yu2fa3 - 2015-02-13
In response to Re: We Two (Spector)

I am still unswayed over the whole kindle debate. The paperwhite looks tempting and lord knows I've lugged books around enough, but nothing quite matches the feel of a crisp newspaper or a second hand paperback between your fingertips. Books and newspapers are meant for lazy afternoons lingering over a cup or two of chai and some biccies. Be careful, and install disconnect secure wireless if you intend to take it to China, you don't want to become the victim of some backdoor hack.

Absolutely, you can't beat a real paper or a real book. We were given Kindle Readers for Christmas by a visiting FT we had known in China. They are handy.

Messages In This Thread
We Two -- yu2fa3 -- 2015-02-12
Re: We Two -- Fifi -- 2015-02-12
Re: We Two -- yu2fa3 -- 2015-02-12
Re: We Two -- Fifi -- 2015-02-12
Re: We Two -- yu2fa3 -- 2015-02-12
Re: We Two -- Spector -- 2015-02-13
Re: We Two -- yu2fa3 -- 2015-02-13
Re: We Two -- Spector -- 2015-02-14

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