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John O’ Shei - 2015-02-27
In response to Opening an ESL school (PlayerD)

How do these schools attract so many students from all over the world to study at their establishment??

When it comes to attracting international students from newly minted families in emerging economies, I'd say the following:

1. Fake affiliation with Oxford, Cambridge, Harvard etc - Parents from developing countries and rich from corruption money, think that they deserve prestige. Claim that you're linked to a famous university and they'll lap that shit up, even if it is really just a slightly posh kindergarten that you are operating. It's all about branding.

2. A cringeworthy fake coat of arms - Sure, you've only been open two weeks, but a not so authentic coat of arms screams 'prestige' and 'history' to those idiots that are too stupid to know any better.

3. White people - Never, ever employ a black or Asian guy that is well qualified to teach, that only gives the nouveau riche tuhao or Arabs the impression that you don't employ real Englishmen. Just get some ratboy from a council estate, give his tobacco stained teeth a really good brushing, give him a bath, put him in a suit and tie and then the parents will be convinced that your school is the real deal.

4. Promise the moon on a stick - Half of your potential customers are rich people from developing countries that obtained their money is a very questionable manner, as I mentioned, before. They see their children as an escape plan, a way to get their dirty money out of their country, a way to get a foreign passport and run away to safety. Guarantee that you will get them into a foreign university through whatever means possible.

5. Make poorer clients mortgage their house, sell their daughter to become a sex slave - If your school isn't too expensive, then they'll obviously believe that it isn't too good, right? Some people will do anything for their children's education, take advantage!

Messages In This Thread
Opening an ESL school -- PlayerD -- 2015-02-26
Re Opening an ESL school -- John O’ Shei -- 2015-02-27
Re Opening an ESL school -- San Migs -- 2015-02-27
Re Opening an ESL school -- brent -- 2015-02-27
Re Opening an ESL school -- : yu2fa3 -- 2015-02-27
Re Opening an ESL school -- San Migs -- 2015-02-28
Re: Re Opening an ESL school -- Fifi -- 2015-02-27
Re Opening an ESL school -- Punisher -- 2015-02-26
Re Opening an ESL school -- PlayerD -- 2015-02-27
Re Opening an ESL school -- Training center owner -- 2015-03-01
Re Opening an ESL school -- Punisher -- 2015-02-27
Re Opening an ESL school -- PlayerD -- 2015-03-03
Re: Re Opening an ESL school -- Fifi -- 2015-02-27
Re: Re Opening an ESL school -- Punisher -- 2015-02-27
Re: Re Opening an ESL school -- Somebody -- 2015-03-01
Re: Re Opening an ESL school -- Punisher -- 2015-03-02
Re: Re Opening an ESL school -- Robert -- 2015-03-02
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