Return to Index › South Korea nneds to change its laws....
#1 Parent sandrab - 2004-06-17
Re: South Korea needs to change its laws....

pleased to hear i(s)t

#2 Parent boots43 - 2004-06-17
Re: South Korea needs to change its laws....

well, if i get to choose my own ists, I will go with these

I exist
can't draw a straight line so I am not much of an artist
i love rainy mist
my wife I have kissed
any i missed?
(I know the last two are not exactly -ists but the pronunciation is thesame in the Midwest USA which is where this poor typist(hey another ist) grew up

Oh, yes, I often try and sometimes succeed in being a humorist

#3 Parent sandrab - 2004-06-17
Re: South Korea needs to change its laws....

Well I did imply it, 'til you put me right.

As for more 'ists' then that all depnds on you I think.

#4 Parent boots43 - 2004-06-17
Re: South Korea needs to change its laws....

Now I am an imperialist,too? Will you never run out of 'ists" to call me?

At least you haven't called me an ageist! (yet)

#5 Parent sandrab - 2004-06-16
Re: South Korea needs to change its laws....

Once again, you demonstrate your imperialist nature.

Well done.

#6 Parent sandrab - 2004-06-13
Re: South Korea nneds to change its laws....

My mistake.

I assumed this quote illustrated what you believed.

#7 Parent boots43 - 2004-06-12
Re: South Korea needs to change its laws....

no problem as ZP's assistant once said " nobody's prefect"

#8 Parent boots43 - 2004-06-12
Re: South Korea nneds to change its laws....

I am just saying what I think would happen if you asked any Westerner about it - not saying they should feel that way - just that they do.

But the ageism I am talking about it is advertisements that would leave both you and me and your husband out of jobs if everyone did it - the under 35 only job ads that are all too common in South Korea

#9 Parent sandrab - 2004-06-12
Re: South Korea needs to change its laws....

of course I meant ageist....just a typo...okay!!

sandrab - 2004-06-12
South Korea nneds to change its laws....

Re. the above blog posting and the following quote....

"Ask any Westerner who their best teachers were- twenty-somethings or fifty-somethings and you will get the answer the older the better."

Isn't this agiest too?

Just a thought!

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