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#1 Parent Matt J - 2004-12-01
Hagwon Blacklist

That's good advice. Make sure you find out as much as you can about a school before signing a contract. Check the blacklists. Be aware that not all bad schools have been repoted, and likewise, some good schools may now have changed directors.

Check out


for a list of bad schools. Also, if you have had a bad experience at a hagwon, you can submit it here.

#2 Parent Dos - 2004-10-22
as 'someone who teachers English"?! #

#3 Parent Tom - 2004-10-10
How would you define an English teacher?

> I believe there are in excess of two hundred hagwons in the Bundang
> area of Seoul. After searching through the Korean Hagwon Blacklist I
> found only two listed there. So, if there are only two hagwons on the
> blacklist that means less than 1% of hagwons in Bundang have been
> reported as having problems. I am sure there must be a few more that
> have not been reported, but that still makes for a lot of places
> where there are no problems.
> Unfortunately this forum often reflects complaints but very few
> bother to say there are many good situations to be found. Let's keep
> things in perspective and not paint all schools with the same brush.
> If you plan to teach in Korea keep this in mind and make sure you
> research any job situation before signing a contract. Good luck with
> your job searching.

> Mike D (happy in Bundang) :)



Mike D - 2004-10-10
Putting Things Into Perspective

I believe there are in excess of two hundred hagwons in the Bundang area of Seoul. After searching through the Korean Hagwon Blacklist I found only two listed there. So, if there are only two hagwons on the blacklist that means less than 1% of hagwons in Bundang have been reported as having problems. I am sure there must be a few more that have not been reported, but that still makes for a lot of places where there are no problems.
Unfortunately this forum often reflects complaints but very few bother to say there are many good situations to be found. Let's keep things in perspective and not paint all schools with the same brush. If you plan to teach in Korea keep this in mind and make sure you research any job situation before signing a contract. Good luck with your job searching.

Mike D (happy in Bundang) :)

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