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Rheno747 - 2006-04-22
In response to Reno and Frank: You'll Feel better - Teachers discussion (Robin Day B.Sc. MSc. B.Ed.)

Ultimately, I was wrong about my 'real' role here.

I decided to do this because I hate capitalism and how it destroys everything in its path, including people. These days, at least in the USA, business is more important than people. Maybe this is just another 'stage' the US economy is going through. After all, other periods of US history have been marked by the capialist class bending over the workers. But in this particular stage, I don't read about it in the history books. I'm living it. This, coupled with the fact that I'm 25% honery Cherokee indian and I saw my parents economically raped while I was growing up, has made me abhore the idea of private ownership of capital.

I also 'walk the walk', or 'put my money where my mouth is', when faced with any problem. To solve the 'capitalist' problem, I decided I would go overseas and teach English in a third world country that often gets the shit end of the stick from US masters. One such country is Thailand. If I came to Thailand and got some of its young people off the ground with enough English, they may be able to give these leeches the middle finger salute and keep themselves out of the sweatshops of Nike, Gap, whatever.

But, my students don't seem to see the world like I do. The incredible power of being able to say 'NO' to soul-less, exploitative masters who see people as mere labor resources goes unappreciated here.

I guess I'll have to find another way to help put out the raging fire of this latest capitalist wave.
I sure wish the old Soviet Union, or something like it, would return.

Messages In This Thread
What's the point? - Teachers discussion -- frank andrews -- 2006-04-17
I Feel it is Relevant! - Teachers discussion -- Yingwen Laoshi -- 2006-04-18
Two options - Teachers discussion -- frank andrews -- 2006-04-18
Or, I could... - Teachers discussion -- Yingwen Laoshi -- 2006-04-19
Well said. - Teachers discussion -- frank andrews -- 2006-04-19
Here's the point! - Teachers discussion -- Hemingway -- 2006-04-18
Why the defense? - Teachers discussion -- Raoul Duke D.U.I., B.L.T., L.S.D., RUN.DMC -- 2006-04-18
I'm out. You can have it all. -- Rheno747 -- 2006-04-19
I'm with you. - Teachers discussion -- frank andrews -- 2006-04-19
I may be here another year...... - Teachers discussion -- Rheno747 -- 2006-04-19
Reasons to Be - Teachers discussion -- Raoul Duke -- 2006-04-19
Reno and Frank: You'll Feel better - Teachers discussion -- Robin Day B.Sc. MSc. B.Ed. -- 2006-04-22
I was wrong about my real role, ultimately - Teachers discussion -- Rheno747 -- 2006-04-22
Think globally, act locally...... - Teachers discussion -- frank andrews -- 2006-04-22
Reno Join em. That's my suggestion. - Teachers discussion -- Robin Day B.Sc. MSc. B.Ed. -- 2006-04-22
Nice observations. I've seen this myself. - Teachers discussion -- Rheno747, B.A., M.A., PhD, Hard Knocks U -- 2006-04-23
I forgot to mention..... - Teachers discussion -- frank andrews -- 2006-04-18
So what? - Teachers discussion -- Ted Hamill -- 2006-04-18
What are you replying to? - Teachers discussion -- frank andrews -- 2006-04-18
Kind of like comparing apples to oranges. - Teachers discussion -- Ted Hamill -- 2006-04-19
i think you're absolutely right - Teachers discussion -- vince -- 2006-04-18
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