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Lenna - 2015-02-07
In response to Re who's on first? (Beth)

Private schools exist for one purpose only - making profit....- unless they are run by non-profit organizations. Making profit and providi9ng high quality education are two things that do not match for two reasons:

1. High quality education is very costly, and if a school adheres to the standards, it cannot make profit anymore.
2. If a school is run as a business all decisions made by the management/CEO will be in favor of making/increasing the profit and certainly not in favor of merely educational concerns.

In conclusion, many of the structural problems that exist in the ESL industry are a result of the fact that running a business and making profit takes priority over educational concerns. For example, private training centers employing semi-literate and poorly educated 'teachers' without a relevant degree and poor teacher training helps them cutting expenses to a minimum level and pay them peanuts. If they were required to pay salaries to real academics and professionally trained teachers with at least a M. Ed., all these small businesses would soon go bankrupt as they would have to ask tuition fees that students with an average income hardly could afford.

Finally, there is one good reason why education should be publicly funded and why it should be free to all: If you "sell" education like a car, carrots or a property, a large group of people would be deprived of it because of the costs involved. Good education is so important these days as it helps overcome poverty and ignorance and as such is a key to balanced, peaceful society. It is a democratic and basic human right of people to have a decent education that fits individual people's talents and interests, and if they are deprived of educational opportunities because o the costs involved, it is not only pretty heartless but will also result in an elitist society that nobody really wants.


Not all private schools are bad, nobody is apologising for the things that are wrong with the industry, we are aware there are problems at some schools and those problems should be addressed, however we are also sensible enough to know that it doesn't apply to all schools
Messages In This Thread
who's on first? -- martin hainan -- 2015-02-05
Re who's on first? -- Beth -- 2015-02-05
Re who's on first? -- Somebody -- 2015-02-06
Re who's on first? -- Sharp -- 2015-02-07
Re who's on first? -- Beth -- 2015-02-07
Re who's on first? -- Sharp -- 2015-02-08
Re who's on first? -- Punisher -- 2015-02-09
Re who's on first? -- yu2fa3 -- 2015-02-09
Re who's on first? -- James Milken -- 2015-02-10
Re who's on first? -- Beth -- 2015-02-10
Re who's on first? -- Spector -- 2015-02-10
Re who's on first? -- : yu2fa3 -- 2015-02-10
Re who's on first? -- Mogui -- 2015-02-07
Re who's on first? -- martin hainan -- 2015-02-07
Re who's on first? -- Beth -- 2015-02-07
Re who's on first? -- Lenna -- 2015-02-07
Re who's on first? -- yu2fa3 -- 2015-02-07
Re who's on first? -- Beth -- 2015-02-07
Re who's on first? -- Beth -- 2015-02-07
Re who's on first? -- Somebody -- 2015-02-07
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