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sterling silver - 2015-03-11

I have noticed that anyone applying for welfare in Florida will have to be drug tested before they will be eligible for welfare payments. If they fail, they will be cut off for one year. A second time, three years with no payments. People must be drug free to obtain employment, so welfare bludgers should be also.

This should mean there will be an exodus of drug users, dealers, single mothers, and other undesirable types from that state. It is well known that many drug users and also dealers also claim social security payments.

I think that this sort of rule should also apply in China, to young Chinese women who don't work. Some of them seem to have large amounts of money but don't work. Often they will be seen in the company of loud mouth undesirable men, whom I suspect may be guilty of dealing in drugs, and involved in other criminal activities.

These women should face mandatory drug tests on a monthly basis. If found guilty they can be jailed. Their partners, if found guilty of supplying drugs should be executed.

Messages In This Thread
New laws in Florida -- sterling silver -- 2015-03-11
Re New laws in Florida -- John O'Shei -- 2015-03-14
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