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Beth - 2015-01-24
In response to Re Two Hong Kong universities drop the CET (San Migs)

Yes, a woman can install and move a sunbed! Don't be so archaic! We are not all little wallflowers incapable of opening a stiff jar without the assistance of a big, strong man! How ridiculous! You clearly do not understand what feminism is still, I suggest you look it up before throwing the term around again. Last time you brought this up you were under the delusion that feminism = lesbian. Now it appears you are laboring under the delusion it is someone who is bossy?

As for me "rounding on men over any perceived slight" what and when? If you're referring to the three years in which you lot insisted I was a man, or then an ugly old woman, or then a horrible person with no friends and no boyfriend, I don't think my reaction to these very real slights was unwarranted! Also, unless you hadn't noticed, the majority of the posters on this board are men, I disagree with most of them regarding their deplorable views on teaching, race and use of women. This doesn't make me a feminist, it makes me sensible!

Yes, I am a spurs fan.

Halal meat tastes no different to non-halal meat. If I were to cook you a steak made from both you would not be able to tell the difference. If you are suddenly finding the slaughter of animals barbaric, by halal methods, I suggest you do some research in to the slaughter houses that use non-halal methods. They are equally, if not more, barbaric. Many animals are not stunned prior to having a great weight hit them over the head, or not positioned correctly for the bolt gun leaving the animal in inordinate amounts of pain. Slaughter is was it is, slaughtering is not nice it is the murder of another living thing. If you eat the product of that the method in which it was killed is not your concern. An you are fooling yourself if you believe any one way to be more or less humane.

As for taking the right to eat non-halal meat, again it's only the method in which the animal is killed. I see no problem serving halal meat in public establishments because the method in which an animal is slaughtered is not important to meat eating observant Christians, nor is it to meat eating atheists. It ishowever a problem to observant Hindus as their religion forbids the eating of halal meat. Which is another reason I don't believe for a second the story you originally posted from the daily fail.

I agree that we tend to see Islamic extremism more than we do Christian or Jewish. That is not to say it doesn't happen, it's just that Islam has yet to drag itself in to the 21st century. And it has a group of powerful men at the centre of that keeping its followers uneducated and illiterate in order to do so. Boko Haram for example literally translates as "forbidden book", they do not want their followers educated as education tends to make most people think "hang on a minute, all this flag burning is a bit stupid really!" Just look at the Taliban and Malala. Again, a handful of men in power wanting to prevent the education of its followers. Christians and Jews did an awful lot of killing in the name of as recently as just 300 years ago, some elements of the Muslim world would like to see a return to the time of the caliphs and need to be reminded that time marches forwards and not backwards.

But it is still present in other religions; the Israelis did some pretty awful things during the recent activity in and around Gaza, with many Palestinian civilians being slaughtered. There are American Christian training camps where young children are indoctrinated in to being part of 'Christ's army' (there is a full documentary on YouTube about it). Most recently there was the story of an American woman whose attempts to troll liberals resulted in a very illadvised photo that drew a lot of comparisons to ISIS.

I'm an atheist, I think organised religion is archaic and stupid and faith (if you want it) should be a personal thing. That said I also believe it is an individual's right to believe what they want. I also believe that (unfortunately) most people in the west are easily scared by newspapers looking to.profit from their fears and politicians looking for votes on the back of blaming the many for the few. Although I do believe that there are some that do want to change western values and to them I quote the mayor of Rotterdam "If you do not like our freedoms, then just fuck off"

Messages In This Thread
Re Two Hong Kong universities drop the CET -- Beth -- 2015-01-19
Re Two Hong Kong universities drop the CET -- yu2fa3 -- 2015-01-19
Re Two Hong Kong universities drop the CET -- San Migs -- 2015-01-20
Re Two Hong Kong universities drop the CET -- yu2fa3 -- 2015-01-20
Re Two Hong Kong universities drop the CET -- San Migs -- 2015-01-21
Re Two Hong Kong universities drop the CET -- yu2fa3 -- 2015-01-21
Re Two Hong Kong universities drop the CET -- San Migs -- 2015-01-22
Re Two Hong Kong universities drop the CET -- yu2fa3 -- 2015-01-22
Re Two Hong Kong universities drop the CET -- Beth -- 2015-01-22
Re Two Hong Kong universities drop the CET -- San Migs -- 2015-01-23
Re Two Hong Kong universities drop the CET -- Beth -- 2015-01-23
Re Two Hong Kong universities drop the CET -- San Migs -- 2015-01-24
Re Two Hong Kong universities drop the CET -- Beth -- 2015-01-24
Re Two Hong Kong universities drop the CET -- San Migs -- 2015-01-25
Re Two Hong Kong universities drop the CET -- Beth -- 2015-01-25
Re Two Hong Kong universities drop the CET -- San Migs -- 2015-01-26
Re Two Hong Kong universities drop the CET -- Beth -- 2015-01-26
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