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The Arrogant One - 2006-05-11
In response to less is more - Teachers discussion (Aging Also)

Dear Aging Also,

I regret that I was on the road for a while (I am also a musician) and missed the initial entry of your response to my original post on the subject of aging.

Now, now, Aging Also, to infer that the older teacher drones on and takes an arrogant stance may apply to some, but, in the case of us oldsters, you fail to recognize the added extent of our experience lays the groundwork for, if not justifies, valuable innovations that would hardly be present in the younger teacher possessing only a degree and ability to strictly follow a set curriculum. In this instance, such amateurs usually have naught but to rely upon their individual personalities to spell the broad difference between an interesting or boring lesson technique. Don't get me wrong, man. I certainly believe that personality figures into the ultimate success of any instructor. It's just that without some kind of experience to back same ... well, I'm certain you can see what I mean. And, when the time comes to more carefully examine those degrees and licenses obtained from that notorious School of Hard Knocks, very few employers are going to sit there doubting the overall qualifications of any of us old farts unless, of course, a question age prejudice enters into the picture.

I agree that the question of attitude plays an important rle in the continued success of the older player, but come on, man, give me a break already ... were I to approach a prospective employer, I would certainly expect him to consider, first and foremost, my 20+ years in the ESL game to furnish proof enough of my mastery of classroom management. Quite to the contrary, he must control his emotions (and bias) and admit to himself that he must have senior players on his team ... if only to assure the younger folks that there is someone for them to emulate and from whom (God willing) to eventually gain a measure of inspiration.


;) To: Bob the Middle-Aged Lonere ;) A "Yes Man" I have never been ... that I assure you, my friend! Notwithstanding, I very much appreciate your observations and look forward to future commentary from your quarter. By the way, "Happy Birthday," Partner.

The Arrogant One

Messages In This Thread
I, for one, am sick to hell of bias in the ESL marketplace! - Teachers discussion -- The Arrogant One -- 2006-03-01
less is more - Teachers discussion -- Aging Also -- 2006-04-20
RE: Aging in ESL - Teachers Discussion -- The Arrogant One -- 2006-05-11
The Arrogant One - Teachers Discussion -- Mingong -- 2007-03-30
Aging Teachers - Teachers Discussion -- Bob the middle aged lonere -- 2006-05-04
DR. YANNI & MR. GERARD - Teachers discussion -- The Arrogant One -- 2006-03-04
Bias in the ESL Marketplace - Teachers discussion -- Dr. Yanni Zack- ESL Teaching Tips and Strategies -- 2006-03-03
...be brave; face your age! - Teachers discussion -- Gerard Callahan -- 2006-03-03
Unfortunately.... - Teachers discussion -- Rheno747 -- 2006-03-04
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