Return to Index › Why greedy teachers that gamble and take a chance with high risk schools complaint
#1 Parent newbie sensei - 2004-08-13
Re: Why greedy teachers that gamble and take a chance with high risk schools complaint

Yeah, if these teachers ARE AWARE of the risk but still choose to take it, then they should quit whining and just face the music. Don't blame it on the weatherman or somebody else, blame it on yourself. On your greed.

This does not apply to everyone but to the majority: These people are probably unemployable in their own countries, but when they land in other countries "teaching English", they think they are masters who deserve to be pleased by slaves.

Kim - 2004-08-12
Why greedy teachers that gamble and take a chance with high risk schools complaint

The internet is full of English teachers complaining. Why is that these people with a BA, MA and some with experience in Korea, decide always to take a chance and gamble going to schools that offer the "fools great packages". One bloc shif, etc ........ Grow please. There are 2 kind of schools in Korea, the low risk and the high risk. Of course the high risk package sound more appealing, that is the only way they can get teachers and students. The moment of the truth is when teachers accept positions, knowing real well that is a high risk situation. Just pure greed. A few months later on the street, whine, whine.......... If you go to the casino, you leave quiet after you lose.


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