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#1 Parent Papua man - 2004-09-29
Enjoy to be different

> Hi there! My name is Derek. I own the Tsukaguchi Smith's School of
> English franchise school in Amagasaki, Hyogo, Japan. I have a blast
> teaching at my school.

> My students seem to think that I either look like Tom Cruise or Mr.
> Bean. I don't know if I look at all like Tom Cruise, and I don't want
> to look like Mr. Bean. It must be the big eyebrows. They really ARE
> big. I have to keep them clean otherwise they take over my face. You
> can see for yourself at http://www.smith-tsukaguchi.com I've made a
> kid cry once. Really. And I think it was the eyebrows. Not sure.
> Here's the story. I was sitting in a crowded Starbucks in Kobe with
> my Japanese fiancee. At a table next to us were two women and a
> little boy, perhaps 2 or 3 years old. The kid kept looking at Akemi.
> Akemi is Japanese and kids seem to like her.

> Then it happened. The kid looked at me.

> Staring at me, the boy seemed afraid. He started crying! Akemi
> laughed. The two women apoligized. I chuckled. Poor kid. It must have
> been the eyebrows. Or was it? Was it the tall nose? The deep-set
> eyes? Who knows? Whatever it was, that kid had never seen it before,
> and it was scary.

> I invite you to share funny stories here. Let's have a good laugh!

> All the best.

> Derek

> PS Please let me know what you think of my school's website at
> http://www.smith-tsukaguchi.com ! Any feedback is much appreciated!
> Thanks!

I have seen your picture. I don't say that your face is scary, but for some kids who have never seen that appearance it is.
I have a dark friend from Papua in Java. And because his face is so "special" then when even he just walk in the kampong all kids are staring curiously, and some are running away when he tried to shake the hand. This is even still in the same country, Indonesia.

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