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Dos - 2004-07-12

I pretty much agree with your post Boots, with the proviso that the underlying reason for coming to (China) may differ for each person. As well as this different people will 'tolerate' different levels of organisation and management 'styles', as well as different teaching methods sometimes 'imposed' by the school.

Myself I don't mind (to a degree) random classes appearing with little notice, as long as it doesn't happen too much. I believe this is the way things in China work, so you have to go with the flow at times. I can tolerate certain teaching methods as long as there is some decnet logic behind it and it doesn't 'damage' the students, and I can teach *my* way as well. (The school is welcome to see this and approve it first of course).

A valid Z class visa and expert visa are a must!!!!

Having said that, the schools are employing foreigners, so they must also be aware of the western culture and also try and meet us half way.

I certainly agree that if the school messes you around you should leave, though in practice this is sometimes hard to do in a 'nice' way.

I really really agree with you when you say you should do your research on a school. Contacting the other teachers past and present is a good idea. I think I have said that before too. I have written a Q&A paper for potential newbies coming to China and I always sent this to any teachers asking about coming to "my" school.

Private schools and Universities/state schools have many different 'features' and you should consider which type suits you.

I too am willing to give any advice and answer any questions. Bear in mind I am at a private school and I am really busy now though, so I may not be in a position to reply very quickly at times.

For me (and this is ME personally, not anyone else) a good school will listen to me and my views, and act upon them, or meet me halfway at least. Not mess me around too much schedule wise and give me decent acomm. Also for me, money is important and I may be willing to put up with a little more crap if the pay is better. *However* I would only work in a school that can supply a valid Z class visa and Expert certificate. In return I give my best to the school and help it to improve as well.

Each to his own. Ones man's meat is another man's poison. When in Rome... A stitch in time.. etc etc ;-)

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