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EXTC - 2015-05-26


Instead of just complaining, why not just value your foreign teachers as professionals? (Assuming you bothered to verify their credentials.) And why not ask them how they feel at work and actively support them in their roles like managers in practically all other countries except China do? And why not take an active interest in western thought to the extent that you can better appreciate what your foreign teachers want?

I gave up on Chinese-run training centres a long time ago due to people like you.


Messages In This Thread
question to laowai: what is democracy. -- Wang -- 2015-05-26
Re question to laowai: what is democracy. -- DG -- 2015-05-28
Re question to laowai: what is democracy. -- comment -- 2015-05-28
Re question to laowai: what is democracy. -- commenting -- 2015-05-27
Re question to laowai: what is democracy. -- w.g. -- 2015-05-26
Re question to laowai: what is democracy. -- San Migs -- 2015-05-27
Re question to laowai: what is democracy. -- EXTC -- 2015-05-27
Re question to laowai: what is democracy. -- Ray O. -- 2015-05-27
Re question to laowai: what is democracy. -- San Migs -- 2015-05-27
Re question to laowai: what is democracy. -- billy -- 2015-05-26
Re question to laowai: what is democracy. -- San Migs -- 2015-05-26
Re question to laowai: what is democracy. -- billy -- 2015-05-26
Re question to laowai: what is democracy. -- San Migs -- 2015-05-26
Re question to laowai: what is democracy. -- EXTC -- 2015-05-26
Re question to laowai: what is democracy. -- San Migs -- 2015-05-26
View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › Re question to laowai: what is democracy.

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