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The CFT Watchers - 2015-05-07
In response to Re Strange Fines, Weak Salary (martin hainan)

The employer may restrict the employee from working for another company in the same capacity as it is conflict of interest or non-compete stipulation. However the employer may not restrict the employee from working as a private tutor as long as the employee does not solicit private students from the school or training center he or she may be working at and is not persuading students to leave or not enroll at the employers school or place of business. And as long as it does not conflict with the teachers' schedule or reduce the quality of the work performed. It varies from province to province. You need to read between the lines here: given the language of the device the employer has many, many, tools for reducing pay, cancelling documents, etc.. And what is flat illegal here in the device is the recovery of fees, salaries, denial of promised expenses, and veiled or implied threats.

Messages In This Thread
Strange Fines, Weak Salary -- Weird Contract pointing out man -- 2015-05-06
Re Strange Fines, Weak Salary -- The CFT Watchers -- 2015-05-07
Re Strange Fines, Weak Salary -- martin hainan -- 2015-05-07
Other employment -- The CFT Watchers -- 2015-05-07
Re Other employment -- martin hainan -- 2015-05-07
Re Strange Fines, Weak Salary -- Dante -- 2015-05-07
Re: Re Strange Fines, Weak Salary -- Curious -- 2015-05-07
Re: Strange Fines, Weak Salary -- Curious -- 2015-05-06
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