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Elizabeth Acker - 2006-05-01

Hi Chantelle... Yes, this is all true. I am a friend and former co-worker of Chantelle's. I worked for a man named Frank Sun. He runs a program called NCC Education. He hired me to teach English. He also hired Chantelle but then at the very last minute told her he didn't need her!

I taught one class with this company, but 7 with the univeristy. I didn't mind working for the university, but they gave me no materials. Later I found out that NCC is a training facility franchise and teachers are not suppose to be contracted out to other schools. NCC headquarters, however, said they couldn't do anything because they are owned individually.

Mr. Sun lied to me on several occasions, took out a lot of money each month and never gave me a detailed list of deductions in English, and he forged a document saying I had a Masters of English. In the end I was fired because I wouldn't teach a math class. My contract stated that I was hired as an English teacher. I have a BA in Communications and Marketing with a CELTA certificate. I have had no training to teach math, and I am terrible at it!

I finished the term and received a letter of release. However, I never received my one way ticket home. I am currently trying to take him to court for breech of contract and for the ticket.

So, be warned... DON'T work for Frank Sun or Dalian Light Institute of Industry!

Messages In This Thread
Dalian Institute of Light Industry (BEWARE) - Teachers discussion -- C Snyder -- 2006-03-08
Re: Dalian Institute of Light Industry (BEWARE) - Teachers discussion -- Roy -- 2009-03-12
Re: Dalian Institute of Light Industry (BEWARE) - Teachers discussion -- Paul -- 2009-03-08
NCC/Dalian Light Institute of Light Industry - Teachers discussion -- Elizabeth Acker -- 2006-05-01
Ripped of by Dalien Institute of Light Industry - Teachers discussion -- Masked Avenger -- 2006-04-26
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