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#1 Parent Erik Kennington - 2007-02-07
Stand And Deliver - Teachers Discussion

The movie about the Hispanic math teacher at Garfield High School in Los Angeles is called Stand And Deliver, starring Edward James Olmos as Jaime Escalante -- the true story of brilliant yet misunderstood math teacher who taught advanced calculus to gang members. A young Lou Diamond Phillips also stars in the move.

#2 Parent Ray Cheek - 2005-01-18

would like to get a copy of the movie 'Conrak" if you have one,, or maybe you can make a VHS copy.. I will pay,, hope to hear from you >\-|

#3 Parent Ray C'heek - 2004-12-01

Im looking for a vhs copy of the movie Conrak with Jon Voight,,willing to buy,, email me if you have a copy

#4 Parent Robin Day - 2004-05-12
Re: Teaching/School Movies

Yes that's right, Stand and Deliver. There is another movie I want to find about a black principal who goes in and reforms a highschool. Another one I saw was about a retired jewish teacher who becomes principal and gets some of the parents and the school board against him. He took them to court and won. Can't remember the titles of these.

#5 Parent Michael Joseph Beauchot - 2004-05-11
Re: Teaching/School Movies

Your 4th movie is stand and deliver- about Hispanic students who excelled in calculus, right?

#6 Parent Robin Tim Day - 2004-05-01
Re: Teaching/School Movies

Before this movie (which I have not seen) the idea was called Random Acts of Kindness. I heard Jane Siberry talking about it on TV years ago so I was not surprised to see she wrote some of the music for the movie.
In 1996 I was driving past Montreal to Ottawa on the Trans Canada Highway and I spotted a big iron ladder on the highway. It must have rusted and broken off a big transport truck. I thought it might cause a serious accident so I made a U-turn (illegal) and went back to drag it off the asphalt.

#7 Parent jon - 2004-04-29
Re: Teaching/School Movies
Robin - 2004-04-28
Teaching/School Movies

I'd like to make a file of movies about teaching and students, with a short commentary. Here are three I liked.

Made in the mid-60s this movie is based on a true story of a new teacher, a Mr. Conrad, who is posted to an backward offshore island in the American South. John Voight is the star. My all-time favourite. Outstanding. What a range of emotions. Cry me a river. I found it on video.

A second favorite, staring Robin Williams. The whole film is about inspiring students and the opposing conservative/opressive elements of society. In some countries this film goes by other names. Easily available on video.


Starring Sidney Poitier and Lulu this films centers around the first black teacher in an English school. Made in the 60s.

4. Can't remember the title but it was about a Mexican-American math teacher in California maybe Jamie Hernandez????

Any contributions appreciated. I will post this file to teaching resources later.

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