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Dragonized - 2015-03-07
In response to Re Beijing vs Shanghai (Girondale Perpetuum)

Here is my response to you:

Dragonized, with all respect due to you - you obviously see a "white entitlement"
where there is none. All of us have our petception of China, the Chinese oand Chinese
culture -whether right or wrong. You seem to haver a special problem with them for
reasons that may be hard to understand for outsiders, but it looks like some kind of

What makes me an "insider" compared to "outsiders"? Who are the outsiders? This is a case of ME telling someone(1 individual) who is way out of their depth on a subject they know very little about to piss off because they have no authority to lecture me on these types of things. It would be like a non-native English speaker who studied English for 1 week and then going to England or the USA and telling native English speakers how to speak the English language. There is no "special" problem on my part, this is what you choose to focus on, and it makes you sound rather defensive. If I may ask, why are you so obsessed with finding anything that makes you feel like you are "outside" of things? Psychologically that would be called Projection where you judge others of possessing faults and/or insecurities that you in fact possess.

For the bit on Chinese vs. whites - the Chinese have a right to be proud of what they are as
individual human beings like any white person from the US, France or Spain.
Denying the Chineseness of a Chinese can make him or her a bit psychotic, and it is much
better to accept people in the way they are. For matters of behavior and what they are
doing - right ort wrong - it is an entirely different matter.

If you are not Chinese or of Chinese heritage, and you are White then this statement you made is indicative of entitlement in and of itself. You are not of this tribe, but you feel like you can be the authority on the standard of what makes someone Chinese or not Chinese. In a globalizing world people can have a foot in two or even several different cultures. Identities change, and new tribes emerge as signs of progress. There certainly is no "denying the chineseness" of someone on this forum, if anything there is what seems like a caste-like state in the mindsets of some posters especially the older ones of what you are born into is what you will be for the rest of your life. If an American 300 years ago can claim new tribal status as having descended from different lineages of Western Europe, then you certainly cannot judge someone becoming psychotic merely because of a label. Further, you might want to look at yourself and think if they will respect you enough to take you seriously. If anything, denying the CHANGE in a person rather than pigeonholing them under a LABEL will make them psychotic, and shows your own inherent Racism, no offense.

White is a colour like black, red, brown etc. That's all there is to it.

It is actually a lot more complicated than that. Even in modern academia the issue of Race as being genetically indicative of where people will go and do in life is still brought forth as an important topic. Race carries influence across many areas of life. You yourself are affected by the issue of race as you felt my post that was not directed at you to be important enough to respond to. It also after all is the foundation of justifying the superiority in certain aspects of western culture over asiatic culture as seen on this forum, and you are a beneficiary to that which is most likely why my post hit a nerve in you.

One last point: you sound like another regular poster on here who has for the most part posted under one name consistently for the last 8 years or so. I think you are covering yourself because of some things that happened a couple years back and you are hoping I do not see it is you. I do think that if you wanted to work out the mistakes you made, you are better off being honest about who you really are. A real, open discussion should contain honesty and you are not helping your own case by weaseling your way around.

Messages In This Thread
Re Beijing vs Shanghai -- John O'Shei -- 2015-03-05
Re Beijing vs Shanghai -- San Migs -- 2015-03-23
Re Beijing vs Shanghai -- Dragonized -- 2015-03-06
Re Beijing vs Shanghai -- Spector -- 2015-03-08
Re Beijing vs Shanghai -- : yu2fa3 -- 2015-03-06
Re Beijing vs Shanghai -- Spector -- 2015-03-08
Re Beijing vs Shanghai -- Dragonized -- 2015-03-09
Re Beijing vs Shanghai -- Spector -- 2015-03-10
Re Beijing vs Shanghai -- John O'Shei -- 2015-03-09
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Real Face of these Bigots -- Dragonized -- 2015-03-11
Real Face of these Bigots -- Spector -- 2015-03-10
Real Face of these Bigots -- Dragonized -- 2015-03-11
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Real Face of these Bigots -- Spector -- 2015-03-11
Real Face of these Bigots -- Dragonized -- 2015-03-11
Real Face of these Bigots -- Spector -- 2015-03-12
Real Face of these Bigots -- Dragonized -- 2015-03-13
Real Face of these Bigots -- : yu2fa3 -- 2015-03-12
Real Face of these Bigots -- Spector -- 2015-03-16
Real Face of these Bigots -- Khaled Al-Misri -- 2015-03-10
Real Face of these Bigots -- Dragonized -- 2015-03-11
Re Beijing vs Shanghai -- John O'Shei -- 2015-03-08
Re Beijing vs Shanghai -- Dragonized -- 2015-03-06
Re Beijing vs Shanghai -- : yu2fa3 -- 2015-03-06
Re Beijing vs Shanghai -- Girondale Perpetuum -- 2015-03-06
Re Beijing vs Shanghai -- Spector -- 2015-03-08
Re Beijing vs Shanghai -- Dragonized -- 2015-03-07
Re Beijing vs Shanghai -- Girondale Perpetuum -- 2015-03-07
Re Beijing vs Shanghai -- Cameron Wong -- 2015-03-07
Re Beijing vs Shanghai -- Dragonized -- 2015-03-08
Re Beijing vs Shanghai -- John O'Shei -- 2015-03-07
Re Beijing vs Shanghai -- Cameron Wong -- 2015-03-08
Re Beijing vs Shanghai -- : yu2fa3 -- 2015-03-07
Re Beijing vs Shanghai -- Dragonized -- 2015-03-07
Re Beijing vs Shanghai -- : yu2fa3 -- 2015-03-08
Re Beijing vs Shanghai -- Somebody -- 2015-03-05
Re Beijing vs Shanghai -- John O'Shei -- 2015-03-05
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