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#1 Parent Mel in Seoul - 2004-07-06

> I wrote you a message and you did not reply. You talk alot about
> women rising and taking over China. Guess what, I don't believe you
> are a girl, I think you are a boy enjoying your fantasies of talking
> to westerners men.

> Xiu (girl)

What's new Xiu. Do you have aol instant messanger? Let's talk.


#2 Parent Mel in Seoul - 2004-07-06

> I'm a boy pretending to be a girl? You are right, because we most of
> us chinese always get mixed up he and she.

> Example:
> Q) What is Anne doing and where can I find her?

> A)He is in the netbar, you can find him there.

> Q) What about Peter?
> A) She is also in the netbar, you can find her there,too. LOL

> Girl,;) When did I talked about girls taken over China. LOL

Anne, you sound like an angry boy/girl? It really does not matter.
I talk to you anyway. What are you doing these days?

Please call me, Mel

#3 Parent boots43 - 2004-07-05

> I'm a boy pretending to be a girl? You are right, because we most of
> us chinese always get mixed up he and she.

> Example:
> Q) What is Anne doing and where can I find her?

> A)He is in the netbar, you can find him there.

> Q) What about Peter?
> A) She is also in the netbar, you can find her there,too. LOL

> Girl,;) When did I talked about girls taken over China. LOL

Great post, Anne. My name is Michael. I am a boy(an old one at 50,lol). If you don't beleive I am a boy, ask my wife. She's done the research. :)

#4 Parent Anne Wang - 2004-07-05

> I wrote you a message and you did not reply. You talk alot about
> women rising and taking over China. Guess what, I don't believe you
> are a girl, I think you are a boy enjoying your fantasies of talking
> to westerners men.

> Xiu (girl)

I'm a boy pretending to be a girl? You are right, because we most of us chinese always get mixed up he and she.

Q) What is Anne doing and where can I find her?

A)He is in the netbar, you can find him there.

Q) What about Peter?
A) She is also in the netbar, you can find her there,too. LOL

Girl,;) When did I talked about girls taken over China. LOL

#5 Parent Xiu - 2004-07-04

I wrote you a message and you did not reply. You talk alot about women rising and taking over China. Guess what, I don't believe you are a girl, I think you are a boy enjoying your fantasies of talking to westerners men.

Xiu (girl)

Anne Wang - 2004-07-03

(This is what I actually Posted) UNCENSORED :) LOL

Posted By: Anne Wang
Date: 30 June 2004

In Response To: I promise not to write in Englsih in future (Lee Joe)

Well, I'm not wrong about you, am I? Good quit. This will probably tell your Cameroonian teachers that their hopes and dreams to teach in China is all but gone, hear that G O N E.

You are a big disappointment not only to all Cameroonian teachers but an absolute disgrace to us Chinese. You have no guts to make a stand and fight for what you want; you expect to win victories after victories through sympathy. I suggest you go get a gun and a put a bullet through that numb skull of your and end it all. But being a gutless man, the other solution is for you to find a cave somewhere in our mountainous region and live your miserable life in isolation.

If all Chinese man behaves like you do, it scares me to know what the future lies ahead for China.

People strives, Mr. Lee ( S T R I V E S) on critics but you died a miserable death when criticized. I hope that you are the only surviving species among the billions of Chinese on earth.

For me, I'm only a student and mind you a girl or a woman as you say, but I'm able to make a stand and take fight like a man. If I were to be your elders, I would have flushed you down the toilet long ago and you probably would not have to go through all these miseries.

Go quit, end your life, your world has ended. I see no point for a boneless man like you to carry on living a miserable life. You're a pathetic guy, who is a disgrace not only to us Chinese but also to all humans race.

Sorry people, I may have gone overboard, but this is between us Chinese.


I'm not sure if the above is a show of support for Cameroonian or is it anti-Cameroonians. For a good teacher as Mary claimed herself to be, she clipped part of the above and came after me. Below is what she wrote (did).

Anne Wang wrote:

Posted By: Mary D.
Date: 2 July 2004

Anne Wang wrote:

"This will probably tell your Cameroonian teachers that their hopes and dreams to teach in China is all but gone, hear that G O N E."

Mary D. answered:

About me: I'm a young woman, a good English teacher.
About you?: What are you doing posting here? Are you looking for a "one-way-air-ticket-provider" to get you out of there?

Anne Wang did not write (lol), modified (CAPS):

The right to live is the same for everyone, no matter what color, race you are, EXCEPT FOR WOMEN, is that what you are saying?


Mary D. answered: Cameroon women do not exist, right?

Mary Devereaux, Cameroonian, African

I leaving it here for people to read and make their own Judgement.

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