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Rheno747, B.A., M.A., PhD, Hard Knocks U - 2006-04-23
In response to Reno Join em. That's my suggestion. - Teachers discussion (Robin Day B.Sc. MSc. B.Ed.)

I've thought many times about those issues you've noted in your post. Back in the west, especially in the USA, I often hear about how "cool" it would be to go to a place like India, China, or Thailand and "help" the misfortunate of the world. Of course, it's all talk and no walk. Nothing changes.

A great armchair story is told by those who want to come live the life of a monk in a monestery somewhere in Asia. Folks who say this are themselves burned out on their 'hard' lives, but always seem to be well-fed, well-clothed, and well-sheltered. After coming to one part of Asia myself and seeing what it's really like, I'm glad they don't leave their pampered lives. This is because these wanna-bes wouldn't last two days in a monestery. Monesteries are some of the dirtiest places around, and sex perversions abound.

Same thing goes for those who want to 'eat like they do in Asia.' Well, the food a granola type finds in a "new-age" food store back in the USA is far different from the food one finds here. Sure, Asians avoid refined sugars and processed (canned) foods, which is admirable. But Asians, especially those in the south, are some of the most unhealthy folks on earth. This is because of exactly what you mentioned in your post....they don't get enough protein, aminos, minerals, or enzymes in their diets.

And your observations don't just apply to Asia. People in the USA, yeah, the good ol' USA, have the most unhealthy eating habits you'll find anywhere. Is it any surprise there has been an explosion in obesity? Not to me. I know what the average Joe Schmuck, USA is eating. Refined sugar, which robs his body of enzymes and glycogen, and may even cause depression and crime. Saturated fats, which cause heart disease. Processed foods, which have little or no enzymes. And food grown in substandard soil because it's the most efficient (profitable) way of supplying food to suburbia and urbia.

You better believe I'd like to be in the driver's seat. I'd LOVE to be in the driver's seat. But only if I could live to be 200. I'd start with "true" birth control measures, and then get people off harmful foods and back on eating herbs. The great herbs book by Paul Twitchell called "Herbs: the magic healers" would be my bible.

Messages In This Thread
What's the point? - Teachers discussion -- frank andrews -- 2006-04-17
I Feel it is Relevant! - Teachers discussion -- Yingwen Laoshi -- 2006-04-18
Two options - Teachers discussion -- frank andrews -- 2006-04-18
Or, I could... - Teachers discussion -- Yingwen Laoshi -- 2006-04-19
Well said. - Teachers discussion -- frank andrews -- 2006-04-19
Here's the point! - Teachers discussion -- Hemingway -- 2006-04-18
Why the defense? - Teachers discussion -- Raoul Duke D.U.I., B.L.T., L.S.D., RUN.DMC -- 2006-04-18
I'm out. You can have it all. -- Rheno747 -- 2006-04-19
I'm with you. - Teachers discussion -- frank andrews -- 2006-04-19
I may be here another year...... - Teachers discussion -- Rheno747 -- 2006-04-19
Reasons to Be - Teachers discussion -- Raoul Duke -- 2006-04-19
Reno and Frank: You'll Feel better - Teachers discussion -- Robin Day B.Sc. MSc. B.Ed. -- 2006-04-22
I was wrong about my real role, ultimately - Teachers discussion -- Rheno747 -- 2006-04-22
Think globally, act locally...... - Teachers discussion -- frank andrews -- 2006-04-22
Reno Join em. That's my suggestion. - Teachers discussion -- Robin Day B.Sc. MSc. B.Ed. -- 2006-04-22
Nice observations. I've seen this myself. - Teachers discussion -- Rheno747, B.A., M.A., PhD, Hard Knocks U -- 2006-04-23
I forgot to mention..... - Teachers discussion -- frank andrews -- 2006-04-18
So what? - Teachers discussion -- Ted Hamill -- 2006-04-18
What are you replying to? - Teachers discussion -- frank andrews -- 2006-04-18
Kind of like comparing apples to oranges. - Teachers discussion -- Ted Hamill -- 2006-04-19
i think you're absolutely right - Teachers discussion -- vince -- 2006-04-18
View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › Nice observations. I've seen this myself. - Teachers discussion

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