Return to Index › Jobs in Europe
#1 Parent vegasho - 2005-01-12
teaching in europe

My girlfriend and i really want to teach in europe, we are currently in china. We both dont have university diplomas, we have tesol dip and we are canadian.
What are the problems we will encounter when we begin job hunting?

#2 Parent Brooks - 2004-05-09
Re: Jobs in Europe

Central Europe is rife with job opporunities, i taught in Prague for two years (with a degree and certificate) and got offered the first two job interviews i went to. If you have CELTA plus experience you'll have no problems. Poland is similar, as i've heard from friends. As for western europe, they do have some EU laws that Czech and Poland dont (Spain specifically) but i've heard from lots of sources that you can get around the EU laws as getting paid under the table is common all over Europe. any specific questions...especially about Prague...feel free to write.

#3 Parent Heather - 2004-05-01
Re: Jobs in Europe

I have been teaching in Madrid for th past year and 3 months and I did not think it was difficult as everyone says it is to get a job with or without a degree. The teaching market here is very large and schools are always looking for teachers with or without work papers.

#4 Parent TED - 2004-04-13
Re: Jobs in Europe

NG is right. Part-time is the way to go to start. Also, start to learn Italian or Spanish, etc.. The admin staff at schools there refuse to communicate in English with their eslteachers most of the time.

#5 Parent NG - 2004-04-13
Re: Jobs in Europe

Hi there, without a BA, Europe is almost impossible. Your best shot is to go to Europe (place you want to teach) and start PT first. Also you must be a EU citizen. Beware of fake agencies in Europe asking you for a "recruiting fee" to help you find a job, never works. God bless!

James - 2004-04-13
Jobs in Europe

I'm looking for advice about where to look for good jobs in Europe. I don't have a degree, so I know that makes things more difficult for me. I have a CELTA certificate and I'm teaching 14-18 year olds in China at present, I'm on a six month contract which ends in July. I know there is heavy competition for Spain and Italy so am I wasting my time by applying for jobs there? What about places like Poland, Czech Republic, Latvia etc? Any help will be appreciated. Cheers.

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