their own fault.

Each of the teaching rooms have spy cameras and they actually jam cellphone signals everywhere in the school.

The day that I was there I saw about 30 Chinese soldiers with machine guns dressed in uniforms running around the school race track. Apparently the school owner lets them train on his campus. I taught at a college once and the freshmen had mandatory military training but these were actual Chinese soldiers with guns. I found that to be a bit ridiculous and certainly dangerous.

I did a demo class and it was an off day for me and I had already decided that I would not work there but despite that somewhat iffy demo session, BRS wanted to start me working as soon as possible. That school literally bleeds teachers.

I was also told that the school owner and their human resources department make many promises and they break them without blinking an eye.

Most or all of their teachers hate the principal and they do not trust him or respect him and he is considered to be a joke. I met him briefly. He has a Chinese face but he said he was from Canada but originally from Shanghai. He seemed like an arrogant prick.

A look around online turns up many postings for many jobs at BRS which is again a warning to anyone that has been teaching in China for a even a few years. Good schools do not have high turn over.

As far as location goes BRS is far, far, away from civilization. Maybe that is another reason that they can get away with so much horseplay. BRS is not any kind of a real school and that much is obvious.

It took be about ten days to find another position after looking around that pays me 6,000 Yuan per month more than BRS offered me for less teaching hours and with better conditions. Don't work at BRS. Look around and you can find a better job in Beijing.

As a foreign teacher in China with 3-years of teaching in China I can tell you that BRS is not where you want to work and the other posters on this forum are correct about BRS. Its nothing more than a front for some other activity whatever that may be.

#34 Parent foxy - 2013-04-04
Re: Beijing Royal School (BRS)

I also think the name of the school should be changed, the "B" to stand for bullshit, as you have suggested. That'd cerainly be in order.

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