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Beth - 2015-02-07

It's rare I enter in to tit for tat with them anymore. Occasionally I will dip my toe in, but nowadays I usually just respond with facts or information... Their silence on these posts speaks volumes.

I do wade more than I should, but I do so hate the thought of newbie teachers coming to this board and thinking their way is the norm.

Plus, I'd have to care about them or their sordid little opinions in order to feel slighted by their made up insults and ludicrous fallacious claims about me... And i really don't!

Very interesting article, though. I read a similar one a few days ago about why ISIS uses the shock tactics and the levels of barbarity they do. The author said it was because they know they cannot hope to win on a military level and so they release these shocking videos in order to strike fear in to the public at large. And it works, the UEA withdrew from the air raids after the capture of the Jordanian pilot for fear their pilots would also be captured.

I think ISIS made a mistake with the murder of Moaz al-Kasasbeh though, as I read today that the UEA have pledged support for Jordan and will assist with their airstrike retaliation. ISIS made a move against moderate Islam far too soon, and the desecration by fire is a massive no no to the Muslim faith, i think they may have prodded the wrong hornets nest this time. We can but hope.

As for Internet trolls, the ones on this board make the people who comment on YouTube videos look like Einstein. The worst I have to worry from them is that I should know better than to argue with idiots!

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