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Dr Mervyn J Edwards - 2015-01-27

Working conditions at Henan Radio and Television University Zhengzhou city, Henan Province China.

In photos 1, 2 and 3 this is the garbage I had to stumble over every time I had my break between classes. In some cases the garbage was so bad that I twisted my ankle slightly just trying to find a clear spot.

This garbage was so bad that depending on which way the wind blew as to where the lighter of it traveled. In some cases the wind blew it straight through the open door and down the hallway and into the nearby classrooms if the classroom door was open.

The hallway was so badly covered with garbage it looked like a rubbish dump.

In all the men’s toilets from the second floor to the fifth floor all the toilets were so full my faeces and urine that they stunk beyond belief. The urinals were either missing, broken or not attached; and urine use to just flood the floors.

There were two sets of toilets on each floor situated at both ends of every floor and during the time I was employed at R&T University I never ever seen then in any other state but disgusting and fowl.

In the fourth photo the wash basins were either missing or broken and those that were still intact were not supplied with clean water. And those that did have water pipes connected to them never had any water for teachers or students to wash their hands with. This only caused a hygiene problem with some students falling ill.

Neither in the toilets were fitted with doors and if they were they were broken and couldn't be closed. The only way that R&T University could hide this disgusting mess was by placing some small curtain that only went half way down the door. However this did nothing to disguise the fowl stench that wreaked the hallways and the nearby classrooms where I was forced to teach.

However this is a different story on the first floor where all the teaching staff had their offices. All the toilets were kept clean throughout the day. There was not ever one blocked toilet, one broken urinal, not one broken wash basin, not one wash basin without clean running water and not one broken door.

This to me is nothing but a selfish act there students were classed as nothing but scum and forced to endure these types of stinking conditions on a daily bases.

If this is how the management treat the students of R&T University during the day, then one can only imagine what their dormitories conditions would be like.
Looking out of the windows both teachers and students were confronted with these types of views.

Garbage sitting in window boxes at the end of the hallways.

Rooves caving on or totally missing on construction site accommodation.

Garbage just thrown where ever to let it blow where ever it wanted to in the wind, some of this would ended up in the little over grown stream across the road.
Over grown foliage between buildings where students had to walk through to get from their dormitories or just exiting through one of the main gates to go and do their shopping or other business.

These are just come of the conditions that faced both students and teachers on a daily bases.

With all these disgusting conditions which I was also forced to endure I did my very best to encourage everyone of my student by taking their minds away from this by introducing very special activities like outside learning to get away from the fowl stench of the toilets and into so fresh air.

I also introduced cooking lessons in class to disguise the fowl stench coming from the toilets and replacing it with very delicious smells from my make-shift kitchen in the classrooms.

This I did on two occasions at my own expense and never asked to be refunded anything from the management of R&T University. Seeing this was the first time many of my students had celebrated Christmas, Christmas parties were also arranged at my expense and invited the management and head teachers of R&T University to attend; which they were more than happy to attend.

But how did the management and head teachers repay me for all my hard work?

This I will have to start right from when I first applied for a teaching position at R&T University in late September 2014.

On accepting this position I asked management if I could bring my girlfriend I had at the time with me for a visit because she had never been to Zhengzhou before. I said she would only be there a few days and then both her and I would be going back to Beijing to finish packing up my things. I also warned them many times what she was like and if she asked if she could stay there with me they were to tell her no.

On our arrival at Zhengzhou the management told my girlfriend that she could stay as long as she liked there wasn't a problem with that.

Now this totally went against my decision and told the management that I didn't want her living there with me because this could cause a problem. R&T University management refused to listen to my request and in the end something bad did happen.

The day after Christmas day I had to kick my girlfriend from my apartment for causing so many problems and by doing this it only caused an even bigger problem for me.

The day of my last teaching day for the semester I had changed the lock to my apartment door for security reasons and went off to work. On my arrival home from teaching I had found that my apartment had been broken into and the security camera showed that it was my girlfriend I had kicked out 3 days prior.

She had stolen my new laptop computer, my expensive camera, my video camera, my new mobile phone and a few other items and totally trashing my apartment before she left.

I called my supervisor and explained what had happened and I wanted the police there and to lay charges against my former girlfriend, which I did and this is how the management rewarded me for all my very hard work and all the expense I put into my classes to make my students’ life a little bit more enjoyable.

I was notified around 5 pm the following day that I had been sacked and their reason was because I left my teaching position without permission.

During the whole time I was employed as a teacher at R&T University I never missed a single class, I was never late for a single class but was dismissed for leaving my teaching position without permission.

The day after my dismissal from R&T University I had packed a suitcase and headed off to Beijing to go back to Australia to visit my son for his 25th birthday.

The management staff, the teaching staff and all my students knew that I had been planning this trip all semester and that I was looking forward to finally going home after 6 years away.

The day I arrived in Beijing to finalize my departure I received an email from management that I had to vacate my living accommodation in Zhengzhou by the 5th of January 2015. They were fully informed that I had already left and was on my way back to Australia but they wanted me to cancel my vacation which was already underway and totally destroy my son’s dream of seeing his father.

This is all the thanks I get for improving the lives of my students and for taking action to retrieve my stolen goods.

Now none of this would have happened in the first place if the management of R&T University would have listened to me in the first place.

My apartment would never have had got broken into if the security staff at R&T University would have done their job correctly in the first place.

And all this the management staff at R&T University say is my fault. How the hell is it my fault when you refused to listen to a single word I say?

Note: they don't pay all that well either and sometimes they don't pay you at all.

If you want to see more about this university please email me.

Messages In This Thread
The real Radio and Television Zhengzhou -- Dr Mervyn J Edwards -- 2015-01-27
Re The real Radio and Television Zhengzhou -- martin hainan -- 2015-01-28
Re The real Radio and Television Zhengzhou -- Terry Tuppence -- 2015-01-29
Re The real Radio and Television Zhengzhou -- San Migs -- 2015-01-28
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