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martin hainan - 2015-05-16

Interestingly, China clings doggedly to their conceit of a meritocratic educational system. Centuries of test idolatry persists in the national subservient love/hate relationship with the GaoKao.

All tests, even the few that are well composed and double-blind outcome-managed, have consistently been shown to be poor indicators of either ability, achievement or future productivity.

Employers in China are quickly learning what Western employers have long known: academic qualifications are of little value in evaluating who will be a superior employee. In China, credential worship will become the sole province of government institutions.

Chinese "Yiben" universities have many "ben" 笨 students.

Messages In This Thread
College Campuses Students Mental Health and Suicide -- Caring -- 2015-05-15
Re College Campuses Students Mental Health and Suicide -- martin hainan -- 2015-05-16
Re College Campuses Students Mental Health and Suicide -- Demokratos -- 2015-05-16
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