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#1 Parent me - 2004-10-15
us old guys

> Hi there,

> If you are thinking about coming to Korea to teach and are worried
> about all the negative stuff people post, here is a positive comment.

> I came to Korea six weeks ago, and although a job I thought I had
> lined up was cancelled the day before I left (I paid for my own
> ticket) it took me less than a week to find a job in a nice town at a
> good hakwon for a reasonable wage.

> All this despite the fact I am too old (42) wrong nationality
> (K1W1/Ozzie) and not particularly handsome. I am also a male.

> If you want to you can find work here, just be aware that the
> fairytale jobs posted by SOME recruiters are just that, fairytales.
> If sounds too good to be true, then it probably is. By all means use
> a recruiter to find a school, but don't acept a job unless you
> actually like and trust the school.

> I've never worked at McDonalds, but I have taught English in other
> countries for sub-McDonalds salary and I have to say for EFL teachers
> Korea is an EXCELLENT deal.

> Good luck and happy jobhunting

> Mike B.

I am a different Mike B - 50 and married to a Chinese woman who wanted to see what life was like outside China so I said let's go to seoul because I had liked it here before when I was here. It wears you out a lot physically, but it as good place with good wages - and the truth is that the older the teacher the more likely they are to end up in a good school since the schools that are worried about the quality of teaching don't worry about the youthful appearance factor.

#2 Parent ESL_IN_ASIA - 2004-10-13
good post!!!

Great post with MUCH better facts than some of the "warm and fuzzy" stuff that's positive. You even tempered it with some negative reality.

I'm also happy you found work against the odds in reference to your age. I think you did the right thing by going over yourself and finding your own job. I did it and it worked MUCH better for me than any recruiter could possibly do.

Thanks for the post!!

Mike B. - 2004-10-13
Very Happy here in Korea

Hi there,

If you are thinking about coming to Korea to teach and are worried about all the negative stuff people post, here is a positive comment.

I came to Korea six weeks ago, and although a job I thought I had lined up was cancelled the day before I left (I paid for my own ticket) it took me less than a week to find a job in a nice town at a good hakwon for a reasonable wage.

All this despite the fact I am too old (42) wrong nationality (K1W1/Ozzie) and not particularly handsome. I am also a male.

If you want to you can find work here, just be aware that the fairytale jobs posted by SOME recruiters are just that, fairytales. If sounds too good to be true, then it probably is. By all means use a recruiter to find a school, but don't acept a job unless you actually like and trust the school.

I've never worked at McDonalds, but I have taught English in other countries for sub-McDonalds salary and I have to say for EFL teachers Korea is an EXCELLENT deal.

Good luck and happy jobhunting

Mike B.

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