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Curtis - 2015-05-23

You clearly have racial insecurity issues. Everything you say is coming from a place of hate and jealousy. I myself have deliberately trolled the likes of Turnoi and Silverboy in the past, but everything they say on this website comes from experience not a sense of racial superiority over Chinese people. A lot of people still看不起中国人,but do you know who they are? Other中国人。You talk about yourselves as this great nation and how you love your country. Loving your country doesn't mean hating Japan. In means loving your own people even if they come from inner provinces. It means paying taxes. It means not cheating your own people. For every one foreigner who has been cheated by a Chinese boss I'm sure that boss cheated 10 times as many Chinese employees.

Westerners generally help each other. Chinese people say they love China but I never saw a Chinese person help a sttanger. I feel bad for you and your country, but I don't hate you. I also dont看不起 you.

I was born white, meaning I have white privilege. Geenrally throughout most of the world I will be treated better because I am white. I didnt ask for this thats how it is. You Chinese people can't complain about this because you perpetuate white privilege. You hire white faces as teachers over more qualified people of color.

It's easier for white guys to get girls if you account all things being equal a Chinese guy with my income wouldnt even be given the time of day by most Chinese girls . Again you perpetuate white privilege. I won't lie and say I dont enjoy it and it is a reality. In western countries the main theme in education now is equity. We have evolved in our society to find that inportant . In my country people will be treat you a Chinese person more equally to me than they would in China. That is why our culture is more advanced than than yours. You may have a lot of people but your society is still backwards and behind us by a thousand years.

You still complaib about the history and don't get me wrong Japan treated you like shit and so did western coubtries , so you think the world is backwards because the west is the main cultural and economic influence. In fact your culture is flawed, that is not me being ignorant I lived in China a long time, and I am also critical of my own society. But not today.

Take a hike wumao while I go fool around with my hot Chinese girlfriend you could never get. You always pay for sex. I never do. Hahaha 西方万岁

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