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Khaled Al-Misri - 2015-03-10
In response to Real Face of these Bigots (Dragonized)

You mentioned bigotry in one of your posts. Bigotry includes the assumption of someone saying something unreasonable. I think that readers may find the same in many of your posts that you have made not only recently. There are some quotes below from your texts to illustrate that:

I do not quite understand why on an ESL forum people need to make such a big deal about whether someone is married or single. It seems like just another strawman. The trolls try to attack emotionally so to distract from their own lack of intellect and intelligence. Quite hilarious!


First, there is nothing hilarious to it if someone makes this topic an issue, although in itself it is pointless and does not say a lot about the person that is unmarried. Second, it does not necessarily follow that such a statement about an unmarried person really has the intention to “attack emotionally”. Third, it is also wrong to infer from that they “distract from their own lack of intellect and intelligence”. In my opinion, you are doing exactly that what you accuse that poster of.

Take for example Afghan warlords or Saudi Sheikhs with multiple wives (many of whom are considered underage by modern Human Rights Standards) will have successfully breeded many children by the time they have reached half your age (assuming you are retired by now).


Americans in general have the reputation of being insensitive to other cultures and of perceiving things that are alien to them in an ethnocentric manner. This may be an overgeneralisation that does not really apply in all individual cases; in case of your input, however, it does seem to apply. First, get your facts right before you make such a sweeping statement about “Afghan warlords and Saudi Sheiks”. They are not the only ones to “blame” in that respect; many men in the West have no problem to do the same, and often act irresponsably while “Afghan warlords and Saudi Sheiks” tend to take care of the children and the wives they had sexual intercourse with while Western men mostly do not. Poorer people who cannot afford to maintain multiple wives and bringinp up their children are discouraged and urged ti refrain from the same. This is one of the basics in Islam-based Law. Second, it is also unreasonable to only focus on Islamic-Oriental cultures in this respect. In many native cultures in Africa, polygamy was very common. If this was the case, the “multiple wives” and their children were not left to themselves but well taken care of.

This post has been made to simply state some basic facts, no personal offence intended. Neither is this intended to be a judgment for or against polygamy.

Messages In This Thread
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Re Beijing vs Shanghai -- Dragonized -- 2015-03-06
Re Beijing vs Shanghai -- Spector -- 2015-03-08
Re Beijing vs Shanghai -- : yu2fa3 -- 2015-03-06
Re Beijing vs Shanghai -- Spector -- 2015-03-08
Re Beijing vs Shanghai -- Dragonized -- 2015-03-09
Re Beijing vs Shanghai -- Spector -- 2015-03-10
Re Beijing vs Shanghai -- John O'Shei -- 2015-03-09
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Real Face of these Bigots -- Spector -- 2015-03-10
Real Face of these Bigots -- Dragonized -- 2015-03-11
Real Face of these Bigots -- Spector -- 2015-03-12
Real Face of these Bigots -- Spector -- 2015-03-11
Real Face of these Bigots -- Dragonized -- 2015-03-11
Real Face of these Bigots -- Spector -- 2015-03-12
Real Face of these Bigots -- Dragonized -- 2015-03-13
Real Face of these Bigots -- : yu2fa3 -- 2015-03-12
Real Face of these Bigots -- Spector -- 2015-03-16
Real Face of these Bigots -- Khaled Al-Misri -- 2015-03-10
Real Face of these Bigots -- Dragonized -- 2015-03-11
Re Beijing vs Shanghai -- John O'Shei -- 2015-03-08
Re Beijing vs Shanghai -- Dragonized -- 2015-03-06
Re Beijing vs Shanghai -- : yu2fa3 -- 2015-03-06
Re Beijing vs Shanghai -- Girondale Perpetuum -- 2015-03-06
Re Beijing vs Shanghai -- Spector -- 2015-03-08
Re Beijing vs Shanghai -- Dragonized -- 2015-03-07
Re Beijing vs Shanghai -- Girondale Perpetuum -- 2015-03-07
Re Beijing vs Shanghai -- Cameron Wong -- 2015-03-07
Re Beijing vs Shanghai -- Dragonized -- 2015-03-08
Re Beijing vs Shanghai -- John O'Shei -- 2015-03-07
Re Beijing vs Shanghai -- Cameron Wong -- 2015-03-08
Re Beijing vs Shanghai -- : yu2fa3 -- 2015-03-07
Re Beijing vs Shanghai -- Dragonized -- 2015-03-07
Re Beijing vs Shanghai -- : yu2fa3 -- 2015-03-08
Re Beijing vs Shanghai -- Somebody -- 2015-03-05
Re Beijing vs Shanghai -- John O'Shei -- 2015-03-05
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